tree: 7e33c43402a9c99a1b547ecd3efcb800c67f2224 [path history] [tgz]
  1. meta/
  2. src/
  3. access_ota_blob_as_executable.gni

Security Package Delivery Test Case: Access OTA Blob as Executable

When a Fuchsia system downloads an OTA (“Over The Air” system update), the contents of the update is not covered by the system's chain of verification until the device reboots. This test simulates an OTA and attempts to use package delivery APIs to map a blob from the OTA as executable. This procedure should be prevented by the package delivery system to ensure verified execution.

Test Composition

Detailed component composition is articulated in .cml files in the meta/ subdirectory. In general, the test brings up the hello_world_v0 system assembly in an isolated fshost, initiates an update to hello_world_v1 via an isolated netstack and pkg_server, then attempts to map the new version of the “Hello, World!” executable as executable.