tree: 3482eed47f51e8d6995bfe1aab66241fc95c847a [path history] [tgz]
  1. meta/
  2. src/
  3. tests/
  6. ta_manager_config.gni

TA Manager

This directory contains the TA Manager component and tests. The manager receives connection requests to TAs and instantiates TA instances to service them. The manager is also responsible for maintaining the mapping between UUIDs and specific implementations.


The TA Manager is designed to be instantiated in realms that may support one or more Trusted Applications. The specification of which TAs exist in a realm and how they are configured must be provided in a separate package from the manager implementation so that they can be validated separately. The manager requires a directory capability named config that contains a file for each TA provisioned in the realm. The files must be named <UUID>.json and contain a single JSON object with the following keys:

  • “url”, string: Fuchsia component URL for the implementation selected for this UUID
  • “singleInstance”, bool: value of the gpd.ta.singleInstance property that controls if multiple connections are routed to the same instance of the TA or separate instances
  • “capabilities”, list of scopes: list of capabilities required by this TA. Currently unused.


The manager creates a child collection called ta and instantiates TA instances as child components within this collection as required. Each child is expected to expose the protocol fuchsia.tee.Application to its parent. The manager actively proxies all messages on this protocol through the child so that it can set the return origin on replies.


A test configuration of TA Manager is provided in the package ta-manager-realm-test. This differs from the production configuration in that instead of the manager directly managing a collection and using the fuchsia.component.Realm capability from the framework the test manager does not have a collection and it uses the fuchsia.component.Realm capability from the parent. This way a hermetic test package can host a collection and route the fuchsia.component.Realm from the framework to the test manager instance so that TAs can be provided in subpackages of the hermetic test package.