tree: d231caff017194c7a60dd0339ed8c70d4cb4d568 [path history] [tgz]
  1. integration-tests/
  2. src/
  5. reflector.test.fidl


dir-reflector is a helper library that lets tests like the pkg-cache integration tests to inject a directory into a CFv2 component tree. This can then be used to serve fake services to real components, like pkg-cache.


In order to use dir-reflector in a test, we need to include the reflector into our test package.


fuchsia_component("pkgfs-reflector") {
    manifest = "meta/pkgfs-reflector.cml"
    deps = [ "//src/sys/pkg/testing/dir-reflector:bin" ]

fuchsia_test_package("test-package") {
  deps = [

Next, create a component to expose the reflected directory to other components. This describes how to expose the reflected directory as /pkgfs:

    include: [ "sdk/lib/diagnostics/syslog/client.shard.cml" ],
    program: {
        binary: "bin/dir_reflector",
    capabilities: [
        { protocol: "test.pkg.reflector.Reflector" },
            directory: "reflected",
            rights: [ "rw*" ],
            path: "/reflected",
    use: [
        { runner: "elf" },
    expose: [
            protocol: "test.pkg.reflector.Reflector",
            from: "self",
            directory: "reflected",
            from: "self",
            as: "pkgfs",

Finally, create a test realm component, that forwards /reflected from dir-reflector to the component under test:

    children: [
            name: "dir_reflector",
            url: "fuchsia-pkg://",
            name: "some_test_component",
            url: "fuchsia-pkg://...",
    offer: [
            directory: "reflected",
            from: "#dir_reflector",
            to: [ "#some_test_component" ],
    expose: [
            protocol: "test.pkg.reflector.Reflector",
            from: "#dir_reflector",

Finally, in the test driver manifest, either include the test realm as a static child (if we only ever need one instance of the component under test, or launch it in a collection if the test driver needs to launch a number of instances of the test realm.

Then in the test driver, register directory before we communicate with the component under test:

let (dir_client_end, dir_server_end) =
    .expect("creating dir channel");

// use the directory_server_end to create the mock directory...

// set up the child component
let app = ScopedInstance::new("collection".to_string(), TEST_CASE_REALM.to_string())

// register the directory with the reflector.
let reflector = app


// Connect to the component under test, which can use the fake directory.
let component_under_test =
