This is the README for the test docs data

It is used to serve as the root for the graph of docs.

Some of the files in this directory intentionally contains errors.

If there are specific things to test, feel free to add them.

This is a missing file does not exist

This link should be a path, not a link to This is the correct way to path, not a link to or path, locally.

Link to fuchsia source

This link goes to the experiences project experiences

This link is OK, just missing This link should be a path, not a link to

This link goes to the old garnet project, which is an error garnet

A link that is relative, but goes past the root great-grand-parent-link

A weird relative, but legal link: up-and-down

Mailto links should be OK mail to someone

This is a link to path without the .md extension, which should give a helpful error to add the extension.