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This stressor is designed to be run as a component. It continually stresses the filesystem (whatever persistent storage happens to be configured) with various random operations.

There are two variants that are different enough to warrant different binaries. By default the ‘gentle’ stressor will be used.

Gentle variant

This is designed to run in the background and induce moderate disk activity without filling the disk or otherwise interfering with system functionality. This variant opens, closes, reads, writes, deletes and truncates files randomly but keeps the number of files and sizes to a minimum. Sparse reads and writes are heavily exercised.

The aim of this variant is to exercise the filesystem in long-running healthy systems.

To include it, you will need to use a product that includes a session, such as workbench_eng. Make sure the package is included in the base or cache set, e.g. add the following to your fx set invocation:

--with-base //src/storage/stressor

You can then launch it with:

ffx session add fuchsia-pkg:// \
    --name storage_stressor

You can add the --persist option to make it launch after a reboot.

You can monitor its progress using fx log.

Aggressive variant

This is designed to run in the background and induce significant device activity that is not cache friendly. This will perform open-read-close, open-write-close and delete operations. This version creates 10000 files to stay above DIRENT_CACHE_LIMIT (8000) and always reads from the oldest file to ensure that reads don't end up hitting cached handles which may have a warm page caches.

The aim of this variant here is to provide a load source that exacerbates fragmentation of files and free space to allow for benchmarking of improvements in this area. It is enabled the same as the default (gentle) variant above.

This variant is configured with a target amount of free space by writing a JSON file to disk:

# Replace the number  with an appropriate amount of free bytes to affect free-space fragmentation.
# The following values have been used in benchmarks.
$ echo '{"Aggressive":{"target_free_bytes":0}}' > /data/persistent/storage_stressor:0/data/config.json
$ echo '{"Aggressive":{"target_free_bytes":4194304}}' > /data/persistent/storage_stressor:0/data/config.json
$ echo '{"Aggressive":{"target_free_bytes":16777216}}' > /data/persistent/storage_stressor:0/data/config.json
$ echo '{"Aggressive":{"target_free_bytes":67108864}}' > /data/persistent/storage_stressor:0/data/config.json
$ echo '{"Aggressive":{"target_free_bytes":268435456}}' > /data/persistent/storage_stressor:0/data/config.json
$ echo '{"Aggressive":{"target_free_bytes":1073741824}}' > /data/persistent/storage_stressor:0/data/config.json
$ dm reboot

You can monitor its progress using fx log.

Note that this variant is designed to fill up the disk. If you don't make the disk large enough, it is unlikely that many files will be large enough to write out all 10000 files with a sufficiently large size. It may be useful to start the emulator with a larger image size. e.g. 800MB-2GiB:

$ fx build
$ IMAGE_SIZE=838860800 fx qemu -k -N -a x64 -c -y # 800MiB
$ IMAGE_SIZE=4294967296 fx qemu -k -N -a x64 -c -y # 4GiB

You can inspect the logical and device IO ratios for the data partition via:

$ ffx inspect show bootstrap/fshost/fxfs