tree: f3b3cb6be939d93de0a1b06bbbaadebdc798c72e [path history] [tgz]
  1. conformance_harness/
  2. meta/
  3. src/
  4. tests/
src/storage/conformance/ Conformance Tests

The conformance tests are designed to exercise the interface. There is a common suite of conformance tests, written in Rust (in tests/), which are run against the various conformance test harnesses. These harnesses (in the conformance_harness directory) indicate which functionality should be tested, and proxy requests from the test driver to the underlying client library.

This contrasts with the tests in fs_test, which are designed to exercise the FDIO/POSIX interface (and typically assume the underlying filesystem is mutable).

These tests ensure that servers behave as expected under various conditions. It does this by setting up specific node and directory layouts using server libraries. Then server handling of various protocol invariants are validated using FIDL.

In order to set up servers in different languages, we create a test driver for each filesystem server. A test driver will be a component that could be launched by the conformance test suite on demand, and serve a number of directories via the FIDL protocol, using a specific filesystem library.

Test source layout

The conformance tests exist in tests/, with tests/ being the root. Each file exercises a targeted subset of FIDL methods on each of the Node, File, and Directory protocols. Files in tests/ test general Node methods, files in tests/directory/ test methods specific to Directory, and files in tests/file/ test methods specific to File.

Common utilities are provided by the library in src/, which is compiled as the io_conformance_util crate. This includes utilities to create the structures the harnesses will use as direction to create directory trees for testing, functions to open concrete types, and some common asserts.