Threading tips in tests

Note: This guide is applicable to both the new driver framework (DFv2) and the legacy version of the driver framework (DFv1).

Quite a few asynchronous types used in driver writing are thread-unsafe and they check that they are always used from their associated synchronized dispatcher, to ensure memory safety, for example:

  • {fdf,component}::OutgoingDirectory
  • {fdf,fidl}::Client, {fdf,fidl}::WireClient
  • {fdf,fidl}::ServerBinding, {fdf,fidl}::ServerBindingGroup

If you are testing driver async objects containing these types, using them from the wrong execution context will lead to a crash, where the stack trace involves “synchronization_checker”. This is a safety feature to prevent silent data corruption. Here are some tips to avoid the crashes.

Write single-threaded tests

The most straightforward approach is to execute the test assertions and use those objects from the same thread, typically the main thread:

Example involving async::Loop:

TEST(MyRegister, Read) {
  async::Loop loop{&kAsyncLoopConfigAttachToCurrentThread};
  // For illustration purposes, this is the thread-unsafe type being tested.
  MyRegister reg{loop.dispatcher()};
  // Use the object on the current thread.
  // Run any async work scheduled by the object, also on the current thread.
  // Read from the object on the current thread.
  EXPECT_EQ(obj.GetValue(), 123);

Example involving fdf_testing::DriverRuntime's foreground dispatcher:

TEST(MyRegister, Read) {
  // Creates a foreground driver dispatcher.
  fdf_testing::DriverRuntime driver_runtime;
  // For illustration purposes, this is the thread-unsafe type being tested.
  MyRegister reg{dispatcher.dispatcher()};
  // Use the object on the current thread.
  // Run any async work scheduled by the object, also on the current thread.
  // Read from the object on the current thread.
  EXPECT_EQ(obj.GetValue(), 123);

Note that fdf_testing::DriverRuntime can also create background driver dispatchers that are driven by the driver runtime's managed thread pool. This is done through the StartBackgroundDispatcher method. Thread-unsafe objects associated with these background driver dispatchers should not be accessed directly from the main thread.

When using the async objects from a single thread, their contained async::synchronization_checker will not panic.

Call blocking functions

The single-threaded way breaks down if you need to call a blocking function which blocks on the dispatcher processing some messages. If you first call the blocking function and then run the loop, that will deadlock because the loop will not be run until the blocking function returns, and the blocking function will not return unless the loop is run.

To call blocking functions, you need a way to run that function and run the loop on different threads. In addition, the blocking function should not directly access the object associated with the dispatcher without synchronization, because that may race with the loop thread.

To address both concerns, you can wrap the thread-unsafe async object in a async_patterns::TestDispatcherBound, which ensures that all accesses to the wrapped object happen on its associated dispatcher.

Example involving async::Loop, reusing the MyRegister type from earlier:

// Let's say this function blocks and then returns some value we need.
int GetValueInABlockingWay();

TEST(MyRegister, Read) {
  // Configure the loop to register itself as the dispatcher for the
  // loop thread, such that the |MyRegister| constructor may use
  // `async_get_default_dispatcher()` to obtain the loop dispatcher.
  async::Loop loop{&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToCurrentThread};

  // Construct the |MyRegister| on the loop thread.
  async_patterns::TestDispatcherBound<MyRegister> reg{
      loop.dispatcher(), std::in_place};

  // Schedule a |SetValue| call on the loop thread and wait for it.
  reg.SyncCall(&MyRegister::SetValue, 123);

  // Call the blocking function on the main thread.
  // This will not deadlock, because we have started a loop thread
  // earlier to process messages for the |MyRegister| object.
  int value = GetValueInABlockingWay();
  EXPECT_EQ(value, 123);

  // |GetValue| returns a value; |SyncCall| will proxy that back.
  EXPECT_EQ(reg.SyncCall(&MyRegister::GetValue), 123);

In this example, access to the MyRegister object happens on its corresponding async::Loop thread. This in turn frees the main thread to make blocking calls. When the main thread would like to interact with MyRegister, it needs to do so indirectly using SyncCall.

Another common pattern in tests is to set up FIDL servers on a separate thread with TestDispatcherBound and have the test fixture class used on the main test thread. The TestDispatcherBound objects will become members of the test fixture class.

Example involving fdf_testing::DriverRuntime:

In drivers, often the blocking work itself happens inside a driver. For example, the blocking work may involve a synchronous FIDL call made by the driver, over a FIDL protocol that is faked out during testing. In the following example, the BlockingIO class represents the driver, and the FakeRegister class represents a fake implementation of some FIDL protocol used by BlockingIO.

// Here is the bare skeleton of a driver object that makes a synchronous call.
class BlockingIO {
  BlockingIO(): dispatcher_(fdf_dispatcher_get_current_dispatcher()) {}

  // Let's say this function blocks to update the value stored in a
  // |FakeRegister|.
  void SetValueInABlockingWay(int value);

  /* Other details omitted */

TEST(BlockingIO, Read) {
  // Creates a foreground driver dispatcher.
  fdf_testing::DriverRuntime driver_runtime;

  // Create a background dispatcher for the |FakeRegister|.
  // This way it is safe to call into it synchronously from the |BlockingIO|.
  fdf::UnownedSynchronizedDispatcher register_dispatcher =

  // Construct the |FakeRegister| on the background dispatcher.
  // The |FakeRegister| constructor may use
  // `fdf_dispatcher_get_current_dispatcher()` to obtain the dispatcher.
  async_patterns::TestDispatcherBound<FakeRegister> reg{
      register_dispatcher.async_dispatcher(), std::in_place};

  // Construct the |BlockingIO| on the foreground driver dispatcher.
  BlockingIO io;

  // Call the blocking function. The |register_dispatcher| will respond to it in the
  // background.

  // Check the value from the fake.
  // |GetValue| returns an |int|; |SyncCall| will proxy that back.
  // |PerformBlockingWork| will ensure the foreground dispatcher is running while
  // the blocking work runs in a new temporary background thread.
  EXPECT_EQ(driver_runtime.PerformBlockingWork([&reg]() {
    return reg.SyncCall(&FakeRegister::GetValue);
  }), 123);

When the dispatcher of the driver object is backed by the main thread, there is no need to go through a TestDispatcherBound. We can safely use the BlockingIO driver object, including making the SetValueInABlockingWay call, from the main thread.

When the FakeRegister fake object lives on the register_dispatcher, we need to use a TestDispatcherBound to safely interact with it from the main thread.

Note we have the SyncCall wrapped with a driver_runtime.PerformBlockingWork. What this does for us is run the foreground driver dispatcher on the main thread, while running the SyncCall on a new temporary thread in the background. Running the foreground dispatcher will be necessary if the method running on the dispatcher bound object, in this case GetValue, involves talking to an object associated with the foreground dispatcher, here that would be the BlockingIO.

If certain that the method getting called does not need the foreground dispatcher running in order to return, then a direct SyncCall is ok to use.

Granularity of DispatcherBound objects

The following guide applies to both TestDispatcherBound and its production counterpart, DispatcherBound.

When serializing access to an object to occur over a specific synchronized dispatcher, it's important to consider which other objects need to be used from that same dispatcher. It can be more effective to combine both objects inside the same DispatcherBound.

For instance, if you're using a component::OutgoingDirectory, which synchronously calls into FIDL server implementations like adding a binding to a fidl::ServerBindingGroup, you must ensure that both objects are on the same dispatcher.

If you only put the OutgoingDirectory inside a [Test]DispatcherBound to work around its synchronization checker, but leave the ServerBindingGroup somewhere else e.g. on the main thread, you'll get a crash when the OutgoingDirectory object calls into the ServerBindingGroup from the dispatcher thread, tripping the checker in ServerBindingGroup.

To solve this problem, you can place the OutgoingDirectory and the objects it references, such as the ServerBindingGroup or any server state, inside a bigger object, and then put that object in a DispatcherBound. This way, both the OutgoingDirectory and the ServerBindingGroup will be used from the same synchronized dispatcher, and you won't experience any crashes. You can see an example test that uses this technique.

In general, it‘s helpful to divide your classes along concurrency boundaries. By doing so, you’ll ensure that all the objects that need to be used on the same dispatcher are synchronized, preventing potential crashes or data races.

See also