tree: 63d64a047d9ec79a9430ca5961e72927c7747d7c [path history] [tgz]
  1. test/
  2. third_party/
  4. avcc_processor.h
  6. buffer_pool.h
  9. codec_adapter_vaapi_decoder.h
  11. codec_adapter_vaapi_encoder.h
  12. codec_runner_app.h
  14. h264_accelerator.h
  15. local_single_codec_factory.h
  18. vaapi_utils.h
  20. vp9_accelerator.h

VAAPI Codecs

The goal of the VAAPI codecs is to provide hardware accelerated encoding and decoding of video media on platforms that support libva.


Build from source

To build the VAAPI codec adapters from source and not include the prebuilt packages, you must set use_prebuilt_codec_runner_intel_gen=false in the build arguments. You must also download the download dependencies like libva and media-driver. To accomplish this run jiri init -fetch-optional=vaapi-intel && jiri update. For more information see the README located in the media-driver repo.

Using prebuilt binary

By default the workstation configuration will include the prebuilt binary from CIPD. To force the issue you can set use_prebuilt_codec_runner_intel_gen=true in the build arguments but this not necessary as it is the default behavior.


Any changes to the the //src/media/codec/codecs/vaapi folder and dependencies will not be automatically be included in the output image. In order to satisfy Fuchsia ABI requirements, the codec_runner_intel_gen package must be included as a prebuilt meaning that any changes must be compiled locally and uploaded to CIPD to be included in the output image. To upload the built codec_runner_intel_gen package to CIPD follow the instructions in the README located in the media-driver repo.


Linear Mode

By default the codec will provide the outputted picture format in a linear NV12 format. Linear format is the easiest to understand since each offset in the picture can be easily found by simple equation offset = (row * pitch) + col. However there are many reasons this is not the most optimal way to provide picture data:

  1. Since the underlying hardware does not support this memory format for its decode picture buffers (DPB), a deswizzling operation must take place in order to convert from the DPB memory format to the linear format. This process runs on the processor takes up valuable clock cycles, decreasing throughput.
  2. Since the DPB can't be in a linear format, the codec will copy from the DPB to the VMO while it is deswizzling. This further decreases performance and increases the memory usage.
  3. While in a linear format any algorithms that access adjacent rows will causes more cache line misses. Since the pitch generally exceeds the cache line size on processors, accessing adjacent rows will cause cache line missing and decrease the throughput of the algorithm. In the tiled format, adjacent rows are kept closer in memory greatly increasing the chance that the two items are in the same cache line.

If at all possible avoid the linear format in favor of the tiled format. If you do need to use the linear format you can either set the has_format_modifier to false or set has_format_modifier to true and format_modifier to FORMAT_MODIFIER_LINEAR like so ...

fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints;
constraints.image_format_constraints_count = 1;
auto& image_format = constraints.image_format_constraints[0];
image_format.color_spaces_count = 1;
image_format.color_space[0].type = fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpaceType::REC709;
image_format.pixel_format.type = fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormatType::NV12;
image_format.pixel_format.has_format_modifier = true; // Can set this to false as well
image_format.pixel_format.format_modifier.value =

Tiled Format

As show above there are many benefits to using a tiled format. When using the VAAPI codec, it is highly recommended to request a tiled format for the performance benefit. In order to request a tiled format from the codec, set the has_format_modifier to true and format_modifier to FORMAT_MODIFIER_INTEL_I915_Y_TILED like so ...

fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints;
constraints.image_format_constraints_count = 1;
auto& image_format = constraints.image_format_constraints[0];
image_format.color_spaces_count = 1;
image_format.color_space[0].type = fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpaceType::REC709;
image_format.pixel_format.type = fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormatType::NV12;
image_format.pixel_format.has_format_modifier = true;
image_format.pixel_format.format_modifier.value =

The returned CodecPackets buffers from the codec will be the DPB. Since the codec is directly sharing the output from the DPB, the client should not modify any data since it can be used as a reference frame for intercoding algorithms.