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HCI Transport Library

Write new implementations of bt-transport DDK protocol without the hassle.

HCI Transport Library contains all the functionality needed to implement the bt-transport DDK protocol. It is safe, modular, and well-tested.

The library is broken down into core functionality, a C Foreign Function Interface (FFI), and transport specific functionality.

Transport Driver Structure

bt hci library layout

Core Functionality

The core of the library is an asynchronous event loop running on a dedicated thread. This loop is responsible for handling input from the various sources and directing data to the correct output. There are three main inputs to the system.

  1. Banjo and driver lifecycle messages passed in from a client driver's thread.
  2. HCI packets coming down from the host intended for the controller.
  3. HCI packets coming up from the controller intended for the host.

Messages from a client's threads are sent to the dedicated thread in response to banjo requests made by a client of the driver, when certain driver lifecycle states are entered, and when underlying transport resources are made available. See bt_hci::control_plane::Message for documentation on each message type. Each Message that is sent will be responded to with a zx_status_t to indicate the result of the request.

HCI commands and data packets come down from clients of the bt-hci driver over zircon channels as individual messages. They are then passed to a transport specific handler that can encode and route them to the underlying transport. These packets are also written to the snoop channel if one exists.

HCI packets come up from the underlying transport driver through a transport specific handler that decodes the packets and wraps them in an enum representing hci packet type. Those packets are written to zircon channels that clients of bt-hci have opened for that packet type. These packets are also written to the snoop channel if one exists.

The dedicated thread is started by creating a new bt_hci::worker::WorkerHandle object. Once the handle is created, messages can be passed to the dedicated thread which will handle them as soon as it is ready to receive. The thread should be stopped by a call to WorkerHandle::shutdown, which consumes the handle, signals the thread to stop all work, and waits for termination of the dedicated thread.


One of the goals of the library is to reduce the amount of C/C++ code required to write a fully functional bt-transport driver. However, Rust is not a DDK supported language. Therefore an FFI layer is required to pass messages between the library and a DDK supported language (currently C and C++). A handle to the bt_hci::worker::Worker is provided to C/C++ code in the form of bt_hci::worker::WorkerHandle. WorkerHandle is threadsafe and provides a message queue which is used to send messages to the dedicated Worker thread. This handle is also used to initiate unbind and shutdown proceedures in the Worker.

The complete FFI surface includes driver lifecycle management, bt-hci protocol messages, and transport specific APIs for interfacing with the underlying transport devices.

Driver lifecycle includes bind, unbind, and release. bt_hci_transport_start is called from the bind operation, bt_hci_transport_unbind is called from the unbind operation, and bt_hci_transport_shutdown from the release operation.

The FFI has one function per bt-hci protocol message. See the banjo protocol documentation for more information.

The Bluetooth core specification defines HCI support for three transport protocols: USB, UART, and SDIO. Each requires separate FFI functions to interact with drivers providing the given transport protocol. The details here depend greatly on the transport in use. Generally, a handle to the transport resource should be opened from within the driver's bind operation, and passed to the library. The library is responsible for calling into all FFI functions specified for the transport protocol and for cleaning up when required by the unbind/release device lifecycle operations.

The mutex-guarded message passing design works well for bt-hci because the protocol consists of low frequency operations meant to open new HCI channels. A threadsafe MPSC channel is sufficient for this communication while providing a clear API boundary for cross-language use as well as testing.

Using this library

Abstracting over a new transport protocol

Bluetooth defines HCI over UART, USB, SDIO, and three-wire UART. The core of the HCI Transport driver should remain the same while transport specifics change. The transport module defines a Transport trait that each transport must implement.

Sink: A Transport is a sink into which data can be asynchronously written. Outgoing HCI packets from clients of bt-hci are passed as bytes to a transport which will perform any encoding necessary and route the data to the underlying transport device based on packet type.

Stream: A Transport is also a stream of tokens that represent complete hci packets. Internally, a Transport might buffer data until at least one complete packet is buffered and has been requested by the Worker.

fn take_incoming: Due to the limitations of the futures::Stream API, it is necessary to have a way to pass around data without allocating new memory for each packet in the stream. take_incoming is the method defined for doing so. Each IncomingPacketToken that is emitted by the transports's Stream interface, can be exchanged, along with a buffer, for a complete HCI packet. Because an IncomingPacketToken can only be minted by the Transport, it is guaranteed to represent a valid packet. That packet will then be written into the provided buffer which is stored in the returned IncomingPacket.

unsafe fn unbind: A transport will be notified that a DDK unbind has been invoked. It is up to the Transport implementation to perform any actions for clean removal.

Implementing bt-transport

Drivers that implement the bt-transport protocol should setup the transport core and underlying transport resource on bind, forward messages to core when they come in from the protocol, and cleanup resource on unbind/release.

Cleanup is done using the bt_hci_transport_shutdown function call. This will block until all resources associated with the bt_hci_transport_handle_t are closed and then free the handle. After the shutdown function returns, the bt_hci_transport_handle_t is invalid and must not be used. bt_hci_transport_shutdown should be called as part of the response to a DDK “release” message or in failure cases where client drivers need to be torn down and removed.

Drivers in the bt-transport class are vendor agnostic. They can route data over the Bluetooth Host-Controller Interface. Drivers implementing the bt-transport protocol are not expected to perform any vendor specific initializiation or contain knowledge of vendor-specific HCI Commands. That is left to the bt-hci implementor.

Transport Driver Lifecycle Sequence

Example lifecycle events in sequence diagram intended to give an idea of how messages flow through the system. This is not a comprehensive diagram of all possible messages.

bt-transport example flow