Thread safe asynchronous code

Writing correct asynchronous programs with multiple threads requires care in C++. Here we describe a particular pattern that helps avoid errors, and which will integrate well with the C++ FIDL bindings and component runtime.


Asynchronous runtimes

The async library defines the interface for initiating asynchronous operations on Fuchsia. It defines an opaque async_dispatcher_t type, and associated functions.

There are several implementations of this dispatcher interface. A popular one is async_loop_t and its C++ wrapper async::Loop. Libraries that performs asynchronous work generally should not know what is the concrete implementation. Instead they would call functions over the async_dispatcher_t* interface.

Thread safety

The reader should familiarize themselves with the terminology around thread safety if needed. See CppCon 2018: Geoffrey Romer “What do you mean “thread-safe”?” for a definition of thread safety that is endorsed by Google's C++ team.

A program that upholds thread safety avoids data races: broadly, reading and writing the same data without a defined ordering between those operations (see precise definition of a data race in the C++ standard). These races are a source of errors because they lead to undefined behavior at run-time.

An individual C++ type also has categorizations around thread-safety. Referring common practice interpretations from abseil:

  • A C++ object is thread-safe if concurrent usages does not cause data races.
  • A C++ object is thread-unsafe if any concurrent usage may cause data races.

One may wrap a thread-unsafe type with synchronization primitives e.g. mutexes to make it thread-safe. This is called adding external synchronization. Doing so adds overhead, and not all users will use that type concurrently. Hence it's common for a library to be thread-unsafe by default, and require the user to add synchronization if desired. Such types may have comments like the following:

// This class is thread-unsafe. Methods require external synchronization.
class SomeUnsafeType { /* ... */ };

Thread safety in asynchronous code

Achieving thread safety gets more subtle in asynchronous code due to the presence of callbacks. Consider the following snippet:

// |CsvParser| asynchronously reads from a file, and parses the contents as
// comma separated values.
class CsvParser {
  void Load() {
    reader_.AsyncRead([this] (std::string data) {
      values_ = Parse(data);

  std::vector<std::string> Parse(const std::string& data);

  FileReader reader_;
  std::vector<std::string> values_;

AsyncRead will complete the work in the background, then call the lambda specified as the callback function when the work completes. Because the lambda captures this, it is commonly referred to as an “upcall”: the reader_ that is owned by an instance of CsvParser makes a call to the owner.

Let‘s consider how to avoid races between this callback and the destruction of CsvParser. Adding a mutex in CsvParser won’t help, because the mutex would be destroyed if CsvParser is destroyed. One may require that CsvParser must always be reference counted, but that results in an opinionated API and tends to recursively cause everything referenced by CsvParser to also be reference counted.

If we ensure that there is always a defined ordering between the destruction of CsvParser and the invocation of the callback, then the race condition is avoided. On Fuchsia, the callback is typically scheduled on an async_dispatcher_t object (termed dispatcher in short). A common pattern is to use a single threaded dispatcher:

  • Use an async::Loop as the dispatcher implementation.
  • Only run one thread to service the loop.
  • Only destroy upcall targets on that thread, and cancel future upcalls at the same time. For example, destroy the CsvParser within a task posted to that dispatcher.

Since the same thread invokes asynchronous callbacks and destroys the instance, there must be a defined ordering between those operations.

The general case of the above pattern is to ensure synchronized access: every access (including construction and destruction) of an object will observe the side-effects of previous accesses. In other literature about threading, you may see the term synchronized access always associated with locking, for example taking a mutex lock before accessing an object. In Fuchsia C++, locks alone would not be sufficient as discussed above, and we use properties of the async dispatcher to achieve synchronized access, such that user code does not have to take locks. The next section will go into detail.

Synchronized dispatchers

A synchronized dispatcher is one where posted tasks are run in order, and each task will observe the side-effects from previous tasks.

Because objects dealing with asynchronous logic are accessed from dispatchers, one cannot also access the object from arbitrary threads, as the dispatcher might be concurrently accessing the same object, resulting in data races. In fact, one must always access the object from a single dispatcher associated with that object. The dispatcher must also ensure ordering between operations. We call such dispatchers synchronized dispatchers. There are two ways for a dispatcher to qualify as synchronized:

Support sequences

A dispatcher may promise that tasks posted on that dispatcher always run with a strict ordering. Such dispatchers are said to support sequences: sequential execution domains which runs a series of tasks where one task will observe all side-effects from previous tasks, but where the underlying execution may hop from one thread to another.

Synchronized driver dispatchers (e.g. fdf::SynchronizedDispatcher) are an example of dispatchers that support sequences. See driver threading model. On the other hand, async::Loop does not support sequences, as the user may call Loop::StartThread many times to introduce multiple threads that race to execute tasks in that loop.

Stay single threaded

If the dispatcher does not support sequences, then code running on tasks posted to that dispatcher are ordered if that dispatcher is only serviced by a single thread, for example, a single-threaded async::Loop.

In summary, either the dispatcher supports sequences in which case the object must be used on that sequence, or the code runs on a single dispatcher thread and the object must be used on that thread. Use covers construction, destruction, and calling instance methods.

Synchronized dispatchers are a unit of concurrency: tasks posted to the same synchronized dispatcher are never run concurrently alongside one another. Tasks posted to different synchronized dispatchers may potentially run concurrently alongside one another.

Check for synchronized dispatchers

The async library offers a BasicLockable type, async::synchronization_checker. You may call .lock() or lock the checker using a std::lock_guard whenever a function requires synchronized access. Doing so checks that the function is called from a dispatcher with such a guarantee, without actually taking any locks. If the check fails, the program will panic. It is recommended that thread-unsafe types check for synchronization at runtime by carrying a checker. Here is a full example:

{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/cpp/synchronization_checker/" region_tag="synchronization_checker" adjust_indentation="auto" exclude_regexp="^TEST|^}" %}

fidl::Client is another example of types that check for synchronized access at runtime: destroying a fidl::Client on a non-dispatcher thread will lead to a panic. There are other C++ classes in the Fuchsia code base that do the same. They will usually highlight this with a comment such as the following:

// This class is thread-unsafe. Instances must be used and managed from a
// synchronized dispatcher.
class SomeAsyncType { /* ... */ };

See C++ FIDL threading guide for a concrete discussion of this scenario when using FIDL bindings.

Discard callbacks during destruction

You may have noticed that for the ChannelReader example above to work, the callback passed to wait_.Begin(...) must be silently discarded, instead of called with some error, if ChannelReader is destroyed. Indeed the documentation on async::WaitOnce mentions that it “automatically cancels the wait when it goes out of scope”.

During destruction, some C++ objects would discard the registered callbacks if those have yet to be called. These kind of APIs are said to guarantee at most once delivery. async::Wait and async::Task are examples of such objects. This style works well when the callback references a single receiver that owns the wait/task, i.e. the callback is an upcall. These APIs are typically also thread-unsafe and requires the aforementioned synchronized access.

By contrast, async::PostTask may call the provided callback even if an object captured by the callback is destroyed. In fact async::PostTask will always call the provided callback unless the async dispatcher is shut down. You may use async_patterns::TaskScope if you need to post tasks that can be canceled: destroying an async_patterns::TaskScope will discard unexecuted callbacks scheduled on that scope.

Other objects will always call the registered callback exactly once, even during destruction. Those calls would typically provide an error or status indicating cancellation. They are said to guarantee exactly once delivery.

One should consult the corresponding documentation when using an asynchronous API to understand the cancellation semantics.

If you need to work with an exactly once callback API while the object captured by the callback may go out of scope, consider using a async_patterns::Receiver in your object. The Receiver allows thread-unsafe asynchronous objects to silently cancel callbacks directed towards it when going out of scope.

Use an object belonging to a different synchronized dispatcher

To maintain synchronized access, one may manage and use a group of objects on the same synchronized dispatcher. Those objects can synchronously call into one another without breaking the synchronization checks. A special case of this is an application that runs everything on a single async::Loop with a single thread, typically called the “main thread”.

More complex applications may have multiple synchronized dispatchers. When individual objects must be used from their corresponding synchronized dispatcher, a question arises: how does one object call another object if they are associated with different dispatchers?

A time-tested approach is to have the objects send messages between one another, as opposed to synchronously calling their instance methods. Concretely, this could mean that if object A needs to do something to object B, A would post an asynchronous task to B's dispatcher. The task (usually a lambda function) may then synchronously use B because it is already running under B's dispatcher and will be synchronized with other tasks that use B.

When tasks are posted to a different dispatcher, it's harder to safely discard them when the receiver object goes out of scope. Here are some approaches:

  • One may use async_patterns::DispatcherBound to both own and make calls to a child object that lives on a different synchronized dispatcher.
  • One may use async_patterns::Receiver to let other objects make calls on their objects, without forcing an ownership relationship. The calls are silently canceled if the receiver is destroyed.
  • One may reference count the objects, and pass a weak pointer to the posted task. The posted task should do nothing if the pointer is expired.

Golang is a popular example that baked this principle into their language design.

Prior arts

Lightweight mechanisms of ensuring a set of tasks execute one after the other, without necessarily starting operating system threads, is a recurring theme: