blob: 5c8ad78fa271fc5b3c037f61619bac9d5bccec8f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include "src/media/audio/lib/test/hermetic_audio_test.h"
namespace media::audio::test {
// GainControlTestBase
// This set of tests verifies asynchronous usage of GainControl.
class GainControlTestBase : public HermeticAudioTest {
void TearDown() final;
void SetNegativeExpectations() override;
void SetUpRenderer();
void SetUpCapturer();
void SetUpRenderer2();
void SetUpCapturer2();
void SetUpGainControl();
void SetUpGainControlOnRenderer();
void SetUpGainControlOnCapturer();
void SetUpGainControl2();
void SetUpGainControl2OnRenderer();
void SetUpGainControl2OnCapturer();
void SetUpGainControl2OnRenderer2();
void SetUpGainControl2OnCapturer2();
// Always augmented by child implementations that set up the API interface.
virtual bool ApiIsNull() = 0;
void SetGain(float gain_db);
void SetMute(bool mute);
// Tests expect a gain callback. Absorb this; perform related error checking.
virtual void ExpectGainCallback(float gain_db, bool mute);
// Tests expect the API binding to disconnect, then the GainControl binding as
// well. After the first disconnect, assert that GainControl is still bound.
void ExpectDisconnect() override;
// Core test cases that are validated across various scenarios
void TestSetGain();
void TestSetMute();
void TestSetGainMute();
void TestDuplicateSetGain();
void TestDuplicateSetMute();
void TestSetGainTooHigh();
void TestSetGainTooLow();
void TestSetGainNaN();
fuchsia::media::AudioRendererPtr audio_renderer_;
fuchsia::media::AudioCapturerPtr audio_capturer_;
fuchsia::media::audio::GainControlPtr gain_control_;
float received_gain_db_ = kTooLowGainDb;
bool received_mute_ = false;
// Member variables for tests that use multiple interface bindings
bool error_occurred_2_ = false;
fuchsia::media::AudioRendererPtr audio_renderer_2_;
fuchsia::media::AudioCapturerPtr audio_capturer_2_;
fuchsia::media::audio::GainControlPtr gain_control_2_;
float received_gain_db_2_ = kTooLowGainDb;
bool received_mute_2_ = false;
// Member variables to manage our expectations
bool null_api_expected_ = false;
bool null_gain_control_expected_ = false;
bool null_gain_control_expected_2_ = true;
bool error_expected_2_ = false;
// RenderGainControlTest
class RenderGainControlTest : public GainControlTestBase {
void SetUp() override;
bool ApiIsNull() final { return !audio_renderer_.is_bound(); }
// CaptureGainControlTest
class CaptureGainControlTest : public GainControlTestBase {
void SetUp() override;
bool ApiIsNull() final { return !audio_capturer_.is_bound(); }
// SiblingGainControlsTest
// On a renderer/capturer, sibling GainControls receive identical notifications.
class SiblingGainControlsTest : public GainControlTestBase {
void SetNegativeExpectations() override;
// Absorb a gain callback from the sibling GainControl as well.
void ExpectGainCallback(float gain_db, bool mute) final;
// Absorb the second GainControl's disconnect, once the first disconnects.
void ExpectDisconnect() final;
// RendererTwoGainControlsTest
// Verify that Renderer's second GainControl receives the same notifications.
class RendererTwoGainControlsTest : public SiblingGainControlsTest {
void SetUp() override;
bool ApiIsNull() final { return !audio_renderer_.is_bound(); }
// CapturerTwoGainControlsTest
// Verify that Capturer's second GainControl receives the same notifications.
class CapturerTwoGainControlsTest : public SiblingGainControlsTest {
void SetUp() override;
bool ApiIsNull() final { return !audio_capturer_.is_bound(); }
// IndependentGainControlsTest
// Verify that GainControls on different API instances are fully independent.
class IndependentGainControlsTest : public GainControlTestBase {
// Expect nothing from the independent gain control.
void ExpectGainCallback(float gain_db, bool mute) final;
// Expect NO disconnect from our independent gain control -- after the first
// gain control disconnect has already occurred.
void ExpectDisconnect() final;
// TwoRenderersGainControlsTest
// Verify that Renderers' GainControls are fully independent.
class TwoRenderersGainControlsTest : public IndependentGainControlsTest {
void SetUp() override;
bool ApiIsNull() final { return !audio_renderer_.is_bound() && audio_renderer_2_.is_bound(); }
// RendererCapturerGainControlsTest
// Verify that Renderer GainControl does not affect Capturer GainControl.
class RendererCapturerGainControlsTest : public IndependentGainControlsTest {
void SetUp() override;
bool ApiIsNull() final { return !audio_renderer_.is_bound() && audio_capturer_.is_bound(); }
// CapturerRendererGainControlsTest
// Verify that Capturer GainControl does not affect Renderer GainControl.
class CapturerRendererGainControlsTest : public IndependentGainControlsTest {
void SetUp() override;
bool ApiIsNull() final { return !audio_capturer_.is_bound() && audio_renderer_.is_bound(); }
// TwoCapturersGainControlsTest
// Verify that Capturers' GainControls are fully independent.
class TwoCapturersGainControlsTest : public IndependentGainControlsTest {
void SetUp() override;
bool ApiIsNull() final { return !audio_capturer_.is_bound() && audio_capturer_2_.is_bound(); }
} // namespace media::audio::test