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  1. meta/
  2. text-input-chromium/

Setting up for running the tests

The following is the command line to use if you want to run an integration input test on a product that is not natively graphical. You must include both the test and web_engine. If you do not, the tests may fail in ways that don't obviously point at the absence of web_engine.

The fx set command for running the test under the QEMU emulator is as follows below:

fx set core.x64 \
  --goma --auto-dir \
  --with=//src/ui/tests/integration_input_tests \

From here, you can compile and run the test as usual.

Debugging Chromium tests using remote devtools

Note: This section might already be stale. If you try this and it works (with some modifications), consider fixing the instructions and removing the disclaimer.

TODO( Automate the Chromium remote devtools setup.

A big drawback of Fuchsia's hermetic integration tests, at the time of this writing, is that all graphical output is sent to a fake hermetic display.

At the moment, this means that you don't get to see what is going on, on the screen of the web engine instance that your test starts up and sends commands to. This makes debugging sessions, when something goes wrong, exceptionally frustrating.

Do not fret! There is a fix for that. While we wait on a future where graphical output for integration tests becomes a feature flag, you can follow the instructions below to run your test and connect to your Fuchsia device web engine instance under test using the chromium remote devtools. The remote devtools allow you to inspect the state of the DOM, but also offers you to see what the graphical output looks like on your Fuchsia device, all from a browser on your host machine.

First, ensure that your host and your device are connected to a network with a common router. For example, an ethernet network would be such a thing, or a WiFi network with DHCP enabled. A peer-to-peer network will not do.

Note the IP address of your Fuchsia device. Let's assume that the address is for the sake of this example.

Ensure that the web engine is started up to support remote debugging. If you look at [text-input-chromium/], the following pieces of configuration take care of that:

fuchsia::web::CreateContextParams params;
params.set_features(fuchsia::web::ContextFeatureFlags::VULKAN |
                    fuchsia::web::ContextFeatureFlags::NETWORK |

The above selects a port for connecting to your web engine. You need the NETWORK feature to activate the web engine feature to open a Posix port.

Next, we create a frame passing debugging parameters like this:

fuchsia::web::CreateFrameParams frame_params;
web_context_->CreateFrameWithParams(std::move(frame_params), web_frame_.NewRequest());

(you don't need to do any of the above, is already configured correctly; above text is given for completeness.)

Next, you must replace the following in []:

fuchsia_test_component("text-input-test-component") {
  test_type = "system" # replace this

Note that you need to replace test_type = "chromium" with test_type = "system".

Uncomment the section below in []:

// config.passthrough_capabilities = {

// Protocol{fuchsia::netstack::Netstack::Name_},
// Protocol{fuchsia::net::interfaces::State::Name_}},

This allows the test to use the real netstack, instead of the fake one, which will allow your host to connect to the chromium remote devtools.

Finally, retarget the netstack routes to point to the protocols handed down to the test realm by the system.

{.capabilities = {Protocol{fuchsia::posix::socket::Provider::Name_},
 //.source = ChildRef{kNetstack},
 // Use the .source below instead of above,
 // if you want to use Chrome remote debugging.
 .source = ParentRef(),
 .targets = {target}},

Once done, you can run the Chromium tests like so:

fx test -o --min-severity-logs DEBUG \
  //src/ui/tests/integration_input_tests/text-input \

When the test is running, you can navigate to the URL chrome://inspect#devices on your host. Click “Configure” and enter a new hostport:, based on (1) the IP address we noted at the very beginning of this text, and the port we configured in one of the steps above.

Once done (and possibly reloading the page), while the web engine is running in the test, you will get a menu of links to select from. Clicking inspect will open the inspect window from Chromium devtools on your host, but the state and the contents will be those of the web engine running in the test.

In case your test terminates too quickly, you may consider adding a lengthy pause into your test rig, so that you have enough time to establish a connection with the web engine and poke around.