tree: 6c03764c1fab9d3308c02577f7dccb1558c6d7ab [path history] [tgz]
  1. configs/
  2. fidl/
  3. meta/
  4. puppet/
  5. src/

Archivist test realm factory

The archivist test realm factory is a component that builds a test realm with an archivist and one or more puppet components inside.

Puppet components

The puppet component is a component that emits logs and inspect data that are read by archvist. The puppet only emits what the test suite requests.

The test realm can contain multiple puppet components. By default, no puppets are added to the test realm. A test must specify each puppet‘s component name when creating the realm. This name will become part of the puppet’s moniker.

Each puppet is controlled through the protocol fuchsia.archivist.test.Puppet. To allow the test to connect to a specific puppet in a realm containing many puppets, each puppet‘s protocol is exposed as the alias fuchsia.archivist.test.Puppet.{puppet_name}. For example, a test can connect to a puppet named child_a by connecting to fuchsia.archivist.test.Puppet.child_a. This means the puppet’s name must be a valid FIDL object name as specified in: