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  1. src/

Bluetooth Integration Tests

We currently have tests that exercise the Host driver directly via the interface, as well as tests that exercise the le.central and bluetooth.control interfaces, mediated via bt-gap. There are only a small number of tests so far, but we hope to extend these in the coming weeks and months. The tests use the fake hci driver as the back-end, which means they run in QEMU and the full suite should take a couple of seconds to run on a workstation.

Run the Tests

First, include the bluetooth tests in your package configuration:

  $ fx set [...] \

NOTE: Before you run the tests, ensure that bt-gap is not running. Due to a limit with our current sandboxing, the tests will not execute correctly if a system bt-gap is running as it will bind to our test hosts. See fxb/BT-802.

You can run the tests from your development host via fx:

  $  fx run-test bluetooth-tests -t bt-integration-tests

Or directly on the Target machine:

  $ runtests -t bt-integration-tests

Writing Tests

The current tests should serve as good examples for adding new tests, or new harnesses for other endpoints or fidl interfaces. We leverage the expectation module in the fuchsia-bluetooth library to provide a clear and concise API for defining asynchronous expectations. See fuchsia-bluetooth::expectation

Tests are run from via the run_test! macro and must be functions from some type H: TestHarness and return some type F: Future<Result(), failure::Error>, where returning an Error indicates the test failed for the given reason. The TestHarness trait defines how to initialize the harness - usually setting up a fidl proxy of some kind - and how to execute the future to completion, normally via run_singlethreaded.

Test cases can be found in src/tests, harnesses are defined in src/harness.