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Netfilter Library

Text Rule Parser API

  • parse regular rules
    pub parse_str_to_rules(line: &str) -> Result<Vec<fuchsia_net_filter::Rule>, pest::error::Error<Rule>>
  • parse NAT rules
    pub parse_str_to_nat_rules(line: &str) -> Result<Vec<fuchsia_net_filter::Nat>, pest::error::Error<Rule>>
  • parse RDR rules
    pub parse_str_to_rdr_rules(line: &str) -> Result<Vec<fuchsia_net_filter::Rdr>, pest::error::Error<Rule>>

Regular Rule Syntax

action direction ["quick"] ["proto" proto]
   ["from" [["!"]src_subnet] [src_port]]
   ["to" [["!"]dst_subnet] [dst_port]] [log] [state] ";"
  • action

    “pass”, “drop”, or “dropreset”.

  • direction

    “in” or “out”.

  • quick (optional)

    The rule is selected immediately. Usually a rule is selected only if that is the last matched rule in the set of rules.

  • proto (optional)

    “tcp”, “udp”, or “icmp”.

  • src_subnet, dst_subnet (optional)

    IP address and netmask in CIDR Notation. If this is ommitted, any address can match.

  • src_port, dst_port (optional)

    “port” port-number, or “range” start-port-number":"end-port-number.

    If this is ommited, any port can match.

  • log (optional)

    Enable logging. Logging is disabled by default.

  • state (optional)

    “keep state” (default) or “no state”.


  • “pass in proto tcp from 2607:f8b0:4005:80b::/64 port 10000 to port 1000;”

        filter::Rule {
            action: filter::Action::Pass,
            direction: filter::Direction::Incoming,
            quick: false,
            proto: net::SocketProtocol::Tcp,
            src_subnet: Some(Box::new(net::Subnet{
                addr: net::IpAddress::Ipv6(net::Ipv6Address{
                    addr: [0x26, 0x07, 0xf8, 0xb0, 0x40, 0x05, 0x08, 0x0b, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
                prefix_len: 64,
            src_subnet_invert_match: false,
            src_port: filter::Port { start: 10000, end: 10000 },
            dst_subnet: Some(Box::new(net::Subnet{
                addr: net::IpAddress::Ipv4(net::Ipv4Address{ addr: [192, 168, 42, 0] }),
                prefix_len: 24,
            dst_subnet_invert_match: false,
            dst_port: filter::Port { start: 1000, end: 1000 },
            nic: 0,
            log: false,
            keep_state: true,
  • “pass in proto tcp from range 10000:10010;”

        filter::Rule {
                action: filter::Action::Pass,
                direction: filter::Direction::Incoming,
                quick: false,
                proto: filter::SocketProtocol::Tcp,
                src_subnet: None,
                src_subnet_invert_match: false,
                src_port: filter::Port { start: 10000, end: 10010 },
                dst_subnet: None,
                dst_subnet_invert_match: false,
                dst_port: filter::Port { start: 0, end: 0 },
                nic: 0,
                log: false,
                keep_state: true,

NAT Rule Syntax

"nat" ["proto" proto] "from" subnet "->" "from" ipaddr ";"
  • proto (optional)

    “tcp”, “udp”, or “icmp”.

  • subnet

    IP address and netmask in CIDR Notation.

  • ipaddr

    IP address.


  • “nat from -> from;”
        filter::Nat {
            proto: filter::SocketProtocol::Any,
            src_subnet: net::Subnet{
                addr: net::IpAddress::Ipv4(net::Ipv4Address{ addr: [192, 168, 42, 0] }),
                prefix_len: 24,
            new_src_addr: net::IpAddress::Ipv4(net::Ipv4Address{ addr: [10, 0, 0, 1] }),
            nic: 0,

RDR Rule Syntax

"rdr" ["proto" proto] "to" ipaddr dst_port "->" "to" ipaddr dst_port ";"
  • proto (optional)

    “tcp”, “udp”, or “icmp”.

  • ipaddr

    IP address.

  • dst_port

    “port” port-number, or “range” start-port-number":"end-port-number


  • “rdr proto tcp to port 10000 -> to port 10000;”

        filter::Rdr {
            proto: net::SocketProtocol::Tcp,
            dst_addr: net::IpAddress::Ipv4(net::Ipv4Address{ addr: [10, 0, 0, 1] }),
            dst_port_range: filter::Port { start: 10000, end: 10000 },
            new_dst_addr: net::IpAddress::Ipv4(net::Ipv4Address{ addr: [192, 168, 42, 1] }),
            new_dst_port_offset: 10000,
            nic: 0,
  • “rdr proto tcp to range 10000:10005 -> to range 20000:20005;”

        filter::Rdr {
            proto: net::SocketProtocol::Tcp,
            dst_addr: net::IpAddress::Ipv4(net::Ipv4Address{ addr: [10, 0, 0, 1] }),
            dst_port_range: filter::Port { start: 10000, end: 10005 },
            new_dst_addr: net::IpAddress::Ipv4(net::Ipv4Address{ addr: [192, 168, 42, 1] }),
            new_dst_port_range: filter::Port { start: 20000, end: 20005 },
            nic: 0,