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Sound player example

This directory contains an example component that demonstrates the use of the protocol with various audio content.


If these components are not present in your build, they can be added by appending the following packages to your fx set command. For example:

$ fx set workstation_eng.x64 --with //src/media/sounds/example \
    --with //src/media/sounds/soundplayer
$ fx build


Use ffx session launch to launch this component into a restricted realm for development purposes:

$ ffx session launch fuchsia-pkg://

The example component plays a set of built-in sounds by default, then exits.

Playing custom sounds

You can override the default tones by placing custom sound files into tmp storage before the component runs. To add custom sounds, do the following:

  1. Create the component instance:

    $ ffx session launch fuchsia-pkg://
  2. Use ffx session show to discover the session component's “Instance ID”:

    $ ffx session show
                Moniker: /core/session-manager/session:session
                    URL: fuchsia-pkg://
                    Type: CML dynamic component
        Component State: Resolved
            Instance ID: 21cfa3a89262d5a856acab7166b36af59fcdaa2227256638cf0a6202e265a199
  3. Use ffx component storage to copy sound files from your workstation to the component's tmp storage directory:

    $ ffx component storage --capability tmp copy <local-sound-file> <instance-id>::/<sound-file>
  4. Start the component instance:

    $ ffx session restart