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  1. appmgr_lifecycle_flow.png
  2. component_manager_lifecycle_flow.png

Lifecycle events

The Archivist consumes lifecycle events to ingest diagnostics data. Additionally, it provides an interface to read those lifecycle events for diagnostics purposes. This document explains what these events are and through which interface they can be accessed for diagnostics.

Archivist consumption of lifecycle events

The archivist ingests events from both the v1 and v2 component framework. The main difference between them is the protocol it uses to consume the events.

The following diagram shows a very high level overview of the three lifecycle events (started, directory_ready and stopped) the archivist is interested on:

  • {Components v1}

    Figure: Flow of lifecycle events under appmgr

    The archivist consumes the following lifecycle events in components v1 through fuchsia.sys.internal.ComponentEventProvider:

    • Started: Sent by appmgr when a component starts, the [runner][runner] might still need to launch the component. This event is synthesized for all components that exist at the moment the archivist starts listening for events.
    • Stopped: Sent by appmgr when a component stops. The runner might still need to tear down the component, but the component is gone from the framework perspective.
    • Diagnostics ready: Sent by appmgr when a component's out/diagnostics directory is being served by the component.
  • {Components v2}

    Figure: Flow of lifecycle events under component manager

    The archivist consumes the following lifecycle events in components v2 through fuchsia.sys2.EventSource:

    • Started: Sent by component manager when a component starts, the [runner][runner] might still need to launch the component, but the component has started from the framework perspective.
    • Stopped: Sent by component manager when a component stops, the runner might still need to to tear down the component, but the component is gone from the framework perspective.
    • Existing: Sent by component manager for all components that are running at the moment the archivist starts listening for events. In other words, a synthesized started event. This event is provided to the reader as Running, but consumed from the framework as “Existing”.
    • Directory ready: The archivist listens for directory ready of the out/diagnostics directory. When the component starts serving this directory, the component manager sends this event to the Archivist.

Reading lifecycle events

Lifecycle events can be read through the ArchiveAccessor. Only the snapshot mode is supported.

Results are returned as a vector<FormattedContent> with each entry's variant matching the requested Format, although JSON is the only supported format.

JSON object contents

Each JSON object in the array is one event entry. Like other data types in ArchiveAccessor, each object consists of several fields, although the contents of metadata and payload differ from other sources. The following is an example of a JSON object entry:

    "version": 1,
    "moniker": "netstack.cmx",
    "data_source": "LifecycleEvent",
    "metadata": {
        "timestamp": 1234567890,
        "lifecycle_event_type": "Started",
        "component_url": "fuchsia-pkg://",
        “errors”: []
    "payload": null,


Monikers identify the component related to the triggered event.

As explained in Archivist consumption of lifecycle events, there are two systems that provide the archivist with events, appmgr and component manager. The monikers reflect this. One simple way to distinguish between them is if the moniker has a .cmx extension then it‘s a v1 component, otherwise it’s a v2 component.


The time is recorded using the kernel's monotonic clock (nanoseconds) and conveyed without modification as an unsigned integer. The time is when the event was created by the component manager and appmgr, which also provide the time.

Lifecycle event type

These are the valid values for lifecycle event types:

  • DiagnosticsReady
  • Started
  • Stopped
  • Running

Component URL

The URL with which the component related to this event was launched.


Optional vector of errors encountered by the platform when handling this event. Usually, no errors are expected for lifecycle events, so in most cases this is empty.


The payload is always be empty for lifecycle events. Other types of data sources, like logs and inspect, contain a payload. For more information, refer to the [ArchiveAccessor documentation][archive_accessor].

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