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bt-avdtp-tool sends AVDTP commands to a peer that is connected using the fuchsia.bluetooth.avdtp protocol of a running component. This tool supports both A2DP sink and source.

The primary use of this tool is to provide user prompted commands to a Fuchsia device under test for passing PTS certification tests.

Before running, make sure you've included the tool and the a2dp profile in your fx set.

--with //src/connectivity/bluetooth/profiles/bt-a2dp
--with //src/connectivity/bluetooth/tools/bt-avdtp-tool

Please look at the README for bt-a2dp for any additional dependencies that may be needed.

Note: bt-avdtp-tool launches the A2DP component. If an A2DP component is already running (bt-a2dp.cmx), stop it before following the instructions below.

  1. Launch $ bt-cli and make sure the adapter is discoverable using discoverable.
  2. In a different shell, run: $ bt-avdtp-tool. This should spawn a command line interface for sending avdtp commands to the peer.
  3. On the PTS machine, run a test. Make sure the device address entered in PTS matches the device address shown in the bt-cli tool.
  • To see the available commands and their descriptions, type help in the CLI.
  • To see how to use a specific command, type help _CommandName_ in the CLI.
  • To set a custom initiator delay start the tool with $ bt-avdtp-tool --initiator-delay 2000 where “2000” is the time in milliseconds to delay until a stream is initiated by Fuchsia.
  • Note that each avdtp-tool command must be proceeded by a peer id.
  • TODO(aniramakri): A command peers printing the list of peer ids mapped to the connected peers.

This tool is not meant to be used in a production environment; it is sending out-of-band AVDTP commands to the A2DP profile. This can cause A2DP to get into a bad or irrecoverable state. It is recommended to restart the tool every few commands to refresh A2DP back to its original state.