tree: eecb516d191baf03339b52141b226fb654dcb89c [path history] [tgz]
  1. meta/
  2. bind-tests.json
  3. bt-hci-virtual.bind
  4. bt-hci.h
  5. BUILD.bazel
  8. controller.h
  9. driver-info.json
  11. emulated_peer.h
  13. emulator.h
  15. loopback.h

Bluetooth Virtual Driver


The Bluetooth virtual driver is a Bluetooth controller emulator that allows system Bluetooth components to be tested in integration against the Bluetooth HCI protocol.

The virtual driver currently supports the LoopbackDevice and EmulatorDevice.

The driver is created by the VirtualController class. VirtualController uses DFv2 to create a virtual driver node (bt-hci-virtual) that can then have children nodes (LoopbackDevice and/or EmulatorDevice). This allows the DFv2 logic to be contained to VirtualController.


LoopbackDevice is used by RootCanal, which is used by PTS-bot. The step numbers below are correlated with the numbers in the diagram.


  1. ffx emu start creates bt-hci-emulator device
  2. VirtualController driver binds to bt-hci-emulator device (specified in bt-hci-virtual.bind)
  3. VirtualController driver is started by DFv2
  4. VirtualController is added as a device node (bt-hci-virtual) to the node graph inside /dev/sys/platform/00:00:30
  5. RootCanal detects bt-hci-virtual in /dev/sys/platform/00:00:30 and calls create_loopback_device()
  6. bt-hci-virtual uses the LoopbackDevice class to add a device node (loopback) to the node graph inside /dev/class/bt-hci
  7. bt-init detects the LoopbackDevice in /dev/class/bt-hci and creates a new bt-host component
                                  2. bt-hci-virtual.bind dictates
        ┌───────────────────────┐ that bt-hci-virtual will bind   ┌───────────────────┐
        │    bt-hci-emulator    ├─────────────────────────────────│ VirtualController |
        │ 1. Created by ffx emu │ to bt-hci-emulator              └─────────┬─────────┘
        └───────────┬───────────┘                                           │
                    │                                                       │
                    │                                                       │
                    ▼                           3. DriverBase::Start()      |
│             bt-hci-virtual              │
│ 4. Added to /dev/sys/platform/00:00:30/ │   5. create_loopback_device()
                    │                                                       │
                    │                                                       |
                    ▼                                                ┌──────────────┐
    ┌───────────────────────────────┐                                │ bt-rootcanal │
    │          loopback             │                                |    Server    |
    │ 6. Added to /dev/class/bt-hci │                                └──────────────┘
        │      bt-host       │


EmulatorDevice is used for Bluetooth integration tests. The fuchsia.hardware.bluetooth.Emulator API is used to establish and interact with the EmulatorDevice. The step numbers below are correlated with the numbers in the diagram. Please note that the term “emulator” is heavily overloaded, so it’s important to be precise when using the term.


  1. ffx emu start creates bt-hci-emulator device
  2. VirtualController driver binds to bt-hci-emulator device (specified in bt-hci-virtual.bind)
  3. VirtualController driver is started by DFv2
  4. VirtualController is added as a device node (bt-hci-virtual) to the node graph inside /dev/sys/platform/00:00:30
  5. The hci-emulator-client detects bt-hci-virtual in /dev/sys/platform/00:00:30 and calls create_emulator()
  6. bt-hci-virtual uses the EmulatorDevice class to add a device node (emulator) to the node graph inside /dev/class/bt-emulator
  7. Use the Emulator.Publish method publishes a bt-hci device as a child of the EmulatorDevice
  8. The EmulatorDevice adds a device node (bt-hci-device) to the node graph inside /dev/class/bt-hci
  9. Other Emulator API calls can be made
  10. bt-init detects bt-hci-device in /dev/class/bt-hci and creates a new bt-host component using a FakeController to mimic the BT controller
                                  2. bt-hci-virtual.bind dictates
        ┌───────────────────────┐ that bt-hci-virtual will bind   ┌───────────────────┐
        │    bt-hci-emulator    ├─────────────────────────────────│ VirtualController |
        │ 1. Created by ffx emu │ to bt-hci-emulator              └─────────┬─────────┘
        └───────────┬───────────┘                                           │
                    │                                                       │
                    │                                                       │
                    ▼                           3. DriverBase::Start()      |
│             bt-hci-virtual              │
│ 4. Added to /dev/sys/platform/00:00:30/ │      5. create_emulator()
                    │                                                       │
                    │                                                       |
┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐                               |
| EmulatorDevice class                      |                               |
|                   |                       |                               |
|                   ▼                       |                    ┌─────────────────────┐
|   ┌────────────────────────────────────┐  |                    │ hci-emulator-client │
|   │            emulator                │  |                    └──────────┬──────────┘
|   │ 6. Added to /dev/class/bt-emulator │  |     7. Emulator::Publish()    |
|   │                                 │◄─|───────────────────────────────┘
|   └───────────────┬────────────────────┘◄─|───────────────────────────────┐
|                   │                       |  9 . Other Emulator API calls |
|                   │                       |                               |
|                   ▼                       |                    ┌──────────────────────┐
|   ┌───────────────────────────────┐       |                    | BT Integration Tests |
|   │          bt-hci-device        │       |                    └──────────────────────┘
|   │ 8. Added to /dev/class/bt-hci |       |
|   └───────────────┬───────────────┘       |
|                   │                       |
|                   │                       |
|                   ▼                       |
|       ┌────────────────────┐              |
|       │      bt-host       │              |
|       │  ┌──────────────┐  │              |
|       |  |FakeController|  |              |
|       |  └──────────────┘  |              |
|       └────────────────────┘              |

Library Utilities

TODO( Document Rust library utilities.