tree: 58093a8a2f1faaaba9c76896289cabe985882bfb [path history] [tgz]
  1. linux_runner/
  2. third_party/
  3. .gitignore

Biscotti Guest

The biscotti_guest is a guest system based off the Termina VM.

Building the Kernel

This will build a kernel and deposit the image at //prebuilt/virtualization/packages/biscotti_guest/images/x64/Image.

 (host) $ cd $BISCOTTI_GUEST_DIR
 (host) $ ./ x64

Building the Termina Disk Image

The Termina disk image is built out of the ChromiumOS source tree. Start by following the ChromiumOS setup steps here.

Once you have the necessary dependencies installed and the source checked out you can proceed:

 (host) $ cd CROS_SRC_DIR
 (host) $ cros_sdk
 (host) $ export BOARD=tatl
 (host) $ cros_sdk -- ./build_packages --board=${BOARD} --nowithautotest
 (host) $ cros_sdk -- ./build_image --board=${BOARD} test
 (host) $ cros_sdk -- ./termina_build_image --image ../build/images/tatl/latest/chromiumos_test_image.bin -t --output /home/$USER/tatl
 (host) $ cp ./chroot/home/$USER/tatl/vm_rootfs.img  $BISCOTTI_GUEST_DIR/images/x64/disk.img

Build Fuchsia

 (host) $ cd $FUCHSIA_DIR
 (host) $ fx set core.x64 
                     --with-base //src/virtualization,//src/virtualization/packages/biscotti_guest
 (host) $ fx build

Boot to Termina

For basic things, booting to the Termina VM is probably the simplest solution. This provides a minimal linux environment that is read-only, but is faster and simpler to boot:

 (fuchsia) $ guest launch biscotti_guest
 (guest) #

Boot to Debian Container

The Debian container provides a more fully functional linux environment that allows additional packages to be added via apt.

This is still experimental and is unlikely to work without some tweaks. The container networking is hard-coded to use a fixed address that will likely need to be changed to match your specific network configuration. It also uses the host net device directly which means you'll want to enter the following commands directly into the Fuchsia terminal (fx shell is unlikely to work).

In one shell, start the guest. This will continue to show logging from the guest but will not be interactive.

  (fuchsia[1]) $ run biscotti
               [] Creating Guest Environment...
               [] Starting GRPC server...
               .... Lots more logging ....
               [] Starting Container...
               [] Container started
               [] Creating user 'machina'...
               [] User created.
               [] Launching container shell...

To interact with the container, connect to the serial port:

  (fuchsia[2]) $ guest list
               env:0              biscotti
                guest:3           biscotti_guest
  (fuchsia[2]) $ guest serial 0 3
  (container)  machina@stretch:~$ sudo apt-get update