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Netstack3 Enclosed Runner

enclosed-runner is a component that starts netstack3 in its own environment and optionally performs some early configuration. Use this alongside chrealm to be able to manually test the netstack without having to hack your way around sysmgr entries.


A typical workflow for using enclosed-runner is as follows:

  • Assuming we have a freshly booted system, with two ethernets available, at /dev/class/ethernet/000 and /dev/class/ethernet/001. The main netstack will have picked up on both at boot and most likely 000 has interface id 2 and 001 has interface id 3.
  • First thing to do is to remove interface 3 so we can give it to netstack3:
$ net if del 3
  • Now that we can use ethernet 001 for ourselves, we can start enclosed-runner giving it the path to the ethernet device and some fixed IP address:
$ run fuchsia-pkg:// -e /dev/class/ethernet/001 -i &

Note the & at the end of the command. enclosed-runner is using the fuchsia.test facet to make use of run_test_component‘s environment creation. To keep netstack3 alive, enclosed-runner must block, that’s why we start it with &.

  • Once enclosed-runner is up and running, we should be able to communicate with netstack3 using the statically assigned IP, but we should also still be able to use fx shell, fx syslog and other useful development commands that rely on the main netstack to work.
  • If you want to start processes that use netstack3, like net for example, you can chrealm into the realm created for enclosed-runner, like:
$ chrealm /hub/r/netstack3-env/<koid>

where <koid> will change between different runs. Note that if you're trying to chrealm from the QEMU console, the shell session may be one realm up and the path will actually be /hub/r/sys/<id>/r/netstack3-env/<koid>. This problem is easily avoided by invoking the command in an fx shell instead.

chrealm will drop you into a nested shell environment that is mapping the svc folder to the enclosed environment where netstack3 is running. You can CTRL+D out of chrealm to go back to the sys realm when you're done.

  • Because enclosed-runner will keep running in the background, you can kill it (and netstack3 along with it) with killall enclosed-runner.cmx. And, because netstack3 is killed along with it, if you re-build of netstack3 and re-run enclosed-runner you will automatically get the new version, as long as you have fx serve running.

Command line interface

Below are all command line options accepted by enclosed-runner.

    enclosed-runner [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -e <ethernet>         Path to the ethernet device to add to netstack, usually somewhere in /dev/class/ethernet
    -i <ip_prefix>        If ethernet is provided, also set a fixed IP address and subnet prefix to it, including
                          routing table information. IP address and subnet prefix  MUST be in the form [IP]/[prefix].