tree: 7e442d354237383ce57ecba778d95ab189c3dbcf [path history] [tgz]
  1. smoke_test/
  2. test_honeydew_integration/

Example Mobly Test execution

Set up

  1. Configure example test to be built.

    $ fx set core.x64 \
        --with-host //src/testing/end_to_end/mobly_driver/tests/functional_tests:tests
    $ fx clean-build
  2. Start the package server. Keep this running in the background.

    $ fx serve
  3. Ensure testbeds are detected on host

    # (optional) - If the DUT can be emulated, start an emulator via ffx.
    $ ffx emu start --net tap --headless
    $ ffx target list
    NAME                SERIAL       TYPE             STATE      ADDRS/IP                           RCS
    fuchsia-emulator*   <unknown>    core.x64    Product    [fe80::1a1c:ebd2:2db:6104%qemu]    Y

Local mode

The majority of users will be using this local test execution method for test development.

$ fx test //src/testing/end_to_end/mobly_driver/tests/functional_tests/smoke_test --e2e --output
$ fx test //src/testing/end_to_end/mobly_driver/tests/functional_tests/test_honeydew_integration_fc --e2e --output

Infra mode

This method of execution is atypical and is only documented for the special case of debugging and developing the infra_driver.InfraDriver() implementation which most Mobly test owners will not need to know about.

In order to run a Mobly test locally as if it was executing in Fuchsia's lab infrastructure, simply set the FUCHSIA_TESTBED_CONFIG environment variable to point to a handcrafted botanist.json file.

$ FUCHSIA_TESTBED_CONFIG=<PATH_TO_BOTANIST_JSON> FUCHSIA_TEST_OUTDIR=/tmp fx test //src/testing/end_to_end/mobly_driver/tests/functional_tests/smoke_test --e2e --output

Example botanist.json file

The exact schema of targetInfo is defined in //tools/botanist/cmd/run.go.

       "type": "FuchsiaDevice",