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  2. src/
  3. testing/
  4. tests/

Role Manager

The Role Manager is a service that allows clients to set profiles on threads and vmars.


Roles are an abstraction of the scheduler profile concept using names instead of direct parameters to avoid hard-coding scheduling parameters in the codebase, enabling per-product customization and faster workload optimization and performance tuning. A role is bound to a thread or vmar using SetRole. A set of configuration files, including per-product configs, specifies the mappings from role names to concrete scheduling parameters.

Configuration Files

Profile configs are JSON file with the extension .profiles routed to the config/profiles config directory of RoleManager. Any number of profile config files may be routed, with defaults available from bringup and core products.

The scope parameters in the config files determines which take precedence when more than one file defines the same role name. The product scope has the highest precedence, followed by core, then bringup, and finally none. When there is more than one role with the same name and scope, the first one encountered takes precedence.

The output_parameters configuration element can be used to specify key-value pairs that will be returned to a caller when SetRole is called for a given role.

The JSON file has the following format:

// example.profiles
// Comments are supported. The JSON document element must be an object.
  // Optional scope for role overrides. Applies to all roles in the same file.
  "scope": "bringup" | "core" | "product",

  // The map of role names to scheduler parameters.
  "profiles": {
    // A profile with fair priority.
    "fuchsia.async.loop": { "priority": 16 },

    // A profile with fair priority and affinity to CPU 0 using an array of CPU numbers.
    "fuchsia.async.loop:boot-cpu": { "priority": 16, "affinity": [ 0 ] },

    // A profile with fair priority and affinity to CPUs 0 and 1 using a CPU bitmask.
    "fuchsia.async.loop:two-cpus": { "priority": 16, "affinity": 3 },

    // A profile with deadline parameters.
    "fuchsia.drivers.acme.irq-handler": { "capacity": "500us", "deadline": "1ms", "period": "1ms" },

    // A profile with deadline parameters and affinity to CPUs 2-5 using array of CPU numbers.
    "fuchsia.drivers.acme.irq-handler:bigs": {
      "capacity": "500us", "deadline": "1ms", "period": "1ms", "affinity": [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ] },

    // A profile with input and output parameters.
    "fuchsia.drivers.parameterized:param1=foo,param2=bar": { "priority": 16, "output_parameters": { "output1": "baz" } },
  }, // Trailing commas are allowed.

Fake Role Manager

If your component uses the fuchsia.scheduler.RoleManager protocol and you need to test it without using the system's actual RoleManager component, consider using the FakeRoleManager component in the testing/fake directory. is a drop-in replacement for that implements the fuchsia.scheduler.RoleManager protocol but does not actually set scheduler profiles on the given handle in a SetRole call.

Note that users of this fake should provide there own profiles file that contains the roles their component uses. This profiles file should be placed in the /pkg/profiles directory.

Test Details

The tests in the tests directory use a test realm factory to spawn a RoleManager instance inside the test realm and then send requests to it. This test realm factory can be found in the testing/realm-factory directory.

Here's what the test realm looks like:

                                |   Test Root   |
                                /                \
                               /                  \
                    -----------------          -----------------
                    |   Test Binary |          |   Test Realm  |
                    -----------------          |     Factory   |
                                               |  Role Manager |

The Test Root routes fuchsia.scheduler.RoleManager requests from its Test Binary child to the Role Manager child (via the Test Realm Factory).

One other notable piece of this testing setup is the profile configuration files. These can be found in the tests/testing/realm-factory/config directory and are built into the Test Realm Factory package as /pkg/profiles. This directory is then routed to the Role Manager component as /config/profiles.


The RoleManager binary currently also implements the fuchsia.scheduler.deprecated.ProfileProvider protocol because netstack2 still uses that protocol. Once netstack2 has been deprecated, we can remove this.