tree: eb20d88e28828b2446cff6896e7986d61522e7d4 [path history] [tgz]
  1. devicetree.gni
  2. devicetree_visitor.gni
  4. METADATA.textproto

GN templates for building and validating Device Tree

GN templates and scripts for compiling device tree source files and validating against golden files.


  • Define a “devicetree_fragment” to process dtsi files.

    devicetree_fragment("chipset-x") {
      sources = [ "dts/chipset-x.dtsi" ]
  • Use “devicetree” template to compile a device tree source file for a board. This additionally compares the resulting dts file with a golden.

    devicetree("board-x") {
      sources = [ "dts/board-x.dts" ]
      # Dependencies for fragments referenced in board-x.dts
      deps = [ ":chipset-x" ]
      golden = "dts/board-x.golden.dts"

    The output dtb is available by default at get_target_outputs(":board-x.dtb") which is equivalent to $target_out_dir/board-x.dtb. The output path can also be specified by defining outputs variable during invocation.

  • Use “dtb” to compile a .dts/.dts.S file into .dtb.

    dtb("test-dtb") {
      sources = [ "test.dts" ]

    The output dtb is available by default at get_target_outputs(":test-dtb") which is equivalent to $target_out_dir/test.dtb. The output path can also be specified by defining outputs variable during invocation.

  • Use “dts” to decompile a .dtb file into .dts.

    dts("test-dts") {
      sources = [ "test.dtb" ]

    The output dts is available by default at get_target_outputs(":test-dts") which is equivalent to $target_out_dir/test.dts. The output path can also be specified by defining outputs variable during invocation.

  • Define a “devicetree_visitor” to provide a shared library visitor for devicetree validation and parsing. See //src/devices/devicetree/visitors/drivers for example implementations.

    devicetree_visitor("device-x-visitor") {
      sources = [ "device-x-visitor.h", "" ]
  • Define a “devicetree_visitor_collection” target to gather all visitor libraries that need to be packaged with the driver. This should be added as dependency to the board driver package to include the visitor libraries in it.

    devicetree_visitor_collection("board-x-visitors") {
      deps = [ "device-x-visitor", "device-y-visitor" ]

See devicetree.gni file for more details.

Including C header files

Including C header files strictly for substituting preprocessor directives in devicetree source file is supported. The devicetree source file should include .S extension in order to be preprocessed, i.e. .dts.S or .dtsi.S.

Example .dts.S file -

#include "src/board/abc/board-properties.h"
/ {

If the included C header file contains other C constructs as well, it should use #ifndef __ASSEMBLER__ around parts that are not preprocessor directives.