blob: 73db6f932b941c41eccda253a9cf8b19090e2e4d [file] [log] [blame]
error[E0277]: the trait bound `std::marker::PhantomPinned: std::marker::Unpin` is not satisfied in `_::__Origin<'_, std::marker::PhantomPinned>`
--> $DIR/
15 | fn is_unpin<T: Unpin>() {}
| -------- ----- required by this bound in `is_unpin`
18 | is_unpin::<Foo<PhantomPinned>>(); //~ ERROR E0277
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ within `_::__Origin<'_, std::marker::PhantomPinned>`, the trait `std::marker::Unpin` is not implemented for `std::marker::PhantomPinned`
= help: the following implementations were found:
<std::marker::PhantomPinned as std::marker::Unpin>
= note: required because it appears within the type `_::__Origin<'_, std::marker::PhantomPinned>`
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::marker::Unpin` for `Foo<std::marker::PhantomPinned>`