tree: 676fd4d1794f8acbc76d28f3271bd805f244cd9c [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/


This tool generates a package that contains a starnix container component and other supporting packages and resources.

If you would like to use this tool in fuchsia.git, refer to the build rule at /build/starnix/android_starnix_container.gni.

Adding HAL packages

This tool takes in an optional list of HAL packages.

It will add those packages as subpackages of the container package.

It will generate a filesystem in the remote bundle format at the data/odm directory in the container package, consisting of init rc files and vendor manifest fragments, when those files are found in a HAL package. Specifically:

  • The HAL package should contain a JSON file __android_config__/manifest.json with two optional keys, whose values are paths within the package:

      "init_rc": "system/init.rc",
      "vintf_manifest": "system/manifest.xml"
  • If the manifest JSON has init_rc, that file will be copied to etc/init/${hal_package_name}.rc in the ODM filesystem.

  • If the manifest JSON has vintf_manifest, that file will be copied to etc/vintf/manifest/${hal_package_name}.xml in the ODM filesystem.

If no such keys are found, the remote bundle will contain an empty etc/init and an empty etc/vintf/manifest directory.

TODO( After documenting the remote bundle format, replace this link.