blob: 80ec0e65d9dfb89a48271bd3eda55c86ab098ecf [file] [log] [blame]
// WARNING: This file is machine generated by fidlgen.
#pragma once
#include <lib/fidl/internal.h>
#include <lib/fidl/txn_header.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/array.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/coding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/connect_service.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/service_handler_interface.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/string_view.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/sync_call.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/traits.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/transaction.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/vector_view.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
namespace llcpp {
namespace fuchsia {
namespace sysmem {
struct VmoBuffer;
class BufferCollectionToken;
class Heap;
class DriverConnector;
class Allocator;
struct SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response;
struct SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result;
enum class PixelFormatType : uint32_t {
R8G8B8A8 = 1u,
BGRA32 = 101u,
I420 = 102u,
M420 = 103u,
NV12 = 104u,
YUY2 = 105u,
MJPEG = 106u,
YV12 = 107u,
BGR24 = 108u,
RGB565 = 109u,
RGB332 = 110u,
RGB2220 = 111u,
L8 = 112u,
struct ImagePlane;
enum class HeapType : uint64_t {
AMLOGIC_SECURE = 1152921504606912512u,
AMLOGIC_SECURE_VDEC = 1152921504606912513u,
GOLDFISH_DEVICE_LOCAL = 1152921504606978048u,
struct PhysicalSecureHeap;
struct PhysicalSecureHeaps;
struct SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response;
struct SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result;
class SecureMem;
struct BufferMemoryConstraints;
struct FormatModifier;
struct PixelFormat;
enum class ColorSpaceType : uint32_t {
SRGB = 1u,
REC601_NTSC = 2u,
REC601_PAL = 4u,
REC709 = 6u,
REC2020 = 7u,
REC2100 = 8u,
struct ColorSpace;
struct ImageSpec;
struct ImageFormat_2;
struct ImageFormatConstraints;
struct ImageFormat;
struct BufferFormat;
struct BufferCollectionInfo;
enum class CoherencyDomain : uint32_t {
CPU = 0u,
RAM = 1u,
struct BufferMemorySettings;
struct SingleBufferSettings;
struct SingleBufferInfo;
struct BufferCollectionInfo_2;
class BufferCollectionEvents;
struct BufferUsage;
struct BufferCollectionConstraints;
class BufferCollection;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_ResultTable;
struct SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result {
SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result() : ordinal_(Ordinal::Invalid), envelope_{} {}
enum class Tag : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
kResponse = 1, // 0x1
kErr = 2, // 0x2
bool has_invalid_tag() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::Invalid; }
bool is_response() const { return ordinal() == Ordinal::kResponse; }
static SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result WithResponse(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response* val) {
SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result result;
return result;
void set_response(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response* elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kResponse; = static_cast<void*>(elem);
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response& mutable_response() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kResponse);
return *static_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response*>(;
const ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response& response() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kResponse);
return *static_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response*>(;
bool is_err() const { return ordinal() == Ordinal::kErr; }
static SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result WithErr(int32_t* val) {
SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result result;
return result;
void set_err(int32_t* elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kErr; = static_cast<void*>(elem);
int32_t& mutable_err() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kErr);
return *static_cast<int32_t*>(;
const int32_t& err() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kErr);
return *static_cast<int32_t*>(;
Tag which() const {
return static_cast<Tag>(ordinal());
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_ResultTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 8;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
enum class Ordinal : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
Invalid = 0,
kResponse = 1, // 0x1
kErr = 2, // 0x2
Ordinal ordinal() const {
return ordinal_;
static void SizeAndOffsetAssertionHelper();
Ordinal ordinal_;
fidl_envelope_t envelope_;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_ResultTable;
struct SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result {
SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result() : ordinal_(Ordinal::Invalid), envelope_{} {}
enum class Tag : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
kResponse = 1, // 0x1
kErr = 2, // 0x2
bool has_invalid_tag() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::Invalid; }
bool is_response() const { return ordinal() == Ordinal::kResponse; }
static SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result WithResponse(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response* val) {
SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result result;
return result;
void set_response(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response* elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kResponse; = static_cast<void*>(elem);
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response& mutable_response() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kResponse);
return *static_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response*>(;
const ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response& response() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kResponse);
return *static_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response*>(;
bool is_err() const { return ordinal() == Ordinal::kErr; }
static SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result WithErr(int32_t* val) {
SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result result;
return result;
void set_err(int32_t* elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kErr; = static_cast<void*>(elem);
int32_t& mutable_err() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kErr);
return *static_cast<int32_t*>(;
const int32_t& err() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kErr);
return *static_cast<int32_t*>(;
Tag which() const {
return static_cast<Tag>(ordinal());
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_ResultTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 776;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
enum class Ordinal : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
Invalid = 0,
kResponse = 1, // 0x1
kErr = 2, // 0x2
Ordinal ordinal() const {
return ordinal_;
static void SizeAndOffsetAssertionHelper();
Ordinal ordinal_;
fidl_envelope_t envelope_;
constexpr uint32_t vulkanUsageTransientAttachment = 64u;
constexpr uint32_t vulkanUsageTransferSrc = 1u;
constexpr uint32_t vulkanUsageTransferDst = 2u;
constexpr uint32_t vulkanUsageStorage = 8u;
constexpr uint32_t vulkanUsageStencilAttachment = 32u;
constexpr uint32_t vulkanUsageSampled = 4u;
constexpr uint32_t vulkanUsageInputAttachment = 128u;
constexpr uint32_t vulkanUsageColorAttachment = 16u;
constexpr uint32_t videoUsageHwProtected = 4u;
constexpr uint32_t videoUsageHwEncoder = 2u;
constexpr uint32_t videoUsageHwDecoderInternal = 32u;
constexpr uint32_t videoUsageHwDecoder = 1u;
constexpr uint32_t videoUsageDecryptorOutput = 16u;
constexpr uint32_t videoUsageCapture = 8u;
constexpr uint32_t noneUsage = 1u;
constexpr uint32_t displayUsageLayer = 1u;
constexpr uint32_t displayUsageCursor = 2u;
constexpr uint32_t cpuUsageWriteOften = 8u;
constexpr uint32_t cpuUsageWrite = 4u;
constexpr uint32_t cpuUsageReadOften = 2u;
constexpr uint32_t cpuUsageRead = 1u;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_VmoBufferTable;
struct VmoBuffer {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_VmoBufferTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// The same VMO can be used by more than one CodecBuffer (only of the same
// buffer_lifetime_ordinal), but each vmo_handle must be a separate handle.
// The vmo field can be 0 if this is a VmoBuffer in BufferCollectionInfo_2
// that's at or beyond BufferCollectionInfo_2.buffer_count.
::zx::vmo vmo = {};
// Offset within the VMO of the first usable byte. Must be < the VMO's size
// in bytes, and leave sufficient room for BufferMemorySettings.size_bytes
// before the end of the VMO.
uint64_t vmo_usable_start = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionTokenSyncRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionTokenSyncResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionTokenCloseRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionTokenCloseResponseTable;
// A BufferCollectionToken is not a BufferCollection, but rather a way to
// identify a potential shared BufferCollection prior to the BufferCollection
// being allocated.
// We use a channel for the BufferCollectionToken instead of a single eventpair
// (pair) because this way we can detect error conditions like a participant
// dying mid-create.
class BufferCollectionToken final {
BufferCollectionToken() = delete;
static constexpr char Name[] = "fuchsia.sysmem.BufferCollectionToken";
struct DuplicateRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
uint32_t rights_attenuation_mask;
::zx::channel token_request;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionTokenDuplicateRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using SyncResponse = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
using SyncRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
using CloseRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
class Duplicate_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
Duplicate_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint32_t rights_attenuation_mask, ::zx::channel token_request);
~Duplicate_Impl() = default;
Duplicate_Impl(Duplicate_Impl&& other) = default;
Duplicate_Impl& operator=(Duplicate_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
template <typename ResponseType>
class Sync_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
Sync_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~Sync_Impl() = default;
Sync_Impl(Sync_Impl&& other) = default;
Sync_Impl& operator=(Sync_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class Close_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
Close_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~Close_Impl() = default;
Close_Impl(Close_Impl&& other) = default;
Close_Impl& operator=(Close_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Duplicate = Duplicate_Impl;
using Sync = Sync_Impl<SyncResponse>;
using Close = Close_Impl;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
class Duplicate_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
Duplicate_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint32_t rights_attenuation_mask, ::zx::channel token_request);
~Duplicate_Impl() = default;
Duplicate_Impl(Duplicate_Impl&& other) = default;
Duplicate_Impl& operator=(Duplicate_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
template <typename ResponseType>
class Sync_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
Sync_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~Sync_Impl() = default;
Sync_Impl(Sync_Impl&& other) = default;
Sync_Impl& operator=(Sync_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class Close_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
Close_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~Close_Impl() = default;
Close_Impl(Close_Impl&& other) = default;
Close_Impl& operator=(Close_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Duplicate = Duplicate_Impl;
using Sync = Sync_Impl<SyncResponse>;
using Close = Close_Impl;
class SyncClient final {
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// The initiator or a participant can send Duplicate() as part of creating
// another participant-side handle to the same logical
// BufferCollectionToken.
// This method is used to hand the logical token to all participants so all
// participants can provide constraints to sysmem for the overall
// BufferCollection to achieve the goal of allocating buffers compatible
// with all participants.
// The Duplicate() message is intentionally available only on
// BufferCollectionToken not BufferCollection.
// The token is separate from BufferCollection so that participants contact
// sysmem directly, so that participants are only trusting their environment
// for who sysmem is (fake token mitigation), not an initiator. Only after
// successful BindSharedCollection does a participant know that the token
// was a real sysmem token. In contrast, if we had Duplicate() directly on
// BufferCollection, an initiator could attempt to serve the
// BufferCollection channel itself, which would allow for some problematic
// possibilities.
// All the BufferCollectionToken channels of a logical token must be turned
// in via BindSharedCollection() for a BufferCollection to be successfully
// created. Else the BufferCollection channel will close.
// When a client calls BindSharedCollection() to turn in a
// BufferCollectionToken, the server will process all Duplicate() messages
// before closing down the BufferCollectionToken. This allows the client
// to Duplicate() and immediately turn in the BufferCollectionToken using
// BindSharedCollection, then later transfer the client end of token_request
// to another participant - the server will notice the existence of the
// token_request before considering this BufferCollectionToken fully closed.
// `rights_attenuation_mask` rights bits that are zero in this mask will be
// absent in the buffer VMO rights obtainable via the client end of
// token_request. This allows an initiator or intermediary participant
// to attenuate the rights available to a participant. This may not be the
// only mechanism that attenuates rights on the VMO handles obtainable via
// the client end of token_request. This does not allow a participant
// to gain rights that the participant doesn't already have. The value
// ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS can be used to specify that no attenuation should
// be applied.
// `token_request` is the server end of a BufferCollectionToken channel.
// The client end of this channel acts as another handle to the same logical
// BufferCollectionToken. Typically the sender of Duplicate() will transfer
// the client end corresponding to collection_request to a/another
// participant running in a separate process, but it's also fine for the
// additional logical participant to be in the same process.
// After sending one or more Duplicate() messages, and before sending the
// created tokens to other participants (or to other Allocator channels),
// the client should send a Sync() and wait for its response. The Sync()
// call can be made on the token, or on the BufferCollection obtained by
// passing this token to BindSharedCollection(). Either will ensure that
// the server knows about the tokens created via Duplicate() before the
// other participant sends the token to the server via separate Allocator
// channel. If a client is using FIDL C generated code and doesn't want to
// block waiting for a response message, the other option is to notice
// arrival of the BufferCollectionEvents::OnBufferCollectionCreated() event
// after turning in this token for a BufferCollection.
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::Duplicate Duplicate(uint32_t rights_attenuation_mask, ::zx::channel token_request);
// The initiator or a participant can send Duplicate() as part of creating
// another participant-side handle to the same logical
// BufferCollectionToken.
// This method is used to hand the logical token to all participants so all
// participants can provide constraints to sysmem for the overall
// BufferCollection to achieve the goal of allocating buffers compatible
// with all participants.
// The Duplicate() message is intentionally available only on
// BufferCollectionToken not BufferCollection.
// The token is separate from BufferCollection so that participants contact
// sysmem directly, so that participants are only trusting their environment
// for who sysmem is (fake token mitigation), not an initiator. Only after
// successful BindSharedCollection does a participant know that the token
// was a real sysmem token. In contrast, if we had Duplicate() directly on
// BufferCollection, an initiator could attempt to serve the
// BufferCollection channel itself, which would allow for some problematic
// possibilities.
// All the BufferCollectionToken channels of a logical token must be turned
// in via BindSharedCollection() for a BufferCollection to be successfully
// created. Else the BufferCollection channel will close.
// When a client calls BindSharedCollection() to turn in a
// BufferCollectionToken, the server will process all Duplicate() messages
// before closing down the BufferCollectionToken. This allows the client
// to Duplicate() and immediately turn in the BufferCollectionToken using
// BindSharedCollection, then later transfer the client end of token_request
// to another participant - the server will notice the existence of the
// token_request before considering this BufferCollectionToken fully closed.
// `rights_attenuation_mask` rights bits that are zero in this mask will be
// absent in the buffer VMO rights obtainable via the client end of
// token_request. This allows an initiator or intermediary participant
// to attenuate the rights available to a participant. This may not be the
// only mechanism that attenuates rights on the VMO handles obtainable via
// the client end of token_request. This does not allow a participant
// to gain rights that the participant doesn't already have. The value
// ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS can be used to specify that no attenuation should
// be applied.
// `token_request` is the server end of a BufferCollectionToken channel.
// The client end of this channel acts as another handle to the same logical
// BufferCollectionToken. Typically the sender of Duplicate() will transfer
// the client end corresponding to collection_request to a/another
// participant running in a separate process, but it's also fine for the
// additional logical participant to be in the same process.
// After sending one or more Duplicate() messages, and before sending the
// created tokens to other participants (or to other Allocator channels),
// the client should send a Sync() and wait for its response. The Sync()
// call can be made on the token, or on the BufferCollection obtained by
// passing this token to BindSharedCollection(). Either will ensure that
// the server knows about the tokens created via Duplicate() before the
// other participant sends the token to the server via separate Allocator
// channel. If a client is using FIDL C generated code and doesn't want to
// block waiting for a response message, the other option is to notice
// arrival of the BufferCollectionEvents::OnBufferCollectionCreated() event
// after turning in this token for a BufferCollection.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::Duplicate Duplicate(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint32_t rights_attenuation_mask, ::zx::channel token_request);
// Ensure that previous Duplicate() messages have been received server side,
// so that it's safe to send the client end of token_request to another
// participant knowing the server will recognize the token when it's sent
// into BindSharedCollection by the other participant.
// Other options include waiting for each Duplicate() to complete
// individually, or calling Sync() on BufferCollection after this token has
// been turned in via BindSharedCollection(), or noticing arrival of
// BufferCollectionEvents::OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer().
// Allocates 32 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::Sync Sync();
// Normally a participant will convert the token into a BufferCollection
// view, but a particpant is also free to Close() the token (and then close
// the channel immediately or shortly later in response to server closing
// its end), which avoids causing LogicalBufferCollection failure.
// Normally an unexpected token channel close will cause
// LogicalBufferCollection failure.
// Allocates 16 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::Close Close();
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// The initiator or a participant can send Duplicate() as part of creating
// another participant-side handle to the same logical
// BufferCollectionToken.
// This method is used to hand the logical token to all participants so all
// participants can provide constraints to sysmem for the overall
// BufferCollection to achieve the goal of allocating buffers compatible
// with all participants.
// The Duplicate() message is intentionally available only on
// BufferCollectionToken not BufferCollection.
// The token is separate from BufferCollection so that participants contact
// sysmem directly, so that participants are only trusting their environment
// for who sysmem is (fake token mitigation), not an initiator. Only after
// successful BindSharedCollection does a participant know that the token
// was a real sysmem token. In contrast, if we had Duplicate() directly on
// BufferCollection, an initiator could attempt to serve the
// BufferCollection channel itself, which would allow for some problematic
// possibilities.
// All the BufferCollectionToken channels of a logical token must be turned
// in via BindSharedCollection() for a BufferCollection to be successfully
// created. Else the BufferCollection channel will close.
// When a client calls BindSharedCollection() to turn in a
// BufferCollectionToken, the server will process all Duplicate() messages
// before closing down the BufferCollectionToken. This allows the client
// to Duplicate() and immediately turn in the BufferCollectionToken using
// BindSharedCollection, then later transfer the client end of token_request
// to another participant - the server will notice the existence of the
// token_request before considering this BufferCollectionToken fully closed.
// `rights_attenuation_mask` rights bits that are zero in this mask will be
// absent in the buffer VMO rights obtainable via the client end of
// token_request. This allows an initiator or intermediary participant
// to attenuate the rights available to a participant. This may not be the
// only mechanism that attenuates rights on the VMO handles obtainable via
// the client end of token_request. This does not allow a participant
// to gain rights that the participant doesn't already have. The value
// ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS can be used to specify that no attenuation should
// be applied.
// `token_request` is the server end of a BufferCollectionToken channel.
// The client end of this channel acts as another handle to the same logical
// BufferCollectionToken. Typically the sender of Duplicate() will transfer
// the client end corresponding to collection_request to a/another
// participant running in a separate process, but it's also fine for the
// additional logical participant to be in the same process.
// After sending one or more Duplicate() messages, and before sending the
// created tokens to other participants (or to other Allocator channels),
// the client should send a Sync() and wait for its response. The Sync()
// call can be made on the token, or on the BufferCollection obtained by
// passing this token to BindSharedCollection(). Either will ensure that
// the server knows about the tokens created via Duplicate() before the
// other participant sends the token to the server via separate Allocator
// channel. If a client is using FIDL C generated code and doesn't want to
// block waiting for a response message, the other option is to notice
// arrival of the BufferCollectionEvents::OnBufferCollectionCreated() event
// after turning in this token for a BufferCollection.
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::Duplicate Duplicate(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint32_t rights_attenuation_mask, ::zx::channel token_request);
// The initiator or a participant can send Duplicate() as part of creating
// another participant-side handle to the same logical
// BufferCollectionToken.
// This method is used to hand the logical token to all participants so all
// participants can provide constraints to sysmem for the overall
// BufferCollection to achieve the goal of allocating buffers compatible
// with all participants.
// The Duplicate() message is intentionally available only on
// BufferCollectionToken not BufferCollection.
// The token is separate from BufferCollection so that participants contact
// sysmem directly, so that participants are only trusting their environment
// for who sysmem is (fake token mitigation), not an initiator. Only after
// successful BindSharedCollection does a participant know that the token
// was a real sysmem token. In contrast, if we had Duplicate() directly on
// BufferCollection, an initiator could attempt to serve the
// BufferCollection channel itself, which would allow for some problematic
// possibilities.
// All the BufferCollectionToken channels of a logical token must be turned
// in via BindSharedCollection() for a BufferCollection to be successfully
// created. Else the BufferCollection channel will close.
// When a client calls BindSharedCollection() to turn in a
// BufferCollectionToken, the server will process all Duplicate() messages
// before closing down the BufferCollectionToken. This allows the client
// to Duplicate() and immediately turn in the BufferCollectionToken using
// BindSharedCollection, then later transfer the client end of token_request
// to another participant - the server will notice the existence of the
// token_request before considering this BufferCollectionToken fully closed.
// `rights_attenuation_mask` rights bits that are zero in this mask will be
// absent in the buffer VMO rights obtainable via the client end of
// token_request. This allows an initiator or intermediary participant
// to attenuate the rights available to a participant. This may not be the
// only mechanism that attenuates rights on the VMO handles obtainable via
// the client end of token_request. This does not allow a participant
// to gain rights that the participant doesn't already have. The value
// ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS can be used to specify that no attenuation should
// be applied.
// `token_request` is the server end of a BufferCollectionToken channel.
// The client end of this channel acts as another handle to the same logical
// BufferCollectionToken. Typically the sender of Duplicate() will transfer
// the client end corresponding to collection_request to a/another
// participant running in a separate process, but it's also fine for the
// additional logical participant to be in the same process.
// After sending one or more Duplicate() messages, and before sending the
// created tokens to other participants (or to other Allocator channels),
// the client should send a Sync() and wait for its response. The Sync()
// call can be made on the token, or on the BufferCollection obtained by
// passing this token to BindSharedCollection(). Either will ensure that
// the server knows about the tokens created via Duplicate() before the
// other participant sends the token to the server via separate Allocator
// channel. If a client is using FIDL C generated code and doesn't want to
// block waiting for a response message, the other option is to notice
// arrival of the BufferCollectionEvents::OnBufferCollectionCreated() event
// after turning in this token for a BufferCollection.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::Duplicate Duplicate(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint32_t rights_attenuation_mask, ::zx::channel token_request);
// Ensure that previous Duplicate() messages have been received server side,
// so that it's safe to send the client end of token_request to another
// participant knowing the server will recognize the token when it's sent
// into BindSharedCollection by the other participant.
// Other options include waiting for each Duplicate() to complete
// individually, or calling Sync() on BufferCollection after this token has
// been turned in via BindSharedCollection(), or noticing arrival of
// BufferCollectionEvents::OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer().
// Allocates 32 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::Sync Sync(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Normally a participant will convert the token into a BufferCollection
// view, but a particpant is also free to Close() the token (and then close
// the channel immediately or shortly later in response to server closing
// its end), which avoids causing LogicalBufferCollection failure.
// Normally an unexpected token channel close will cause
// LogicalBufferCollection failure.
// Allocates 16 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::Close Close(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
// The initiator or a participant can send Duplicate() as part of creating
// another participant-side handle to the same logical
// BufferCollectionToken.
// This method is used to hand the logical token to all participants so all
// participants can provide constraints to sysmem for the overall
// BufferCollection to achieve the goal of allocating buffers compatible
// with all participants.
// The Duplicate() message is intentionally available only on
// BufferCollectionToken not BufferCollection.
// The token is separate from BufferCollection so that participants contact
// sysmem directly, so that participants are only trusting their environment
// for who sysmem is (fake token mitigation), not an initiator. Only after
// successful BindSharedCollection does a participant know that the token
// was a real sysmem token. In contrast, if we had Duplicate() directly on
// BufferCollection, an initiator could attempt to serve the
// BufferCollection channel itself, which would allow for some problematic
// possibilities.
// All the BufferCollectionToken channels of a logical token must be turned
// in via BindSharedCollection() for a BufferCollection to be successfully
// created. Else the BufferCollection channel will close.
// When a client calls BindSharedCollection() to turn in a
// BufferCollectionToken, the server will process all Duplicate() messages
// before closing down the BufferCollectionToken. This allows the client
// to Duplicate() and immediately turn in the BufferCollectionToken using
// BindSharedCollection, then later transfer the client end of token_request
// to another participant - the server will notice the existence of the
// token_request before considering this BufferCollectionToken fully closed.
// `rights_attenuation_mask` rights bits that are zero in this mask will be
// absent in the buffer VMO rights obtainable via the client end of
// token_request. This allows an initiator or intermediary participant
// to attenuate the rights available to a participant. This may not be the
// only mechanism that attenuates rights on the VMO handles obtainable via
// the client end of token_request. This does not allow a participant
// to gain rights that the participant doesn't already have. The value
// ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS can be used to specify that no attenuation should
// be applied.
// `token_request` is the server end of a BufferCollectionToken channel.
// The client end of this channel acts as another handle to the same logical
// BufferCollectionToken. Typically the sender of Duplicate() will transfer
// the client end corresponding to collection_request to a/another
// participant running in a separate process, but it's also fine for the
// additional logical participant to be in the same process.
// After sending one or more Duplicate() messages, and before sending the
// created tokens to other participants (or to other Allocator channels),
// the client should send a Sync() and wait for its response. The Sync()
// call can be made on the token, or on the BufferCollection obtained by
// passing this token to BindSharedCollection(). Either will ensure that
// the server knows about the tokens created via Duplicate() before the
// other participant sends the token to the server via separate Allocator
// channel. If a client is using FIDL C generated code and doesn't want to
// block waiting for a response message, the other option is to notice
// arrival of the BufferCollectionEvents::OnBufferCollectionCreated() event
// after turning in this token for a BufferCollection.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError Duplicate(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<DuplicateRequest> params);
// Ensure that previous Duplicate() messages have been received server side,
// so that it's safe to send the client end of token_request to another
// participant knowing the server will recognize the token when it's sent
// into BindSharedCollection by the other participant.
// Other options include waiting for each Duplicate() to complete
// individually, or calling Sync() on BufferCollection after this token has
// been turned in via BindSharedCollection(), or noticing arrival of
// BufferCollectionEvents::OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer().
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<SyncResponse> Sync(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Normally a participant will convert the token into a BufferCollection
// view, but a particpant is also free to Close() the token (and then close
// the channel immediately or shortly later in response to server closing
// its end), which avoids causing LogicalBufferCollection failure.
// Normally an unexpected token channel close will cause
// LogicalBufferCollection failure.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError Close(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = BufferCollectionToken;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
using DuplicateCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void Duplicate(uint32_t rights_attenuation_mask, ::zx::channel token_request, DuplicateCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class SyncCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply();
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using SyncCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<SyncCompleterBase>;
virtual void Sync(SyncCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using CloseCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void Close(CloseCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the server implementation.
// If there is no matching handler, it returns false, leaving the message and transaction intact.
// In all other cases, it consumes the message and returns true.
// It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the interface.
// If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in |msg| and closes the channel with
// a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used with |fidl::Bind|
// to reduce template expansion.
// Do not call this method manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
// Helper functions to fill in the transaction header in a |DecodedMessage<TransactionalMessage>|.
class SetTransactionHeaderFor final {
SetTransactionHeaderFor() = delete;
static void DuplicateRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollectionToken::DuplicateRequest>& _msg);
static void SyncRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollectionToken::SyncRequest>& _msg);
static void SyncResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollectionToken::SyncResponse>& _msg);
static void CloseRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollectionToken::CloseRequest>& _msg);
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_HeapAllocateVmoRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_HeapAllocateVmoResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_HeapCreateResourceRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_HeapCreateResourceResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_HeapDestroyResourceRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_HeapDestroyResourceResponseTable;
// Manages resources on a specific sysmem heap.
// Needs Layout = "Simple" because used with "FIDL Simple C Bindings".
class Heap final {
Heap() = delete;
struct AllocateVmoResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int32_t s;
::zx::vmo vmo;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_HeapAllocateVmoResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct AllocateVmoRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
uint64_t size;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_HeapAllocateVmoRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = AllocateVmoResponse;
struct CreateResourceResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int32_t s;
uint64_t id;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_HeapCreateResourceResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct CreateResourceRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::zx::vmo vmo;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_HeapCreateResourceRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = CreateResourceResponse;
using DestroyResourceResponse = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
struct DestroyResourceRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
uint64_t id;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_HeapDestroyResourceRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class AllocateVmo_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
AllocateVmo_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint64_t size);
~AllocateVmo_Impl() = default;
AllocateVmo_Impl(AllocateVmo_Impl&& other) = default;
AllocateVmo_Impl& operator=(AllocateVmo_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class CreateResource_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
CreateResource_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::vmo vmo);
~CreateResource_Impl() = default;
CreateResource_Impl(CreateResource_Impl&& other) = default;
CreateResource_Impl& operator=(CreateResource_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class DestroyResource_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
DestroyResource_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint64_t id);
~DestroyResource_Impl() = default;
DestroyResource_Impl(DestroyResource_Impl&& other) = default;
DestroyResource_Impl& operator=(DestroyResource_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using AllocateVmo = AllocateVmo_Impl<AllocateVmoResponse>;
using CreateResource = CreateResource_Impl<CreateResourceResponse>;
using DestroyResource = DestroyResource_Impl<DestroyResourceResponse>;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class AllocateVmo_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
AllocateVmo_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t size, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~AllocateVmo_Impl() = default;
AllocateVmo_Impl(AllocateVmo_Impl&& other) = default;
AllocateVmo_Impl& operator=(AllocateVmo_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class CreateResource_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
CreateResource_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::vmo vmo, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~CreateResource_Impl() = default;
CreateResource_Impl(CreateResource_Impl&& other) = default;
CreateResource_Impl& operator=(CreateResource_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class DestroyResource_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
DestroyResource_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t id, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~DestroyResource_Impl() = default;
DestroyResource_Impl(DestroyResource_Impl&& other) = default;
DestroyResource_Impl& operator=(DestroyResource_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using AllocateVmo = AllocateVmo_Impl<AllocateVmoResponse>;
using CreateResource = CreateResource_Impl<CreateResourceResponse>;
using DestroyResource = DestroyResource_Impl<DestroyResourceResponse>;
class SyncClient final {
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// Request a new memory allocation of `size` on heap.
// For heaps which don't permit CPU access to the buffer data, this
// will create a VMO with an official size, but which never has any
// physical pages. For such heaps, the VMO is effectively used as
// an opaque buffer identifier.
// Heaps should defer allocation of any associated resources until
// CreateResource(), because the caller of AllocateVmo() may simply
// delete the returned VMO with no further notification to the heap.
// In contrast, after CreateResource(), the caller guarantees that
// DestroyResource() or heap channel closure will occur.
// The caller guarantees that CreateResource() will be called prior
// to the returned VMO or any associated child VMO being used.
// Allocates 48 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::AllocateVmo AllocateVmo(uint64_t size);
// Request a new memory allocation of `size` on heap.
// For heaps which don't permit CPU access to the buffer data, this
// will create a VMO with an official size, but which never has any
// physical pages. For such heaps, the VMO is effectively used as
// an opaque buffer identifier.
// Heaps should defer allocation of any associated resources until
// CreateResource(), because the caller of AllocateVmo() may simply
// delete the returned VMO with no further notification to the heap.
// In contrast, after CreateResource(), the caller guarantees that
// DestroyResource() or heap channel closure will occur.
// The caller guarantees that CreateResource() will be called prior
// to the returned VMO or any associated child VMO being used.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::AllocateVmo AllocateVmo(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t size, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Create resources and associate heap-specific resources with the
// passed-in VMO. Resources can be hardware specific and their
// lifetime don't have to be tied to `vmo`. `vmo` must be a VMO
// (or a direct or indirect child of a VMO) acquired through a call
// to AllocateVmo method above. If the passed-in vmo is a child VMO,
// its size must match the size of the parent VMO created by
// AllocateVmo(). For heaps that permit CPU access, the passed-in
// VMO must not have a copy-on-write relationship with the parent
// VMO, but rather a pass-through relationship. Successful return
// status indicate that Heap has established a mapping between
// VMO and hardware specific resources.
// The returned id must be passed to DestroyResource() later when
// resources associated with VMO are no longer needed, unless the
// heap channel closes first.
// The heap must not own/keep a handle to VMO, or any derived child
// VMO, or any VMAR mapping to VMO, as any of those would keep VMO
// alive beyond all sysmem participant usages of the vmo; instead
// the heap can get the vmo's koid for the heap's mapping.
// Allocates 56 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::CreateResource CreateResource(::zx::vmo vmo);
// Create resources and associate heap-specific resources with the
// passed-in VMO. Resources can be hardware specific and their
// lifetime don't have to be tied to `vmo`. `vmo` must be a VMO
// (or a direct or indirect child of a VMO) acquired through a call
// to AllocateVmo method above. If the passed-in vmo is a child VMO,
// its size must match the size of the parent VMO created by
// AllocateVmo(). For heaps that permit CPU access, the passed-in
// VMO must not have a copy-on-write relationship with the parent
// VMO, but rather a pass-through relationship. Successful return
// status indicate that Heap has established a mapping between
// VMO and hardware specific resources.
// The returned id must be passed to DestroyResource() later when
// resources associated with VMO are no longer needed, unless the
// heap channel closes first.
// The heap must not own/keep a handle to VMO, or any derived child
// VMO, or any VMAR mapping to VMO, as any of those would keep VMO
// alive beyond all sysmem participant usages of the vmo; instead
// the heap can get the vmo's koid for the heap's mapping.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::CreateResource CreateResource(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::vmo vmo, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Destroy previously created resources.
// Allocates 40 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::DestroyResource DestroyResource(uint64_t id);
// Destroy previously created resources.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::DestroyResource DestroyResource(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t id, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// Request a new memory allocation of `size` on heap.
// For heaps which don't permit CPU access to the buffer data, this
// will create a VMO with an official size, but which never has any
// physical pages. For such heaps, the VMO is effectively used as
// an opaque buffer identifier.
// Heaps should defer allocation of any associated resources until
// CreateResource(), because the caller of AllocateVmo() may simply
// delete the returned VMO with no further notification to the heap.
// In contrast, after CreateResource(), the caller guarantees that
// DestroyResource() or heap channel closure will occur.
// The caller guarantees that CreateResource() will be called prior
// to the returned VMO or any associated child VMO being used.
// Allocates 48 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::AllocateVmo AllocateVmo(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint64_t size);
// Request a new memory allocation of `size` on heap.
// For heaps which don't permit CPU access to the buffer data, this
// will create a VMO with an official size, but which never has any
// physical pages. For such heaps, the VMO is effectively used as
// an opaque buffer identifier.
// Heaps should defer allocation of any associated resources until
// CreateResource(), because the caller of AllocateVmo() may simply
// delete the returned VMO with no further notification to the heap.
// In contrast, after CreateResource(), the caller guarantees that
// DestroyResource() or heap channel closure will occur.
// The caller guarantees that CreateResource() will be called prior
// to the returned VMO or any associated child VMO being used.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::AllocateVmo AllocateVmo(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t size, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Create resources and associate heap-specific resources with the
// passed-in VMO. Resources can be hardware specific and their
// lifetime don't have to be tied to `vmo`. `vmo` must be a VMO
// (or a direct or indirect child of a VMO) acquired through a call
// to AllocateVmo method above. If the passed-in vmo is a child VMO,
// its size must match the size of the parent VMO created by
// AllocateVmo(). For heaps that permit CPU access, the passed-in
// VMO must not have a copy-on-write relationship with the parent
// VMO, but rather a pass-through relationship. Successful return
// status indicate that Heap has established a mapping between
// VMO and hardware specific resources.
// The returned id must be passed to DestroyResource() later when
// resources associated with VMO are no longer needed, unless the
// heap channel closes first.
// The heap must not own/keep a handle to VMO, or any derived child
// VMO, or any VMAR mapping to VMO, as any of those would keep VMO
// alive beyond all sysmem participant usages of the vmo; instead
// the heap can get the vmo's koid for the heap's mapping.
// Allocates 56 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::CreateResource CreateResource(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::vmo vmo);
// Create resources and associate heap-specific resources with the
// passed-in VMO. Resources can be hardware specific and their
// lifetime don't have to be tied to `vmo`. `vmo` must be a VMO
// (or a direct or indirect child of a VMO) acquired through a call
// to AllocateVmo method above. If the passed-in vmo is a child VMO,
// its size must match the size of the parent VMO created by
// AllocateVmo(). For heaps that permit CPU access, the passed-in
// VMO must not have a copy-on-write relationship with the parent
// VMO, but rather a pass-through relationship. Successful return
// status indicate that Heap has established a mapping between
// VMO and hardware specific resources.
// The returned id must be passed to DestroyResource() later when
// resources associated with VMO are no longer needed, unless the
// heap channel closes first.
// The heap must not own/keep a handle to VMO, or any derived child
// VMO, or any VMAR mapping to VMO, as any of those would keep VMO
// alive beyond all sysmem participant usages of the vmo; instead
// the heap can get the vmo's koid for the heap's mapping.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::CreateResource CreateResource(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::vmo vmo, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Destroy previously created resources.
// Allocates 40 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::DestroyResource DestroyResource(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint64_t id);
// Destroy previously created resources.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::DestroyResource DestroyResource(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t id, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
// Request a new memory allocation of `size` on heap.
// For heaps which don't permit CPU access to the buffer data, this
// will create a VMO with an official size, but which never has any
// physical pages. For such heaps, the VMO is effectively used as
// an opaque buffer identifier.
// Heaps should defer allocation of any associated resources until
// CreateResource(), because the caller of AllocateVmo() may simply
// delete the returned VMO with no further notification to the heap.
// In contrast, after CreateResource(), the caller guarantees that
// DestroyResource() or heap channel closure will occur.
// The caller guarantees that CreateResource() will be called prior
// to the returned VMO or any associated child VMO being used.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<AllocateVmoResponse> AllocateVmo(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<AllocateVmoRequest> params, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Create resources and associate heap-specific resources with the
// passed-in VMO. Resources can be hardware specific and their
// lifetime don't have to be tied to `vmo`. `vmo` must be a VMO
// (or a direct or indirect child of a VMO) acquired through a call
// to AllocateVmo method above. If the passed-in vmo is a child VMO,
// its size must match the size of the parent VMO created by
// AllocateVmo(). For heaps that permit CPU access, the passed-in
// VMO must not have a copy-on-write relationship with the parent
// VMO, but rather a pass-through relationship. Successful return
// status indicate that Heap has established a mapping between
// VMO and hardware specific resources.
// The returned id must be passed to DestroyResource() later when
// resources associated with VMO are no longer needed, unless the
// heap channel closes first.
// The heap must not own/keep a handle to VMO, or any derived child
// VMO, or any VMAR mapping to VMO, as any of those would keep VMO
// alive beyond all sysmem participant usages of the vmo; instead
// the heap can get the vmo's koid for the heap's mapping.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<CreateResourceResponse> CreateResource(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<CreateResourceRequest> params, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Destroy previously created resources.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<DestroyResourceResponse> DestroyResource(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<DestroyResourceRequest> params, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = Heap;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
class AllocateVmoCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(int32_t s, ::zx::vmo vmo);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int32_t s, ::zx::vmo vmo);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<AllocateVmoResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using AllocateVmoCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<AllocateVmoCompleterBase>;
virtual void AllocateVmo(uint64_t size, AllocateVmoCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class CreateResourceCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(int32_t s, uint64_t id);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int32_t s, uint64_t id);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<CreateResourceResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using CreateResourceCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<CreateResourceCompleterBase>;
virtual void CreateResource(::zx::vmo vmo, CreateResourceCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class DestroyResourceCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply();
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using DestroyResourceCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<DestroyResourceCompleterBase>;
virtual void DestroyResource(uint64_t id, DestroyResourceCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the server implementation.
// If there is no matching handler, it returns false, leaving the message and transaction intact.
// In all other cases, it consumes the message and returns true.
// It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the interface.
// If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in |msg| and closes the channel with
// a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used with |fidl::Bind|
// to reduce template expansion.
// Do not call this method manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
// Helper functions to fill in the transaction header in a |DecodedMessage<TransactionalMessage>|.
class SetTransactionHeaderFor final {
SetTransactionHeaderFor() = delete;
static void AllocateVmoRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<Heap::AllocateVmoRequest>& _msg);
static void AllocateVmoResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<Heap::AllocateVmoResponse>& _msg);
static void CreateResourceRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<Heap::CreateResourceRequest>& _msg);
static void CreateResourceResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<Heap::CreateResourceResponse>& _msg);
static void DestroyResourceRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<Heap::DestroyResourceRequest>& _msg);
static void DestroyResourceResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<Heap::DestroyResourceResponse>& _msg);
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_DriverConnectorConnectRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_DriverConnectorConnectResponseTable;
// Once a channel with this interface is established to a driver (typically in
// advance), this interface allows asynchronously sending the server end of an
// Allocator channel which will be served by the driver.
// For now, the only FIDL interface directly served via normal devhost FIDL
// dispatching code by the sysmem driver is this interface. Other sysmem
// interfaces are served by separate dispatching code primarily because we want
// to be able to establish channels async by sending the server channel toward
// the driver without needing a round-trip open and without managing the channel
// as a file descriptor.
// A secondary current reason tracked by ZX-3091 is that the current devhost
// dispatching code doesn't permit async processing of requests, which we want
// for proper functionining of at least the BufferCollection interface since
// that interface has requests that don't complete until the devhost has
// constraints from other participants.
class DriverConnector final {
DriverConnector() = delete;
static constexpr char Name[] = "fuchsia.sysmem.DriverConnector";
struct ConnectRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::zx::channel allocator_request;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_DriverConnectorConnectRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
class Connect_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
Connect_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::channel allocator_request);
~Connect_Impl() = default;
Connect_Impl(Connect_Impl&& other) = default;
Connect_Impl& operator=(Connect_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Connect = Connect_Impl;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
class Connect_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
Connect_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel allocator_request);
~Connect_Impl() = default;
Connect_Impl(Connect_Impl&& other) = default;
Connect_Impl& operator=(Connect_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Connect = Connect_Impl;
class SyncClient final {
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// This one-way message sends in the server end of an Allocator channel.
// `allocator_request` will be served by the sysmem driver (or the channel
// will close).
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::Connect Connect(::zx::channel allocator_request);
// This one-way message sends in the server end of an Allocator channel.
// `allocator_request` will be served by the sysmem driver (or the channel
// will close).
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::Connect Connect(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel allocator_request);
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// This one-way message sends in the server end of an Allocator channel.
// `allocator_request` will be served by the sysmem driver (or the channel
// will close).
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::Connect Connect(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::channel allocator_request);
// This one-way message sends in the server end of an Allocator channel.
// `allocator_request` will be served by the sysmem driver (or the channel
// will close).
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::Connect Connect(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel allocator_request);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
// This one-way message sends in the server end of an Allocator channel.
// `allocator_request` will be served by the sysmem driver (or the channel
// will close).
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError Connect(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<ConnectRequest> params);
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = DriverConnector;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
using ConnectCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void Connect(::zx::channel allocator_request, ConnectCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the server implementation.
// If there is no matching handler, it returns false, leaving the message and transaction intact.
// In all other cases, it consumes the message and returns true.
// It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the interface.
// If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in |msg| and closes the channel with
// a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used with |fidl::Bind|
// to reduce template expansion.
// Do not call this method manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
// Helper functions to fill in the transaction header in a |DecodedMessage<TransactionalMessage>|.
class SetTransactionHeaderFor final {
SetTransactionHeaderFor() = delete;
static void ConnectRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<DriverConnector::ConnectRequest>& _msg);
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_AllocatorBindSharedCollectionResponseTable;
// Allocates system memory buffers.
class Allocator final {
Allocator() = delete;
static constexpr char Name[] = "fuchsia.sysmem.Allocator";
struct AllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::zx::channel collection;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_AllocatorAllocateNonSharedCollectionRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct AllocateSharedCollectionRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::zx::channel token_request;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_AllocatorAllocateSharedCollectionRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct BindSharedCollectionRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::zx::channel token;
::zx::channel buffer_collection_request;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_AllocatorBindSharedCollectionRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 2;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
class AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::channel collection);
~AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl() = default;
AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl(AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl&& other) = default;
AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl& operator=(AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
class AllocateSharedCollection_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
AllocateSharedCollection_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::channel token_request);
~AllocateSharedCollection_Impl() = default;
AllocateSharedCollection_Impl(AllocateSharedCollection_Impl&& other) = default;
AllocateSharedCollection_Impl& operator=(AllocateSharedCollection_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
class BindSharedCollection_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
BindSharedCollection_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::channel token, ::zx::channel buffer_collection_request);
~BindSharedCollection_Impl() = default;
BindSharedCollection_Impl(BindSharedCollection_Impl&& other) = default;
BindSharedCollection_Impl& operator=(BindSharedCollection_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using AllocateNonSharedCollection = AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl;
using AllocateSharedCollection = AllocateSharedCollection_Impl;
using BindSharedCollection = BindSharedCollection_Impl;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
class AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel collection);
~AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl() = default;
AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl(AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl&& other) = default;
AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl& operator=(AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
class AllocateSharedCollection_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
AllocateSharedCollection_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel token_request);
~AllocateSharedCollection_Impl() = default;
AllocateSharedCollection_Impl(AllocateSharedCollection_Impl&& other) = default;
AllocateSharedCollection_Impl& operator=(AllocateSharedCollection_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
class BindSharedCollection_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
BindSharedCollection_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel token, ::zx::channel buffer_collection_request);
~BindSharedCollection_Impl() = default;
BindSharedCollection_Impl(BindSharedCollection_Impl&& other) = default;
BindSharedCollection_Impl& operator=(BindSharedCollection_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using AllocateNonSharedCollection = AllocateNonSharedCollection_Impl;
using AllocateSharedCollection = AllocateSharedCollection_Impl;
using BindSharedCollection = BindSharedCollection_Impl;
class SyncClient final {
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// Allocates a BufferCollection on behalf of a single client (aka initiator)
// who is also the only participant (from the point of view of sysmem).
// This call exists mainly for temp/testing purposes. This call skips the
// BufferCollectionToken stage, so there's no way to allow another
// participant to specify its constraints.
// Real clients are encouraged to use AllocateSharedCollection() instead,
// and to let relevant participants directly convey their own constraints to
// sysmem.
// `constraints` indicates constraints on the buffer collection, such as how
// many buffers to allocate, buffer size constraints, etc.
// `collection` is the server end of the BufferCollection FIDL channel. The
// client can call SetConstraints() and then WaitForBuffersAllocated() on
// the client end of this channel to specify constraints and then determine
// success/failure and get the BufferCollectionInfo_2 for the
// BufferCollection. The client should also keep the client end of
// this channel open while using the BufferCollection, and should notice
// when this channel closes and stop using the BufferCollection ASAP.
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::AllocateNonSharedCollection AllocateNonSharedCollection(::zx::channel collection);
// Allocates a BufferCollection on behalf of a single client (aka initiator)
// who is also the only participant (from the point of view of sysmem).
// This call exists mainly for temp/testing purposes. This call skips the
// BufferCollectionToken stage, so there's no way to allow another
// participant to specify its constraints.
// Real clients are encouraged to use AllocateSharedCollection() instead,
// and to let relevant participants directly convey their own constraints to
// sysmem.
// `constraints` indicates constraints on the buffer collection, such as how
// many buffers to allocate, buffer size constraints, etc.
// `collection` is the server end of the BufferCollection FIDL channel. The
// client can call SetConstraints() and then WaitForBuffersAllocated() on
// the client end of this channel to specify constraints and then determine
// success/failure and get the BufferCollectionInfo_2 for the
// BufferCollection. The client should also keep the client end of
// this channel open while using the BufferCollection, and should notice
// when this channel closes and stop using the BufferCollection ASAP.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::AllocateNonSharedCollection AllocateNonSharedCollection(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel collection);
// Creates a logical BufferCollectionToken which can be shared among
// participants (using BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate()), and then
// converted into a BufferCollection using BindSharedCollection().
// Success/failure to populate the BufferCollection with buffers is
// determined via the BufferCollection interface.
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::AllocateSharedCollection AllocateSharedCollection(::zx::channel token_request);
// Creates a logical BufferCollectionToken which can be shared among
// participants (using BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate()), and then
// converted into a BufferCollection using BindSharedCollection().
// Success/failure to populate the BufferCollection with buffers is
// determined via the BufferCollection interface.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::AllocateSharedCollection AllocateSharedCollection(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel token_request);
// Convert a BufferCollectionToken into a connection to the logical
// BufferCollection. The BufferCollection hasn't yet been populated with
// buffers - the participant must first also send SetConstraints() via the
// client end of buffer_collection.
// All BufferCollectionToken(s) duplicated from a logical
// BufferCollectionToken created via AllocateSharedCollection() must be
// turned in via BindSharedCollection() before the logical BufferCollection
// will be populated with buffers.
// `token` the client endpoint of a channel whose server end was sent to
// sysmem using AllocateSharedCollection or whose server end was sent to
// sysmem using BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate(). The token is being
// "exchanged" for a channel to the logical BufferCollection.
// `buffer_collection` the server end of a BufferCollection channel. The
// sender retains the client end as usual. The BufferCollection channel
// is a single participant's connection to the logical BufferCollection.
// There typically will be other participants with their own
// BufferCollection channel to the logical BufferCollection.
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::BindSharedCollection BindSharedCollection(::zx::channel token, ::zx::channel buffer_collection_request);
// Convert a BufferCollectionToken into a connection to the logical
// BufferCollection. The BufferCollection hasn't yet been populated with
// buffers - the participant must first also send SetConstraints() via the
// client end of buffer_collection.
// All BufferCollectionToken(s) duplicated from a logical
// BufferCollectionToken created via AllocateSharedCollection() must be
// turned in via BindSharedCollection() before the logical BufferCollection
// will be populated with buffers.
// `token` the client endpoint of a channel whose server end was sent to
// sysmem using AllocateSharedCollection or whose server end was sent to
// sysmem using BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate(). The token is being
// "exchanged" for a channel to the logical BufferCollection.
// `buffer_collection` the server end of a BufferCollection channel. The
// sender retains the client end as usual. The BufferCollection channel
// is a single participant's connection to the logical BufferCollection.
// There typically will be other participants with their own
// BufferCollection channel to the logical BufferCollection.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::BindSharedCollection BindSharedCollection(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel token, ::zx::channel buffer_collection_request);
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// Allocates a BufferCollection on behalf of a single client (aka initiator)
// who is also the only participant (from the point of view of sysmem).
// This call exists mainly for temp/testing purposes. This call skips the
// BufferCollectionToken stage, so there's no way to allow another
// participant to specify its constraints.
// Real clients are encouraged to use AllocateSharedCollection() instead,
// and to let relevant participants directly convey their own constraints to
// sysmem.
// `constraints` indicates constraints on the buffer collection, such as how
// many buffers to allocate, buffer size constraints, etc.
// `collection` is the server end of the BufferCollection FIDL channel. The
// client can call SetConstraints() and then WaitForBuffersAllocated() on
// the client end of this channel to specify constraints and then determine
// success/failure and get the BufferCollectionInfo_2 for the
// BufferCollection. The client should also keep the client end of
// this channel open while using the BufferCollection, and should notice
// when this channel closes and stop using the BufferCollection ASAP.
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::AllocateNonSharedCollection AllocateNonSharedCollection(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::channel collection);
// Allocates a BufferCollection on behalf of a single client (aka initiator)
// who is also the only participant (from the point of view of sysmem).
// This call exists mainly for temp/testing purposes. This call skips the
// BufferCollectionToken stage, so there's no way to allow another
// participant to specify its constraints.
// Real clients are encouraged to use AllocateSharedCollection() instead,
// and to let relevant participants directly convey their own constraints to
// sysmem.
// `constraints` indicates constraints on the buffer collection, such as how
// many buffers to allocate, buffer size constraints, etc.
// `collection` is the server end of the BufferCollection FIDL channel. The
// client can call SetConstraints() and then WaitForBuffersAllocated() on
// the client end of this channel to specify constraints and then determine
// success/failure and get the BufferCollectionInfo_2 for the
// BufferCollection. The client should also keep the client end of
// this channel open while using the BufferCollection, and should notice
// when this channel closes and stop using the BufferCollection ASAP.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::AllocateNonSharedCollection AllocateNonSharedCollection(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel collection);
// Creates a logical BufferCollectionToken which can be shared among
// participants (using BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate()), and then
// converted into a BufferCollection using BindSharedCollection().
// Success/failure to populate the BufferCollection with buffers is
// determined via the BufferCollection interface.
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::AllocateSharedCollection AllocateSharedCollection(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::channel token_request);
// Creates a logical BufferCollectionToken which can be shared among
// participants (using BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate()), and then
// converted into a BufferCollection using BindSharedCollection().
// Success/failure to populate the BufferCollection with buffers is
// determined via the BufferCollection interface.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::AllocateSharedCollection AllocateSharedCollection(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel token_request);
// Convert a BufferCollectionToken into a connection to the logical
// BufferCollection. The BufferCollection hasn't yet been populated with
// buffers - the participant must first also send SetConstraints() via the
// client end of buffer_collection.
// All BufferCollectionToken(s) duplicated from a logical
// BufferCollectionToken created via AllocateSharedCollection() must be
// turned in via BindSharedCollection() before the logical BufferCollection
// will be populated with buffers.
// `token` the client endpoint of a channel whose server end was sent to
// sysmem using AllocateSharedCollection or whose server end was sent to
// sysmem using BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate(). The token is being
// "exchanged" for a channel to the logical BufferCollection.
// `buffer_collection` the server end of a BufferCollection channel. The
// sender retains the client end as usual. The BufferCollection channel
// is a single participant's connection to the logical BufferCollection.
// There typically will be other participants with their own
// BufferCollection channel to the logical BufferCollection.
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::BindSharedCollection BindSharedCollection(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::channel token, ::zx::channel buffer_collection_request);
// Convert a BufferCollectionToken into a connection to the logical
// BufferCollection. The BufferCollection hasn't yet been populated with
// buffers - the participant must first also send SetConstraints() via the
// client end of buffer_collection.
// All BufferCollectionToken(s) duplicated from a logical
// BufferCollectionToken created via AllocateSharedCollection() must be
// turned in via BindSharedCollection() before the logical BufferCollection
// will be populated with buffers.
// `token` the client endpoint of a channel whose server end was sent to
// sysmem using AllocateSharedCollection or whose server end was sent to
// sysmem using BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate(). The token is being
// "exchanged" for a channel to the logical BufferCollection.
// `buffer_collection` the server end of a BufferCollection channel. The
// sender retains the client end as usual. The BufferCollection channel
// is a single participant's connection to the logical BufferCollection.
// There typically will be other participants with their own
// BufferCollection channel to the logical BufferCollection.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::BindSharedCollection BindSharedCollection(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel token, ::zx::channel buffer_collection_request);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
// Allocates a BufferCollection on behalf of a single client (aka initiator)
// who is also the only participant (from the point of view of sysmem).
// This call exists mainly for temp/testing purposes. This call skips the
// BufferCollectionToken stage, so there's no way to allow another
// participant to specify its constraints.
// Real clients are encouraged to use AllocateSharedCollection() instead,
// and to let relevant participants directly convey their own constraints to
// sysmem.
// `constraints` indicates constraints on the buffer collection, such as how
// many buffers to allocate, buffer size constraints, etc.
// `collection` is the server end of the BufferCollection FIDL channel. The
// client can call SetConstraints() and then WaitForBuffersAllocated() on
// the client end of this channel to specify constraints and then determine
// success/failure and get the BufferCollectionInfo_2 for the
// BufferCollection. The client should also keep the client end of
// this channel open while using the BufferCollection, and should notice
// when this channel closes and stop using the BufferCollection ASAP.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError AllocateNonSharedCollection(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<AllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest> params);
// Creates a logical BufferCollectionToken which can be shared among
// participants (using BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate()), and then
// converted into a BufferCollection using BindSharedCollection().
// Success/failure to populate the BufferCollection with buffers is
// determined via the BufferCollection interface.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError AllocateSharedCollection(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<AllocateSharedCollectionRequest> params);
// Convert a BufferCollectionToken into a connection to the logical
// BufferCollection. The BufferCollection hasn't yet been populated with
// buffers - the participant must first also send SetConstraints() via the
// client end of buffer_collection.
// All BufferCollectionToken(s) duplicated from a logical
// BufferCollectionToken created via AllocateSharedCollection() must be
// turned in via BindSharedCollection() before the logical BufferCollection
// will be populated with buffers.
// `token` the client endpoint of a channel whose server end was sent to
// sysmem using AllocateSharedCollection or whose server end was sent to
// sysmem using BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate(). The token is being
// "exchanged" for a channel to the logical BufferCollection.
// `buffer_collection` the server end of a BufferCollection channel. The
// sender retains the client end as usual. The BufferCollection channel
// is a single participant's connection to the logical BufferCollection.
// There typically will be other participants with their own
// BufferCollection channel to the logical BufferCollection.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError BindSharedCollection(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BindSharedCollectionRequest> params);
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = Allocator;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
using AllocateNonSharedCollectionCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void AllocateNonSharedCollection(::zx::channel collection, AllocateNonSharedCollectionCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using AllocateSharedCollectionCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void AllocateSharedCollection(::zx::channel token_request, AllocateSharedCollectionCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using BindSharedCollectionCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void BindSharedCollection(::zx::channel token, ::zx::channel buffer_collection_request, BindSharedCollectionCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the server implementation.
// If there is no matching handler, it returns false, leaving the message and transaction intact.
// In all other cases, it consumes the message and returns true.
// It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the interface.
// If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in |msg| and closes the channel with
// a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used with |fidl::Bind|
// to reduce template expansion.
// Do not call this method manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
// Helper functions to fill in the transaction header in a |DecodedMessage<TransactionalMessage>|.
class SetTransactionHeaderFor final {
SetTransactionHeaderFor() = delete;
static void AllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<Allocator::AllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest>& _msg);
static void AllocateSharedCollectionRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<Allocator::AllocateSharedCollectionRequest>& _msg);
static void BindSharedCollectionRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<Allocator::BindSharedCollectionRequest>& _msg);
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_ResponseTable;
struct SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_ResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
uint8_t __reserved = {};
constexpr uint32_t MAX_HEAPS_COUNT = 32u;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_ImagePlaneTable;
struct ImagePlane {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_ImagePlaneTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 8;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// Byte offset of the start of the plane from the beginning of the image.
uint32_t byte_offset = {};
// Stride in bytes per row.
// Only meaningful for linear buffer formats.
uint32_t bytes_per_row = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_PhysicalSecureHeapTable;
struct PhysicalSecureHeap {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_PhysicalSecureHeapTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// This must be a HeapType that is secure/protected.
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::HeapType heap = {};
// Must be at least PAGE_SIZE aligned.
uint64_t physical_address = {};
// Must be at least PAGE_SIZE aligned.
uint64_t size_bytes = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_PhysicalSecureHeapsTable;
struct PhysicalSecureHeaps {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_PhysicalSecureHeapsTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 776;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// Must be <= MAX_HEAPS_COUNT.
uint32_t heaps_count = {};
// Only the first heaps_count are meaningful. The rest are ignored.
::fidl::Array<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeap, 32> heaps = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_ResponseTable;
struct SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_ResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 776;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps heaps = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMemSetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMemSetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponseTable;
// SecureMem
// The client is sysmem. The server is securemem driver.
// TEE - Trusted Execution Environment.
// REE - Rich Execution Environment.
// Enables sysmem to call the securemem driver to get any secure heaps
// configured via the TEE (or via the securemem driver), and set any physical
// secure heaps configured via sysmem.
// Presently, dynamically-allocated secure heaps are configured via sysmem, as
// it starts quite early during boot and can successfully reserve contiguous
// physical memory. Presently, fixed-location secure heaps are configured via
// TEE, as the plumbing goes from the bootloader to the TEE. However, this
// protocol intentionally doesn't care which heaps are dynamically-allocated
// and which are fixed-location.
class SecureMem final {
SecureMem() = delete;
struct GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result result;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMemGetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 40;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 776;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = true;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using GetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
struct SetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result result;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMemSetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 40;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 8;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = true;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct SetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps heaps;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SecureMemSetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 792;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 792;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = SetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl() = default;
GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl(GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl&& other) = default;
GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl& operator=(GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps heaps);
~SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl() = default;
SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl(SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl&& other) = default;
SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl& operator=(SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using GetPhysicalSecureHeaps = GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl<GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse>;
using SetPhysicalSecureHeaps = SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl<SetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse>;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl() = default;
GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl(GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl&& other) = default;
GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl& operator=(GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps heaps, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl() = default;
SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl(SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl&& other) = default;
SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl& operator=(SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using GetPhysicalSecureHeaps = GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl<GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse>;
using SetPhysicalSecureHeaps = SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Impl<SetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse>;
class SyncClient final {
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// Gets the physical address and length of any secure heap whose physical
// range is configured via the TEE.
// Presently, these will be fixed physical addresses and lengths, with the
// location plumbed via the TEE.
// This is preferred over RegisterHeap() when there isn't any special
// heap-specific per-VMO setup or teardown required.
// The physical range must be secured/protected by the TEE before the
// securemem driver responds to this request with success.
// Sysmem should only call this once. Returning zero heaps is not a
// failure.
// Errors:
// * ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE - called more than once.
// * ZX_ERR_INTERNAL - generic internal error (such as in communication
// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
// server propagation of zx_status_t failures
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::GetPhysicalSecureHeaps GetPhysicalSecureHeaps();
// Gets the physical address and length of any secure heap whose physical
// range is configured via the TEE.
// Presently, these will be fixed physical addresses and lengths, with the
// location plumbed via the TEE.
// This is preferred over RegisterHeap() when there isn't any special
// heap-specific per-VMO setup or teardown required.
// The physical range must be secured/protected by the TEE before the
// securemem driver responds to this request with success.
// Sysmem should only call this once. Returning zero heaps is not a
// failure.
// Errors:
// * ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE - called more than once.
// * ZX_ERR_INTERNAL - generic internal error (such as in communication
// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
// server propagation of zx_status_t failures
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::GetPhysicalSecureHeaps GetPhysicalSecureHeaps(::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver lets the TEE know the
// physical memory address and length of any secure heap whose location is
// configured/established via sysmem.
// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
// Presently, these physical ranges will be dynamically-allocated by sysmem
// early during boot.
// The heap ID is included in case that's relevant to the securemem driver,
// for more informative log messages, and for consistency with
// GetPhysicalSecureHeaps().
// The securemem driver must configure all the provided ranges as secure
// with the TEE before responding to this message with success.
// For heaps configured via sysmem, both the HeapType and heap location are
// configured via sysmem, and ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS will be the result if the
// securemem driver determines that the number of heaps or HeapType(s) are
// not what's supported by the securemem driver. Typically these aspects
// are essentially fixed for a given device, so this error would typically
// imply a configuration or plumbing problem.
// Sysmem should only call this once.
// Errors:
// * ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE - called more than once
// * ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS - unexpected heap count or unexpected heap
// * ZX_ERR_INTERNAL - generic internal error (such as in communication
// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
// server propagation of zx_status_t failures
// Allocates 48 bytes of response buffer on the stack. Request is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::SetPhysicalSecureHeaps SetPhysicalSecureHeaps(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps heaps);
// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver lets the TEE know the
// physical memory address and length of any secure heap whose location is
// configured/established via sysmem.
// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
// Presently, these physical ranges will be dynamically-allocated by sysmem
// early during boot.
// The heap ID is included in case that's relevant to the securemem driver,
// for more informative log messages, and for consistency with
// GetPhysicalSecureHeaps().
// The securemem driver must configure all the provided ranges as secure
// with the TEE before responding to this message with success.
// For heaps configured via sysmem, both the HeapType and heap location are
// configured via sysmem, and ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS will be the result if the
// securemem driver determines that the number of heaps or HeapType(s) are
// not what's supported by the securemem driver. Typically these aspects
// are essentially fixed for a given device, so this error would typically
// imply a configuration or plumbing problem.
// Sysmem should only call this once.
// Errors:
// * ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE - called more than once
// * ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS - unexpected heap count or unexpected heap
// * ZX_ERR_INTERNAL - generic internal error (such as in communication
// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
// server propagation of zx_status_t failures
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::SetPhysicalSecureHeaps SetPhysicalSecureHeaps(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps heaps, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// Gets the physical address and length of any secure heap whose physical
// range is configured via the TEE.
// Presently, these will be fixed physical addresses and lengths, with the
// location plumbed via the TEE.
// This is preferred over RegisterHeap() when there isn't any special
// heap-specific per-VMO setup or teardown required.
// The physical range must be secured/protected by the TEE before the
// securemem driver responds to this request with success.
// Sysmem should only call this once. Returning zero heaps is not a
// failure.
// Errors:
// * ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE - called more than once.
// * ZX_ERR_INTERNAL - generic internal error (such as in communication
// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
// server propagation of zx_status_t failures
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::GetPhysicalSecureHeaps GetPhysicalSecureHeaps(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Gets the physical address and length of any secure heap whose physical
// range is configured via the TEE.
// Presently, these will be fixed physical addresses and lengths, with the
// location plumbed via the TEE.
// This is preferred over RegisterHeap() when there isn't any special
// heap-specific per-VMO setup or teardown required.
// The physical range must be secured/protected by the TEE before the
// securemem driver responds to this request with success.
// Sysmem should only call this once. Returning zero heaps is not a
// failure.
// Errors:
// * ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE - called more than once.
// * ZX_ERR_INTERNAL - generic internal error (such as in communication
// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
// server propagation of zx_status_t failures
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::GetPhysicalSecureHeaps GetPhysicalSecureHeaps(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver lets the TEE know the
// physical memory address and length of any secure heap whose location is
// configured/established via sysmem.
// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
// Presently, these physical ranges will be dynamically-allocated by sysmem
// early during boot.
// The heap ID is included in case that's relevant to the securemem driver,
// for more informative log messages, and for consistency with
// GetPhysicalSecureHeaps().
// The securemem driver must configure all the provided ranges as secure
// with the TEE before responding to this message with success.
// For heaps configured via sysmem, both the HeapType and heap location are
// configured via sysmem, and ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS will be the result if the
// securemem driver determines that the number of heaps or HeapType(s) are
// not what's supported by the securemem driver. Typically these aspects
// are essentially fixed for a given device, so this error would typically
// imply a configuration or plumbing problem.
// Sysmem should only call this once.
// Errors:
// * ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE - called more than once
// * ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS - unexpected heap count or unexpected heap
// * ZX_ERR_INTERNAL - generic internal error (such as in communication
// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
// server propagation of zx_status_t failures
// Allocates 48 bytes of response buffer on the stack. Request is heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::SetPhysicalSecureHeaps SetPhysicalSecureHeaps(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps heaps);
// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver lets the TEE know the
// physical memory address and length of any secure heap whose location is
// configured/established via sysmem.
// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
// Presently, these physical ranges will be dynamically-allocated by sysmem
// early during boot.
// The heap ID is included in case that's relevant to the securemem driver,
// for more informative log messages, and for consistency with
// GetPhysicalSecureHeaps().
// The securemem driver must configure all the provided ranges as secure
// with the TEE before responding to this message with success.
// For heaps configured via sysmem, both the HeapType and heap location are
// configured via sysmem, and ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS will be the result if the
// securemem driver determines that the number of heaps or HeapType(s) are
// not what's supported by the securemem driver. Typically these aspects
// are essentially fixed for a given device, so this error would typically
// imply a configuration or plumbing problem.
// Sysmem should only call this once.
// Errors:
// * ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE - called more than once
// * ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS - unexpected heap count or unexpected heap
// * ZX_ERR_INTERNAL - generic internal error (such as in communication
// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
// server propagation of zx_status_t failures
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::SetPhysicalSecureHeaps SetPhysicalSecureHeaps(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps heaps, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
// Gets the physical address and length of any secure heap whose physical
// range is configured via the TEE.
// Presently, these will be fixed physical addresses and lengths, with the
// location plumbed via the TEE.
// This is preferred over RegisterHeap() when there isn't any special
// heap-specific per-VMO setup or teardown required.
// The physical range must be secured/protected by the TEE before the
// securemem driver responds to this request with success.
// Sysmem should only call this once. Returning zero heaps is not a
// failure.
// Errors:
// * ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE - called more than once.
// * ZX_ERR_INTERNAL - generic internal error (such as in communication
// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
// server propagation of zx_status_t failures
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse> GetPhysicalSecureHeaps(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// This request from sysmem to the securemem driver lets the TEE know the
// physical memory address and length of any secure heap whose location is
// configured/established via sysmem.
// Only sysmem can call this because only sysmem is handed the client end
// of a FIDL channel serving this protocol, via RegisterSecureMem(). The
// securemem driver is the server end of this protocol.
// Presently, these physical ranges will be dynamically-allocated by sysmem
// early during boot.
// The heap ID is included in case that's relevant to the securemem driver,
// for more informative log messages, and for consistency with
// GetPhysicalSecureHeaps().
// The securemem driver must configure all the provided ranges as secure
// with the TEE before responding to this message with success.
// For heaps configured via sysmem, both the HeapType and heap location are
// configured via sysmem, and ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS will be the result if the
// securemem driver determines that the number of heaps or HeapType(s) are
// not what's supported by the securemem driver. Typically these aspects
// are essentially fixed for a given device, so this error would typically
// imply a configuration or plumbing problem.
// Sysmem should only call this once.
// Errors:
// * ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE - called more than once
// * ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS - unexpected heap count or unexpected heap
// * ZX_ERR_INTERNAL - generic internal error (such as in communication
// with TEE which doesn't generate zx_status_t errors).
// * other errors are possible, such as from communication failures or
// server propagation of zx_status_t failures
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<SetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse> SetPhysicalSecureHeaps(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<SetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequest> params, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = SecureMem;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
class GetPhysicalSecureHeapsCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result result);
void ReplySuccess(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps heaps);
void ReplyError(int32_t error);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result result);
void ReplySuccess(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps heaps);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using GetPhysicalSecureHeapsCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<GetPhysicalSecureHeapsCompleterBase>;
virtual void GetPhysicalSecureHeaps(GetPhysicalSecureHeapsCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class SetPhysicalSecureHeapsCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result result);
void ReplySuccess();
void ReplyError(int32_t error);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result result);
void ReplySuccess(::fidl::BytePart _buffer);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<SetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using SetPhysicalSecureHeapsCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<SetPhysicalSecureHeapsCompleterBase>;
virtual void SetPhysicalSecureHeaps(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps heaps, SetPhysicalSecureHeapsCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the server implementation.
// If there is no matching handler, it returns false, leaving the message and transaction intact.
// In all other cases, it consumes the message and returns true.
// It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the interface.
// If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in |msg| and closes the channel with
// a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used with |fidl::Bind|
// to reduce template expansion.
// Do not call this method manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
// Helper functions to fill in the transaction header in a |DecodedMessage<TransactionalMessage>|.
class SetTransactionHeaderFor final {
SetTransactionHeaderFor() = delete;
static void GetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<SecureMem::GetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequest>& _msg);
static void GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<SecureMem::GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse>& _msg);
static void SetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<SecureMem::SetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequest>& _msg);
static void SetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<SecureMem::SetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse>& _msg);
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferMemoryConstraintsTable;
struct BufferMemoryConstraints {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferMemoryConstraintsTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 280;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
uint32_t min_size_bytes = {};
// 0 is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF.
uint32_t max_size_bytes = {};
bool physically_contiguous_required = {};
// If true, at least one participant requires secure memory.
// When aggregating BufferCollectionConstraints, these values boolean-OR.
bool secure_required = {};
// By default, participants must ensure the CPU can read or write data to
// the buffer without cache operations. If they support using the RAM
// domain, data must be available in RAM (with CPU cache state such that
// the RAM data won't get corrupted by a dirty CPU cache line writing
// incorrect data to RAM), and a consumer reading using the CPU must
// invalidate CPU cache before reading (the producer doesn't guarantee
// zero stale "clean" cache lines)
bool ram_domain_supported = {};
bool cpu_domain_supported = {};
bool inaccessible_domain_supported = {};
// Optional heap constraints. Participants that don't care which heap
// memory is allocated on should leave this field 0.
uint32_t heap_permitted_count = {};
::fidl::Array<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::HeapType, 32> heap_permitted = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_FormatModifierTable;
struct FormatModifier {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_FormatModifierTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 8;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// The upper 8 bits are a vendor code as allocated in FormatModifierVendor
// enum. The lower 56 bits are vendor-defined.
// This field and the values that go in this field are defined this way for
// compatibility reasons.
uint64_t value = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormatTable;
// Describes how the pixels within an image are represented.
// Simple formats need only a type.
// Parametric pixel formats may require additional properties.
struct PixelFormat {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_PixelFormatTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormatType type = {};
// This bool effectively makes format_modifier optional, to satisfy
// 'Layout = "Simple"', to satisify "FIDL Simple C Bindings".
bool has_format_modifier = {};
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::FormatModifier format_modifier = {};
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_VENDOR_VIVANTE = 432345564227567616u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_VENDOR_SAMSUNG = 288230376151711744u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_VENDOR_QCOM = 360287970189639680u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_VENDOR_NVIDIA = 216172782113783808u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_VENDOR_NONE = 0u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_VENDOR_INTEL = 72057594037927936u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_VENDOR_BROADCOM = 504403158265495552u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_VENDOR_ARM = 576460752303423488u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_VENDOR_AMD = 144115188075855872u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_VALUE_RESERVED = 72057594037927935u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_NONE = 0u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_LINEAR = 0u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_INTEL_I915_Y_TILED = 72057594037927938u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_INTEL_I915_YF_TILED = 72057594037927939u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_INTEL_I915_X_TILED = 72057594037927937u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_ARM_AFBC_32x8 = 576460752303423490u;
constexpr uint64_t FORMAT_MODIFIER_ARM_AFBC_16x16 = 576460752303423489u;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_ColorSpaceTable;
// Describes how the pixels within an image are meant to be presented.
// Simple color spaces need only a type.
// Parametric color spaces may require additional properties.
struct ColorSpace {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_ColorSpaceTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 4;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpaceType type = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_ImageSpecTable;
// Describes constraints for allocating images of some desired form.
struct ImageSpec {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_ImageSpecTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 40;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// Minimum width in pixels.
uint32_t min_width = {};
// Minimum height in pixels.
uint32_t min_height = {};
// Number of layers within a multi-layered image.
// Defaults to 1 if not specified.
uint32_t layers = {};
// Pixel format.
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormat pixel_format = {};
// Color space.
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpace color_space = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormat_2Table;
// Describes how an image is represented.
struct ImageFormat_2 {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormat_2Table;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 56;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// Pixel format.
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormat pixel_format = {};
// Row width in pixels that exist in the buffer. Must be >= display_width.
// Can be < the width implied by stride_bytes.
uint32_t coded_width = {};
// Number of rows. Must be >= display_height.
uint32_t coded_height = {};
uint32_t bytes_per_row = {};
// Row width in pixels that are to be displayed. This can be <=
// coded_width. Any cropping occurs on the right of the image (not left).
uint32_t display_width = {};
// Number of rows to be displayed. This can be <= coded_height, with any
// cropping on the bottom (not top).
uint32_t display_height = {};
// Number of layers within a multi-layered image.
uint32_t layers = {};
// Color space.
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpace color_space = {};
// The pixel_aspect_ratio_width : pixel_aspect_ratio_height is the
// pixel aspect ratio (AKA sample aspect ratio aka SAR) for the luma
// (AKA Y) samples. A pixel_aspect_ratio of 1:1 mean square pixels. A
// pixel_aspect_ratio of 2:1 would mean pixels that are displayed twice
// as wide as they are tall. Codec implementation should ensure these
// two values are relatively prime by reducing the fraction (dividing
// both by GCF) if necessary.
// When has_pixel_aspect_ratio == false, pixel_aspect_ratio_width and
// pixel_aspect_ratio_height will both be 1, but in that case the
// pixel_aspect_ratio_width : pixel_aspect_ratio_height of 1:1 is just
// a very weak suggestion re. reasonable-ish handling, not in any way
// authoritative. In this case (or in any case really) the receiver of
// this message may have other OOB means to determine the actual
// pixel_aspect_ratio.
bool has_pixel_aspect_ratio = {};
uint32_t pixel_aspect_ratio_width = {};
uint32_t pixel_aspect_ratio_height = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatConstraintsTable;
// Describes constraints on layout of image data in buffers.
struct ImageFormatConstraints {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatConstraintsTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 232;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// The PixelFormat for which the following constraints apply. A
// participant may have more than one PixelFormat that's supported, in
// which case that participant can use a list of ImageFormatConstraints
// with an entry per PixelFormat. It's not uncommon for the other fields
// of ImageFormatConstraints to vary by PixelFormat - for example for a
// linear format to support smaller max size than a tiled format.
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormat pixel_format = {};
// Empty is an error. Redundant entries are an error. Arbitrary ordering
// is not an error.
uint32_t color_spaces_count = {};
::fidl::Array<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpace, 32> color_space = {};
// Minimum permitted width in pixels.
// For example a video decoder participant may set this field to the
// minimum coded_width that might potentially be specified by a stream. In
// contrast, required_min_coded_width would be set to the current
// coded_width specified by the stream. While min_coded_width aggregates
// by taking the max, required_min_coded_width aggregates by taking the
// min.
// See also required_min_coded_width.
uint32_t min_coded_width = {};
// Maximum width in pixels. For example Scenic may set this field
// (directly or via sub-participants) to the maximum width that can be
// composited.
// 0 is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF.
uint32_t max_coded_width = {};
// Minimum height in pixels. For example a video decoder participant may
// set this field to the coded_height specified by a stream.
uint32_t min_coded_height = {};
// Maximum height in pixels. For example Scenic may set this field
// (directly or via sub-participants) to the maximum height that can be
// composited.
// 0 is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF.
uint32_t max_coded_height = {};
// Must be >= the value implied by min_coded_width for plane 0.
uint32_t min_bytes_per_row = {};
// Must be >= the value implied by max_coded_width for plane 0.
// 0 is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF.
uint32_t max_bytes_per_row = {};
// The max image area in pixels is limited indirectly via
// BufferSettings.size_bytes, and can also be enforced directly via this
// field.
// 0 is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF.
uint32_t max_coded_width_times_coded_height = {};
// Number of layers within a multi-layered image.
// 0 is treated as 1.
uint32_t layers = {};
// coded_width % width_divisor must be 0.
// 0 is treated as 1.
uint32_t coded_width_divisor = {};
// coded_height % height_divisor must be 0.
// 0 is treated as 1.
uint32_t coded_height_divisor = {};
// bytes_per_row % bytes_per_row_divisor must be 0.
// 0 is treated as 1.
uint32_t bytes_per_row_divisor = {};
// vmo_usable_start % start_offset_divisor must be 0.
// 0 is treated as 1.
uint32_t start_offset_divisor = {};
// display_width % display_width_divisor must be 0.
// 0 is treated as 1.
uint32_t display_width_divisor = {};
// display_height % display_height_divisor must be 0.
// 0 is treated as 1.
uint32_t display_height_divisor = {};
// required_ dimension bounds.
// In contrast to the corresponding fields without "required_" at the
// start, these fields (when set to non-zero values) express a requirement
// that the resulting aggregated non-required_ fields specify a space that
// fully contain the space expressed by each participant's required_
// fields.
// For example, a producer video decoder is perfectly happy for the
// consumer to be willing to accept anything, and the video decoder doesn't
// really want to constrain the potential space of dimensions that might be
// seen in a stream and may be acceptable to the consumer, but the video
// decoder needs to ensure that the resulting dimension ranges contain
// at least the current dimensions decoded from the stream.
// Similarly, an initiator with a particular dynamic-dimension scenario in
// mind may wish to require up front that participants agree to handle at
// least the range of dimensions expected by the initiator in that
// scenario (else fail earlier rather than later, maybe trying again with
// smaller required_ space).
// It's much more common for a producer or initiator to set these fields
// than for a consumer to set these fields.
// While the non-required_ fields aggregate by taking the intersection, the
// required_ fields aggregate by taking the union.
// If set, the required_max_coded_width and required_max_coded_height will
// cause the allocated buffers to be large enough to hold an image that is
// required_max_coded_width * required_max_coded_height.
// TODO(dustingreen): Make it easier to allocate buffers of minimal size
// that can (optionally) also handle 90 degree rotated version of the max
// dimensions / alternate required bounds for another main aspect ratio.
// 0 is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF.
uint32_t required_min_coded_width = {};
uint32_t required_max_coded_width = {};
// 0 is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF.
uint32_t required_min_coded_height = {};
uint32_t required_max_coded_height = {};
// 0 is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF.
uint32_t required_min_bytes_per_row = {};
uint32_t required_max_bytes_per_row = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatTable;
// Describes how an image is represented.
struct ImageFormat {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormatTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 72;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// Row width in pixels.
uint32_t width = {};
// Number of rows.
uint32_t height = {};
// Number of layers within a multi-layered image.
// Defaults to 1 if not specified.
uint32_t layers = {};
// Pixel format.
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormat pixel_format = {};
// Color space.
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpace color_space = {};
::fidl::Array<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImagePlane, 4> planes = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferFormatTable;
// Describes how the contents of buffers are represented.
// Buffers of each type are described by their own tables.
struct BufferFormat {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferFormatTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 80;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// Since this struct used to be a single member union, we kept the tag
// to avoid any wire format changes. The tag must be set to `0`,
// no other value is correct.
uint32_t tag = {};
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat image = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionInfoTable;
// Information about a buffer collection and its buffers.
struct BufferCollectionInfo {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionInfoTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 64;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 352;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// The number of buffers in the collection.
uint32_t buffer_count = {};
// Describes how the contents of buffers are represented.
// All buffers within the collection have the same format.
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferFormat format = {};
// VMO handles for each buffer in the collection.
// The VMOs are only present when the buffers are backed by VMOs.
// If present, all the VMOs after `buffer_count` are invalid handles.
// All buffer VMO handles have identical size and access rights.
// The VMO access rights are determined based on the usages which the
// client specified when allocating the buffer collection. For example,
// a client which expressed a read-only usage will receive VMOs without
// write rights.
::fidl::Array<::zx::vmo, 64> vmos = {};
// The size of each VMO provided.
// This property is only present when the buffers are backed by VMOs.
uint64_t vmo_size = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferMemorySettingsTable;
struct BufferMemorySettings {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferMemorySettingsTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
uint32_t size_bytes = {};
bool is_physically_contiguous = {};
bool is_secure = {};
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::CoherencyDomain coherency_domain = {};
// The specific heap from which buffers are allocated.
// See above in this file for heap identifier values.
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::HeapType heap = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SingleBufferSettingsTable;
// After the initial buffer allocation, it's allowed to close old buffers and
// allocate new buffers. When a new buffer is allocated its settings can differ
// from the rest of the buffers in the collection, and the single buffer's
// settings are delivered via OnSingleBufferAllocated() using this struct:
struct SingleBufferSettings {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SingleBufferSettingsTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 264;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemorySettings buffer_settings = {};
// Buffers holding data that is not uncompressed image data will not have
// this field set. Buffers holding data that is uncompressed image data
// _may_ have this field set.
// At least for now, changing the PixelFormat requires re-allocating
// buffers.
bool has_image_format_constraints = {};
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints image_format_constraints = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SingleBufferInfoTable;
struct SingleBufferInfo {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_SingleBufferInfoTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 280;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferSettings settings = {};
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::VmoBuffer buffer = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionInfo_2Table;
// Information about a buffer collection and its buffers.
struct BufferCollectionInfo_2 {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionInfo_2Table;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 64;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 1296;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// If this is the initial buffer collection allocation, this is the total
// number of buffers. If this is a single buffer allocation, this is zero,
// and the rest of the fields only apply to the single buffer.
uint32_t buffer_count = {};
// These settings apply to all the buffers in the inital buffer allocation.
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferSettings settings = {};
// VMO handles (and vmo_usable_start offset) for each buffer in the
// collection.
// If present, all the VMOs at or after index `buffer_count` are invalid (0)
// handles.
// All buffer VMO handles have identical size and access rights. The size
// is in settings.buffer_settings.size_bytes.
// The VMO access rights are determined based on the usages which the
// client specified when allocating the buffer collection. For example,
// a client which expressed a read-only usage will receive VMOs without
// write rights. In addition, the rights can be attenuated by the parameter
// to BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate() calls.
::fidl::Array<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::VmoBuffer, 64> buffers = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionEventsOnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServerRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionEventsOnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServerResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionEventsOnBuffersAllocatedRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionEventsOnBuffersAllocatedResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionEventsOnAllocateSingleBufferDoneRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionEventsOnAllocateSingleBufferDoneResponseTable;
// This interface intentionally doesn't include any event for
// OnOldBufferClosed(), because such an event could arrive at a participant too
// soon to be useful. Instead, such an indication should be made in-band within
// FIDL interfaces that deliver packets to downstream participants.
class BufferCollectionEvents final {
BufferCollectionEvents() = delete;
static constexpr char Name[] = "fuchsia.sysmem.BufferCollectionEvents";
using OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServerRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
struct OnBuffersAllocatedRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int32_t status;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionEventsOnBuffersAllocatedRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 64;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 1320;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 1320;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct OnAllocateSingleBufferDoneRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int32_t status;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo buffer_info;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionEventsOnAllocateSingleBufferDoneRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 304;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 304;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
class OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl() = default;
OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl(OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl&& other) = default;
OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl& operator=(OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
class OnBuffersAllocated_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
OnBuffersAllocated_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info);
~OnBuffersAllocated_Impl() = default;
OnBuffersAllocated_Impl(OnBuffersAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
OnBuffersAllocated_Impl& operator=(OnBuffersAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
class OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo buffer_info);
~OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl() = default;
OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl(OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl&& other) = default;
OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl& operator=(OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer = OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl;
using OnBuffersAllocated = OnBuffersAllocated_Impl;
using OnAllocateSingleBufferDone = OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
class OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl() = default;
OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl(OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl&& other) = default;
OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl& operator=(OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
class OnBuffersAllocated_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
OnBuffersAllocated_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info);
~OnBuffersAllocated_Impl() = default;
OnBuffersAllocated_Impl(OnBuffersAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
OnBuffersAllocated_Impl& operator=(OnBuffersAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
class OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo buffer_info);
~OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl() = default;
OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl(OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl&& other) = default;
OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl& operator=(OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer = OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer_Impl;
using OnBuffersAllocated = OnBuffersAllocated_Impl;
using OnAllocateSingleBufferDone = OnAllocateSingleBufferDone_Impl;
class SyncClient final {
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// See comments on BufferCollectionToken::Sync().
// This message only indicates that the server has reached the point where
// it knows about previously created tokens Duplicate()ed from the token
// used to create this BufferCollection.
// Allocates 16 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer();
// This event inidicates that buffer allocation is over, whether succesful
// or failed.
// This event will eventually be sent by the server (unless the
// BufferCollection channel closes first).
// `status`:
// `ZX_OK` if successful.
// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be fulfilled due to
// resource exhaustion.
// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to obtain the
// buffers it requested.
// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be satisfied,
// perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// `buffer_collection_info` The buffer information, including VMO handles.
// If `status` is not `ZX_OK`, `buffer_collection_info` is default
// initialized and contains no meaningful information.
// Request is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::OnBuffersAllocated OnBuffersAllocated(int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info);
// This event inidicates that buffer allocation is over, whether succesful
// or failed.
// This event will eventually be sent by the server (unless the
// BufferCollection channel closes first).
// `status`:
// `ZX_OK` if successful.
// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be fulfilled due to
// resource exhaustion.
// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to obtain the
// buffers it requested.
// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be satisfied,
// perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// `buffer_collection_info` The buffer information, including VMO handles.
// If `status` is not `ZX_OK`, `buffer_collection_info` is default
// initialized and contains no meaningful information.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::OnBuffersAllocated OnBuffersAllocated(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info);
// A participant can learn when a new buffer is allocated via this event.
// The only participant that will see a failing status is the participant
// that attempted the single buffer allocation. Other participants will
// only see successful single buffer allocations.
// `status`:
// `ZX_OK` if successful. This can be seen by any participant (whether
// sender of AllocateSingleBuffer() or not.)
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND` if the buffer_index sent via
// CheckSingleBufferAllocated() isn't known to the server. This can be seen
// by any participant (whether sender of AllocateSingleBuffer() or not.)
// These error codes are only ever seen by the sender of
// AllocateSingleBuffer():
// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be fulfilled due to
// resource exhaustion.
// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to obtain the
// buffers it requested.
// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be satisfied,
// perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// Allocates 304 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::OnAllocateSingleBufferDone OnAllocateSingleBufferDone(int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo buffer_info);
// A participant can learn when a new buffer is allocated via this event.
// The only participant that will see a failing status is the participant
// that attempted the single buffer allocation. Other participants will
// only see successful single buffer allocations.
// `status`:
// `ZX_OK` if successful. This can be seen by any participant (whether
// sender of AllocateSingleBuffer() or not.)
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND` if the buffer_index sent via
// CheckSingleBufferAllocated() isn't known to the server. This can be seen
// by any participant (whether sender of AllocateSingleBuffer() or not.)
// These error codes are only ever seen by the sender of
// AllocateSingleBuffer():
// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be fulfilled due to
// resource exhaustion.
// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to obtain the
// buffers it requested.
// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be satisfied,
// perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::OnAllocateSingleBufferDone OnAllocateSingleBufferDone(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo buffer_info);
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// See comments on BufferCollectionToken::Sync().
// This message only indicates that the server has reached the point where
// it knows about previously created tokens Duplicate()ed from the token
// used to create this BufferCollection.
// Allocates 16 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// This event inidicates that buffer allocation is over, whether succesful
// or failed.
// This event will eventually be sent by the server (unless the
// BufferCollection channel closes first).
// `status`:
// `ZX_OK` if successful.
// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be fulfilled due to
// resource exhaustion.
// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to obtain the
// buffers it requested.
// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be satisfied,
// perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// `buffer_collection_info` The buffer information, including VMO handles.
// If `status` is not `ZX_OK`, `buffer_collection_info` is default
// initialized and contains no meaningful information.
// Request is heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::OnBuffersAllocated OnBuffersAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info);
// This event inidicates that buffer allocation is over, whether succesful
// or failed.
// This event will eventually be sent by the server (unless the
// BufferCollection channel closes first).
// `status`:
// `ZX_OK` if successful.
// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be fulfilled due to
// resource exhaustion.
// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to obtain the
// buffers it requested.
// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be satisfied,
// perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// `buffer_collection_info` The buffer information, including VMO handles.
// If `status` is not `ZX_OK`, `buffer_collection_info` is default
// initialized and contains no meaningful information.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::OnBuffersAllocated OnBuffersAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info);
// A participant can learn when a new buffer is allocated via this event.
// The only participant that will see a failing status is the participant
// that attempted the single buffer allocation. Other participants will
// only see successful single buffer allocations.
// `status`:
// `ZX_OK` if successful. This can be seen by any participant (whether
// sender of AllocateSingleBuffer() or not.)
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND` if the buffer_index sent via
// CheckSingleBufferAllocated() isn't known to the server. This can be seen
// by any participant (whether sender of AllocateSingleBuffer() or not.)
// These error codes are only ever seen by the sender of
// AllocateSingleBuffer():
// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be fulfilled due to
// resource exhaustion.
// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to obtain the
// buffers it requested.
// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be satisfied,
// perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// Allocates 304 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::OnAllocateSingleBufferDone OnAllocateSingleBufferDone(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo buffer_info);
// A participant can learn when a new buffer is allocated via this event.
// The only participant that will see a failing status is the participant
// that attempted the single buffer allocation. Other participants will
// only see successful single buffer allocations.
// `status`:
// `ZX_OK` if successful. This can be seen by any participant (whether
// sender of AllocateSingleBuffer() or not.)
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND` if the buffer_index sent via
// CheckSingleBufferAllocated() isn't known to the server. This can be seen
// by any participant (whether sender of AllocateSingleBuffer() or not.)
// These error codes are only ever seen by the sender of
// AllocateSingleBuffer():
// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be fulfilled due to
// resource exhaustion.
// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to obtain the
// buffers it requested.
// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be satisfied,
// perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::OnAllocateSingleBufferDone OnAllocateSingleBufferDone(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo buffer_info);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
// See comments on BufferCollectionToken::Sync().
// This message only indicates that the server has reached the point where
// it knows about previously created tokens Duplicate()ed from the token
// used to create this BufferCollection.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// This event inidicates that buffer allocation is over, whether succesful
// or failed.
// This event will eventually be sent by the server (unless the
// BufferCollection channel closes first).
// `status`:
// `ZX_OK` if successful.
// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be fulfilled due to
// resource exhaustion.
// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to obtain the
// buffers it requested.
// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be satisfied,
// perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// `buffer_collection_info` The buffer information, including VMO handles.
// If `status` is not `ZX_OK`, `buffer_collection_info` is default
// initialized and contains no meaningful information.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError OnBuffersAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<OnBuffersAllocatedRequest> params);
// A participant can learn when a new buffer is allocated via this event.
// The only participant that will see a failing status is the participant
// that attempted the single buffer allocation. Other participants will
// only see successful single buffer allocations.
// `status`:
// `ZX_OK` if successful. This can be seen by any participant (whether
// sender of AllocateSingleBuffer() or not.)
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND` if the buffer_index sent via
// CheckSingleBufferAllocated() isn't known to the server. This can be seen
// by any participant (whether sender of AllocateSingleBuffer() or not.)
// These error codes are only ever seen by the sender of
// AllocateSingleBuffer():
// `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be fulfilled due to
// resource exhaustion.
// `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to obtain the
// buffers it requested.
// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be satisfied,
// perhaps due to hardware limitations.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError OnAllocateSingleBufferDone(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<OnAllocateSingleBufferDoneRequest> params);
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = BufferCollectionEvents;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
using OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServerCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServer(OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServerCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using OnBuffersAllocatedCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void OnBuffersAllocated(int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info, OnBuffersAllocatedCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using OnAllocateSingleBufferDoneCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void OnAllocateSingleBufferDone(int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo buffer_info, OnAllocateSingleBufferDoneCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the server implementation.
// If there is no matching handler, it returns false, leaving the message and transaction intact.
// In all other cases, it consumes the message and returns true.
// It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the interface.
// If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in |msg| and closes the channel with
// a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used with |fidl::Bind|
// to reduce template expansion.
// Do not call this method manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
// Helper functions to fill in the transaction header in a |DecodedMessage<TransactionalMessage>|.
class SetTransactionHeaderFor final {
SetTransactionHeaderFor() = delete;
static void OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServerRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollectionEvents::OnDuplicatedTokensKnownByServerRequest>& _msg);
static void OnBuffersAllocatedRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollectionEvents::OnBuffersAllocatedRequest>& _msg);
static void OnAllocateSingleBufferDoneRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollectionEvents::OnAllocateSingleBufferDoneRequest>& _msg);
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferUsageTable;
struct BufferUsage {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferUsageTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 20;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
uint32_t none = {};
uint32_t cpu = {};
uint32_t vulkan = {};
uint32_t display = {};
uint32_t video = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionConstraintsTable;
// Constraints on BufferCollection parameters. These constraints can be
// specified per-participant. The sysmem service implements aggregation of
// constraints from multiple participants.
struct BufferCollectionConstraints {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionConstraintsTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 7760;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// The usage is only meant as a hint to help sysmem choose a more optimal
// PixelFormat or similar when multiple compatible options exist.
// When aggregating BufferCollectionConstraints, these values bitwise-OR.
// At least one usage bit must be specified unless the whole
// BufferCollectionConstraints is logically null due to !has_constraints.
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferUsage usage = {};
// Per-participant minimum number of buffers that are needed for camping
// purposes. A participant should specify a number for min_buffer_count
// that's >= the maximum number of buffers that the participant may
// concurrently camp on for any non-transient period of time.
// For example, a video decoder would specify (at least) the maximum number
// of reference frames + 1 frame currently being decoded into.
// A participant must not camp on more buffers than specified here (except
// very transiently) else processing may get stuck.
// When aggregating BufferCollectionConstraints, these values add.
// In testing scenarios, camping on more buffers than this for any
// significant duration may (ideally will) be flagged as a failure. In
// testing scenarios, the participant may not be provided with more buffers
// than this concurrently.
uint32_t min_buffer_count_for_camping = {};
// Per-participant minimum number of buffers that are needed for slack
// reasons, for better overlap of processing / better performance.
// When aggregating BufferCollectionConstraints, these values add.
// A participant should typically specify 0 or 1 here - typically 0 is
// appropriate if min_buffer_count_for_camping is already enough to keep
// the participant busy 100% of the time when the participant is slightly
// behind, while 1 can be appropriate if 1 more buffer than strictly needed
// for min-camping reasons gives enough slack to stay busy 100% of the time
// (when slightly behind, vs. lower % without the extra buffer).
// In testing scenarios, this field may be forced to 0, and all
// participants are expected to continue to work without getting stuck. If
// a buffer is needed for forward progress reasons, that buffer should be
// accounted for in min_buffer_count_for_camping.
uint32_t min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack = {};
// Similar to min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack, except when aggregating
// these values max (instead of add). The value here is not shared with
// any participant's min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack.
// A participant can specify > 0 here if a participant would like to ensure
// there's some slack overall, but doesn't need that slack to be dedicated.
// The choice whether to use min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack or
// min_buffer_count_for_shared_slack (or both) will typically be about the
// degree to which the extra slack improves performance.
// In testing scenarios, this field may be forced to 0, and all
// participants are expected to continue to work without getting stuck. If
// a buffer is needed for forward progress reasons, that buffer should be
// accounted for in min_buffer_count_for_camping.
uint32_t min_buffer_count_for_shared_slack = {};
// A particularly-picky participant may unfortunately need to demand a tight
// range of buffer_count, or even a specific buffer_count. This field
// should remain 0 unless a participant really must set this field to
// constrain the overall BufferCollectionInfo_2.buffer_count. Any such
// participant should still fill out the min_buffer_count_for_* fields
// above.
uint32_t min_buffer_count = {};
// 0 is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF.
uint32_t max_buffer_count = {};
// Constraints on BufferCollectionSettings.buffer_settings.
// A participant that intends to specify image_format_constraints_count > 1
// will typically specify the minimum buffer size implicitly via
// image_format_constraints, and possibly specify only the max buffer size
// via buffer_memory_constraints.
bool has_buffer_memory_constraints = {};
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints buffer_memory_constraints = {};
// Optional constraints on the image format parameters of an image stored
// in a buffer of the BufferCollection. This includes pixel format and
// image layout. These constraints are per-pixel-format, so more than one
// is permitted.
// When aggregating, only pixel formats that are specified by all
// particpants with non-zero image_format_constraints_count (and non-Null)
// BufferCollectionConstraints) are retained.
uint32_t image_format_constraints_count = {};
::fidl::Array<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, 32> image_format_constraints = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionSetEventSinkRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionSetEventSinkResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionSyncRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionSyncResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionSetConstraintsResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionWaitForBuffersAllocatedRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionWaitForBuffersAllocatedResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionCheckBuffersAllocatedRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionCheckBuffersAllocatedResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionCloseSingleBufferRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionCloseSingleBufferResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionAllocateSingleBufferRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionAllocateSingleBufferResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionWaitForSingleBufferAllocatedRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionWaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionCheckSingleBufferAllocatedRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionCheckSingleBufferAllocatedResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionCloseRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionCloseResponseTable;
// BufferCollection is a connection directly from a participant to sysmem re.
// a logical BufferCollection; typically the logical BufferCollection is shared
// with other participants. In other words, an instance of the BufferCollection
// interface is a view of a "LogicalBufferCollection".
// This connection exists to facilitate async indication of when the logical
// BufferCollection has been populated with buffers.
// Also, the channel's closure by the server is an indication to the client
// that the client should close all VMO handles that were obtained from the
// BufferCollection ASAP.
// Also, this interface may in future allow specifying constraints in other
// ways, and may allow for back-and-forth negotiation of constraints to some
// degree.
// This interface may in future allow for more than 64 VMO handles per
// BufferCollection, but currently the limit is 64.
// This interface may in future allow for allocating/deallocating single
// buffers.
// Some initiators may wait a short duration until all old logical
// BufferCollection VMO handles have closed (or until the short duration times
// out) before allocating a new BufferCollection, to help control physical
// memory fragmentation and avoid overlap of buffer allocation lifetimes for
// the old and new collections. Collections can be large enough that it's worth
// avoiding allocation overlap (in time).
class BufferCollection final {
BufferCollection() = delete;
static constexpr char Name[] = "fuchsia.sysmem.BufferCollection";
struct SetEventSinkRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::zx::channel events;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionSetEventSinkRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using SyncResponse = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
using SyncRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
struct SetConstraintsRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
bool has_constraints;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionSetConstraintsRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 7784;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 7784;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct WaitForBuffersAllocatedResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int32_t status;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionWaitForBuffersAllocatedResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 64;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 1320;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using WaitForBuffersAllocatedRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
struct CheckBuffersAllocatedResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int32_t status;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionCheckBuffersAllocatedResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using CheckBuffersAllocatedRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
struct CloseSingleBufferRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
uint64_t buffer_index;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionCloseSingleBufferRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct AllocateSingleBufferRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
uint64_t buffer_index;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionAllocateSingleBufferRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int32_t status;
::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo buffer_info;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionWaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 304;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
uint64_t buffer_index;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionWaitForSingleBufferAllocatedRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse;
struct CheckSingleBufferAllocatedRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
uint64_t buffer_index;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_sysmem_BufferCollectionCheckSingleBufferAllocatedRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using CloseRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
class SetEventSink_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
SetEventSink_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::channel events);
~SetEventSink_Impl() = default;
SetEventSink_Impl(SetEventSink_Impl&& other) = default;
SetEventSink_Impl& operator=(SetEventSink_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
template <typename ResponseType>
class Sync_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
Sync_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~Sync_Impl() = default;
Sync_Impl(Sync_Impl&& other) = default;
Sync_Impl& operator=(Sync_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class SetConstraints_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
SetConstraints_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, bool has_constraints, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints);
~SetConstraints_Impl() = default;
SetConstraints_Impl(SetConstraints_Impl&& other) = default;
SetConstraints_Impl& operator=(SetConstraints_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl() = default;
WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl(WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl& operator=(WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl() = default;
CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl(CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl& operator=(CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class CloseSingleBuffer_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
CloseSingleBuffer_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint64_t buffer_index);
~CloseSingleBuffer_Impl() = default;
CloseSingleBuffer_Impl(CloseSingleBuffer_Impl&& other) = default;
CloseSingleBuffer_Impl& operator=(CloseSingleBuffer_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
class AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint64_t buffer_index);
~AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl() = default;
AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl(AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl&& other) = default;
AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl& operator=(AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint64_t buffer_index);
~WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl() = default;
WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl(WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl& operator=(WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint64_t buffer_index);
~CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl() = default;
CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl(CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl& operator=(CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
class Close_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
Close_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~Close_Impl() = default;
Close_Impl(Close_Impl&& other) = default;
Close_Impl& operator=(Close_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using SetEventSink = SetEventSink_Impl;
using Sync = Sync_Impl<SyncResponse>;
using SetConstraints = SetConstraints_Impl;
using WaitForBuffersAllocated = WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl<WaitForBuffersAllocatedResponse>;
using CheckBuffersAllocated = CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl<CheckBuffersAllocatedResponse>;
using CloseSingleBuffer = CloseSingleBuffer_Impl;
using AllocateSingleBuffer = AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl;
using WaitForSingleBufferAllocated = WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl<WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse>;
using CheckSingleBufferAllocated = CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl;
using Close = Close_Impl;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
class SetEventSink_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
SetEventSink_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel events);
~SetEventSink_Impl() = default;
SetEventSink_Impl(SetEventSink_Impl&& other) = default;
SetEventSink_Impl& operator=(SetEventSink_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
template <typename ResponseType>
class Sync_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
Sync_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~Sync_Impl() = default;
Sync_Impl(Sync_Impl&& other) = default;
Sync_Impl& operator=(Sync_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class SetConstraints_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
SetConstraints_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, bool has_constraints, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints);
~SetConstraints_Impl() = default;
SetConstraints_Impl(SetConstraints_Impl&& other) = default;
SetConstraints_Impl& operator=(SetConstraints_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl() = default;
WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl(WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl& operator=(WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl() = default;
CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl(CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl& operator=(CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class CloseSingleBuffer_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
CloseSingleBuffer_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t buffer_index);
~CloseSingleBuffer_Impl() = default;
CloseSingleBuffer_Impl(CloseSingleBuffer_Impl&& other) = default;
CloseSingleBuffer_Impl& operator=(CloseSingleBuffer_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
class AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t buffer_index);
~AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl() = default;
AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl(AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl&& other) = default;
AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl& operator=(AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t buffer_index, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl() = default;
WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl(WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl& operator=(WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t buffer_index);
~CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl() = default;
CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl(CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl& operator=(CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
class Close_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
Close_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~Close_Impl() = default;
Close_Impl(Close_Impl&& other) = default;
Close_Impl& operator=(Close_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using SetEventSink = SetEventSink_Impl;
using Sync = Sync_Impl<SyncResponse>;
using SetConstraints = SetConstraints_Impl;
using WaitForBuffersAllocated = WaitForBuffersAllocated_Impl<WaitForBuffersAllocatedResponse>;
using CheckBuffersAllocated = CheckBuffersAllocated_Impl<CheckBuffersAllocatedResponse>;
using CloseSingleBuffer = CloseSingleBuffer_Impl;
using AllocateSingleBuffer = AllocateSingleBuffer_Impl;
using WaitForSingleBufferAllocated = WaitForSingleBufferAllocated_Impl<WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse>;
using CheckSingleBufferAllocated = CheckSingleBufferAllocated_Impl;
using Close = Close_Impl;
class SyncClient final {
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// At least for now, the only way to get events from a BufferCollection is
// to set a reverse BufferCollectionEvents channel. This can be sent up to
// once at any point during BufferCollection channel lifetime. All events
// are one-shot events, and will be sent immediately via `events` if the
// one-shot event's condition has already become true (once true will stay
// true; only goes from false to true once).
// `events` is the client end of a BufferCollectionEvents which will be sent
// one-way messages indicating events relevant to this BufferCollection
// channel (some may be specific to this BufferCollection channel and some
// may be relevant to the overall logical BufferCollection).
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::SetEventSink SetEventSink(::zx::channel events);
// At least for now, the only way to get events from a BufferCollection is
// to set a reverse BufferCollectionEvents channel. This can be sent up to
// once at any point during BufferCollection channel lifetime. All events
// are one-shot events, and will be sent immediately via `events` if the
// one-shot event's condition has already become true (once true will stay
// true; only goes from false to true once).
// `events` is the client end of a BufferCollectionEvents which will be sent
// one-way messages indicating events relevant to this BufferCollection
// channel (some may be specific to this BufferCollection channel and some
// may be relevant to the overall logical BufferCollection).
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::SetEventSink SetEventSink(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel events);
// See comments on BufferCollectionToken::Sync().
// Allocates 32 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::Sync Sync();
// Provide BufferCollectionConstraints to the logical BufferCollection.
// Participants with read but not write can only call SetConstraints() once.
// Participants with write can call SetConstraints() more than once. The
// initial buffer allocation will use the constraints in the first call to
// SetConstraints(). Among other things, this allows a decoder to attempt
// to allocate a new buffer that's larger to hold an output frame that's
// larger.
// Sometimes the initiator is a participant only in the sense of wanting to
// keep an eye on success/failure to populate with buffers, and zx.status on
// failure. In that case, `has_constraints` can be false, and `constraints`
// will be ignored.
// VMO handles will not be provided to the client that sends null
// constraints - that can be intentional for an initiator that doesn't need
// VMO handles. Not having VMO handles doesn't prevent the initator from
// adjusting which portion of a buffer is considered valid and similar, but
// the initiator can't hold a VMO handle open to prevent the logical
// BufferCollection from cleaning up if the logical BufferCollection needs
// to go away regardless of the initiator's degree of involvement for
// whatever reason.
// For population of buffers to be attempted, all holders of a
// BufferCollection client channel need to call SetConstraints() before
// sysmem will attempt to allocate buffers.
// `has_constraints` if false, the constraints are effectively null, and
// `constraints` are ignored. The sender of null constraints won't get any
// VMO handles in BufferCollectionInfo, but can still find out how many
// buffers were allocated and can still refer to buffers by their
// buffer_index.
// `constraints` are constraints on the buffer collection.
// Request is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::SetConstraints SetConstraints(bool has_constraints, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints);
// Provide BufferCollectionConstraints to the logical BufferCollection.
// Participants with read but not write can only call SetConstraints() once.
// Participants with write can call SetConstraints() more than once. The
// initial buffer allocation will use the constraints in the first call to
// SetConstraints(). Among other things, this allows a decoder to attempt
// to allocate a new buffer that's larger to hold an output frame that's
// larger.
// Sometimes the initiator is a participant only in the sense of wanting to
// keep an eye on success/failure to populate with buffers, and zx.status on
// failure. In that case, `has_constraints` can be false, and `constraints`
// will be ignored.
// VMO handles will not be provided to the client that sends null
// constraints - that can be intentional for an initiator that doesn't need
// VMO handles. Not having VMO handles doesn't prevent the initator from
// adjusting which portion of a buffer is considered valid and similar, but
// the initiator can't hold a VMO handle open to prevent the logical
// BufferCollection from cleaning up if the logical BufferCollection needs
// to go away regardless of the initiator's degree of involvement for
// whatever reason.
// For population of buffers to be attempted, all holders of a
// BufferCollection client channel need to call SetConstraints() before
// sysmem will attempt to allocate buffers.
// `has_constraints` if false, the constraints are effectively null, and
// `constraints` are ignored. The sender of null constraints won't get any
// VMO handles in BufferCollectionInfo, but can still find out how many
// buffers were allocated and can still refer to buffers by their
// buffer_index.
// `constraints` are constraints on the buffer collection.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::SetConstraints SetConstraints(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, bool has_constraints, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints);
// This request completes when buffers have been allocated, responds with
// some failure detail if allocation has been attempted but failed.
// The following must occur before buffers will be allocated:
// * All BufferCollectionToken(s) of the logical BufferCollectionToken
// must be turned in via BindSharedCollection().
// * All BufferCollection(s) of the logical BufferCollection must have had
// SetConstraints() sent to them.
// A caller using C generated FIDL code who wishes not to block a thread in
// a zx_channel_call() for a potentially fairly long duration on this
// message/response can use SetEventSink() and
// BufferCollectionEvents.OnBuffersPopulated() instead.
// This method is still legal to call despite use of OnBuffersPopulated(),
// but in that case the additional BufferCollectionInfo returned here will
// include handles that are redundant with other handles in the
// BufferCollectionInfo delivered via OnBuffersPopulated() (separate handle
// but same underlying VMO objects), so most clients that bother calling
// SetEventSink() will prefer to receive BufferCollectionInfo via
// OnBuffersPopulated(). This method is mostly here for clients that don't
// call SetEventSink().
// Returns `ZX_OK` if successful.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be
// fulfilled due to resource exhaustion.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to
// obtain the buffers it requested.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be
// satisfied, perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// `buffer_collection_info` has the VMO handles and other related info.
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::WaitForBuffersAllocated WaitForBuffersAllocated();
// This request completes when buffers have been allocated, responds with
// some failure detail if allocation has been attempted but failed.
// The following must occur before buffers will be allocated:
// * All BufferCollectionToken(s) of the logical BufferCollectionToken
// must be turned in via BindSharedCollection().
// * All BufferCollection(s) of the logical BufferCollection must have had
// SetConstraints() sent to them.
// A caller using C generated FIDL code who wishes not to block a thread in
// a zx_channel_call() for a potentially fairly long duration on this
// message/response can use SetEventSink() and
// BufferCollectionEvents.OnBuffersPopulated() instead.
// This method is still legal to call despite use of OnBuffersPopulated(),
// but in that case the additional BufferCollectionInfo returned here will
// include handles that are redundant with other handles in the
// BufferCollectionInfo delivered via OnBuffersPopulated() (separate handle
// but same underlying VMO objects), so most clients that bother calling
// SetEventSink() will prefer to receive BufferCollectionInfo via
// OnBuffersPopulated(). This method is mostly here for clients that don't
// call SetEventSink().
// Returns `ZX_OK` if successful.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be
// fulfilled due to resource exhaustion.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to
// obtain the buffers it requested.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be
// satisfied, perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// `buffer_collection_info` has the VMO handles and other related info.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::WaitForBuffersAllocated WaitForBuffersAllocated(::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// This returns the same result code as WaitForBuffersAllocated if the
// buffer collection has been allocated or failed, or `ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE`
// if WaitForBuffersAllocated would block.
// Allocates 40 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::CheckBuffersAllocated CheckBuffersAllocated();
// This returns the same result code as WaitForBuffersAllocated if the
// buffer collection has been allocated or failed, or `ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE`
// if WaitForBuffersAllocated would block.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::CheckBuffersAllocated CheckBuffersAllocated(::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// The CloseBuffer() doesn't immediately force all VMO handles to that
// buffer to close, but it does close any handle held by sysmem, and does
// notify all participants of the desire to close the buffer at which point
// each participant that's listening may close their handle to the buffer.
// Only a particpant with write can do this. Coordination among multiple
// participants with write is outside of the scope of this interface.
// `buffer_index` indicates which buffer to close. If the buffer is already
// closed this has no effect (idempotent).
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::CloseSingleBuffer CloseSingleBuffer(uint64_t buffer_index);
// The CloseBuffer() doesn't immediately force all VMO handles to that
// buffer to close, but it does close any handle held by sysmem, and does
// notify all participants of the desire to close the buffer at which point
// each participant that's listening may close their handle to the buffer.
// Only a particpant with write can do this. Coordination among multiple
// participants with write is outside of the scope of this interface.
// `buffer_index` indicates which buffer to close. If the buffer is already
// closed this has no effect (idempotent).
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::CloseSingleBuffer CloseSingleBuffer(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t buffer_index);
// This allocates a new buffer that is consistent with the most recent call
// to SetConstraints(), if possible. If not possible, this indicates the
// failure via OnNewBufferAllocated().
// Only a participant with write can do this. Coordination among multiple
// participants with write is outside the scope of this interface.
// The participant is (intentionally) never informed of other participant's
// constraints.
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::AllocateSingleBuffer AllocateSingleBuffer(uint64_t buffer_index);
// This allocates a new buffer that is consistent with the most recent call
// to SetConstraints(), if possible. If not possible, this indicates the
// failure via OnNewBufferAllocated().
// Only a participant with write can do this. Coordination among multiple
// participants with write is outside the scope of this interface.
// The participant is (intentionally) never informed of other participant's
// constraints.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::AllocateSingleBuffer AllocateSingleBuffer(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t buffer_index);
// Completes when AllocateBuffer is done. Callers who wish to avoid
// blocking a thread while waiting can use OnAllocateSingleBufferDone()
// instead.
// Allocates 328 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::WaitForSingleBufferAllocated WaitForSingleBufferAllocated(uint64_t buffer_index);
// Completes when AllocateBuffer is done. Callers who wish to avoid
// blocking a thread while waiting can use OnAllocateSingleBufferDone()
// instead.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::WaitForSingleBufferAllocated WaitForSingleBufferAllocated(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t buffer_index, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// A participant can use this message to have sysmem verify that this
// buffer_index exists. This message is intentionally ignored by the
// server if the buffer_index _does_ exist. In that case, the client will
// see OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() soon with status == `ZX_OK` (if the
// client hasn't already seen that message). If on the other hand the
// buffer_index does not exist, this message causes the server to send
// OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() with status == `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND`. A
// particpant will typically use this when the participant receives a new
// buffer_index that the participant doesn't yet know about, to ensure that
// the participant won't be waiting forever for the
// OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() message regarding this buffer_index.
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::CheckSingleBufferAllocated CheckSingleBufferAllocated(uint64_t buffer_index);
// A participant can use this message to have sysmem verify that this
// buffer_index exists. This message is intentionally ignored by the
// server if the buffer_index _does_ exist. In that case, the client will
// see OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() soon with status == `ZX_OK` (if the
// client hasn't already seen that message). If on the other hand the
// buffer_index does not exist, this message causes the server to send
// OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() with status == `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND`. A
// particpant will typically use this when the participant receives a new
// buffer_index that the participant doesn't yet know about, to ensure that
// the participant won't be waiting forever for the
// OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() message regarding this buffer_index.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::CheckSingleBufferAllocated CheckSingleBufferAllocated(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t buffer_index);
// The server handles unexpected failure of a BufferCollection by failing
// the whole LogicalBufferCollection. Partly this is to expedite closing
// VMO handles. If a participant would like to cleanly close a
// BufferCollection view without causing LogicalBufferCollection failure,
// the participant can send Close() before closing the client end of the
// BufferCollection channel. If this is the last BufferCollection view, the
// LogicalBufferCollection will still go away.
// Allocates 16 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::Close Close();
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// At least for now, the only way to get events from a BufferCollection is
// to set a reverse BufferCollectionEvents channel. This can be sent up to
// once at any point during BufferCollection channel lifetime. All events
// are one-shot events, and will be sent immediately via `events` if the
// one-shot event's condition has already become true (once true will stay
// true; only goes from false to true once).
// `events` is the client end of a BufferCollectionEvents which will be sent
// one-way messages indicating events relevant to this BufferCollection
// channel (some may be specific to this BufferCollection channel and some
// may be relevant to the overall logical BufferCollection).
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::SetEventSink SetEventSink(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::channel events);
// At least for now, the only way to get events from a BufferCollection is
// to set a reverse BufferCollectionEvents channel. This can be sent up to
// once at any point during BufferCollection channel lifetime. All events
// are one-shot events, and will be sent immediately via `events` if the
// one-shot event's condition has already become true (once true will stay
// true; only goes from false to true once).
// `events` is the client end of a BufferCollectionEvents which will be sent
// one-way messages indicating events relevant to this BufferCollection
// channel (some may be specific to this BufferCollection channel and some
// may be relevant to the overall logical BufferCollection).
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::SetEventSink SetEventSink(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::channel events);
// See comments on BufferCollectionToken::Sync().
// Allocates 32 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::Sync Sync(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Provide BufferCollectionConstraints to the logical BufferCollection.
// Participants with read but not write can only call SetConstraints() once.
// Participants with write can call SetConstraints() more than once. The
// initial buffer allocation will use the constraints in the first call to
// SetConstraints(). Among other things, this allows a decoder to attempt
// to allocate a new buffer that's larger to hold an output frame that's
// larger.
// Sometimes the initiator is a participant only in the sense of wanting to
// keep an eye on success/failure to populate with buffers, and zx.status on
// failure. In that case, `has_constraints` can be false, and `constraints`
// will be ignored.
// VMO handles will not be provided to the client that sends null
// constraints - that can be intentional for an initiator that doesn't need
// VMO handles. Not having VMO handles doesn't prevent the initator from
// adjusting which portion of a buffer is considered valid and similar, but
// the initiator can't hold a VMO handle open to prevent the logical
// BufferCollection from cleaning up if the logical BufferCollection needs
// to go away regardless of the initiator's degree of involvement for
// whatever reason.
// For population of buffers to be attempted, all holders of a
// BufferCollection client channel need to call SetConstraints() before
// sysmem will attempt to allocate buffers.
// `has_constraints` if false, the constraints are effectively null, and
// `constraints` are ignored. The sender of null constraints won't get any
// VMO handles in BufferCollectionInfo, but can still find out how many
// buffers were allocated and can still refer to buffers by their
// buffer_index.
// `constraints` are constraints on the buffer collection.
// Request is heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::SetConstraints SetConstraints(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, bool has_constraints, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints);
// Provide BufferCollectionConstraints to the logical BufferCollection.
// Participants with read but not write can only call SetConstraints() once.
// Participants with write can call SetConstraints() more than once. The
// initial buffer allocation will use the constraints in the first call to
// SetConstraints(). Among other things, this allows a decoder to attempt
// to allocate a new buffer that's larger to hold an output frame that's
// larger.
// Sometimes the initiator is a participant only in the sense of wanting to
// keep an eye on success/failure to populate with buffers, and zx.status on
// failure. In that case, `has_constraints` can be false, and `constraints`
// will be ignored.
// VMO handles will not be provided to the client that sends null
// constraints - that can be intentional for an initiator that doesn't need
// VMO handles. Not having VMO handles doesn't prevent the initator from
// adjusting which portion of a buffer is considered valid and similar, but
// the initiator can't hold a VMO handle open to prevent the logical
// BufferCollection from cleaning up if the logical BufferCollection needs
// to go away regardless of the initiator's degree of involvement for
// whatever reason.
// For population of buffers to be attempted, all holders of a
// BufferCollection client channel need to call SetConstraints() before
// sysmem will attempt to allocate buffers.
// `has_constraints` if false, the constraints are effectively null, and
// `constraints` are ignored. The sender of null constraints won't get any
// VMO handles in BufferCollectionInfo, but can still find out how many
// buffers were allocated and can still refer to buffers by their
// buffer_index.
// `constraints` are constraints on the buffer collection.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::SetConstraints SetConstraints(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, bool has_constraints, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints);
// This request completes when buffers have been allocated, responds with
// some failure detail if allocation has been attempted but failed.
// The following must occur before buffers will be allocated:
// * All BufferCollectionToken(s) of the logical BufferCollectionToken
// must be turned in via BindSharedCollection().
// * All BufferCollection(s) of the logical BufferCollection must have had
// SetConstraints() sent to them.
// A caller using C generated FIDL code who wishes not to block a thread in
// a zx_channel_call() for a potentially fairly long duration on this
// message/response can use SetEventSink() and
// BufferCollectionEvents.OnBuffersPopulated() instead.
// This method is still legal to call despite use of OnBuffersPopulated(),
// but in that case the additional BufferCollectionInfo returned here will
// include handles that are redundant with other handles in the
// BufferCollectionInfo delivered via OnBuffersPopulated() (separate handle
// but same underlying VMO objects), so most clients that bother calling
// SetEventSink() will prefer to receive BufferCollectionInfo via
// OnBuffersPopulated(). This method is mostly here for clients that don't
// call SetEventSink().
// Returns `ZX_OK` if successful.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be
// fulfilled due to resource exhaustion.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to
// obtain the buffers it requested.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be
// satisfied, perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// `buffer_collection_info` has the VMO handles and other related info.
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::WaitForBuffersAllocated WaitForBuffersAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// This request completes when buffers have been allocated, responds with
// some failure detail if allocation has been attempted but failed.
// The following must occur before buffers will be allocated:
// * All BufferCollectionToken(s) of the logical BufferCollectionToken
// must be turned in via BindSharedCollection().
// * All BufferCollection(s) of the logical BufferCollection must have had
// SetConstraints() sent to them.
// A caller using C generated FIDL code who wishes not to block a thread in
// a zx_channel_call() for a potentially fairly long duration on this
// message/response can use SetEventSink() and
// BufferCollectionEvents.OnBuffersPopulated() instead.
// This method is still legal to call despite use of OnBuffersPopulated(),
// but in that case the additional BufferCollectionInfo returned here will
// include handles that are redundant with other handles in the
// BufferCollectionInfo delivered via OnBuffersPopulated() (separate handle
// but same underlying VMO objects), so most clients that bother calling
// SetEventSink() will prefer to receive BufferCollectionInfo via
// OnBuffersPopulated(). This method is mostly here for clients that don't
// call SetEventSink().
// Returns `ZX_OK` if successful.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be
// fulfilled due to resource exhaustion.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to
// obtain the buffers it requested.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be
// satisfied, perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// `buffer_collection_info` has the VMO handles and other related info.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::WaitForBuffersAllocated WaitForBuffersAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// This returns the same result code as WaitForBuffersAllocated if the
// buffer collection has been allocated or failed, or `ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE`
// if WaitForBuffersAllocated would block.
// Allocates 40 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::CheckBuffersAllocated CheckBuffersAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// This returns the same result code as WaitForBuffersAllocated if the
// buffer collection has been allocated or failed, or `ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE`
// if WaitForBuffersAllocated would block.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::CheckBuffersAllocated CheckBuffersAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// The CloseBuffer() doesn't immediately force all VMO handles to that
// buffer to close, but it does close any handle held by sysmem, and does
// notify all participants of the desire to close the buffer at which point
// each participant that's listening may close their handle to the buffer.
// Only a particpant with write can do this. Coordination among multiple
// participants with write is outside of the scope of this interface.
// `buffer_index` indicates which buffer to close. If the buffer is already
// closed this has no effect (idempotent).
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::CloseSingleBuffer CloseSingleBuffer(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint64_t buffer_index);
// The CloseBuffer() doesn't immediately force all VMO handles to that
// buffer to close, but it does close any handle held by sysmem, and does
// notify all participants of the desire to close the buffer at which point
// each participant that's listening may close their handle to the buffer.
// Only a particpant with write can do this. Coordination among multiple
// participants with write is outside of the scope of this interface.
// `buffer_index` indicates which buffer to close. If the buffer is already
// closed this has no effect (idempotent).
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::CloseSingleBuffer CloseSingleBuffer(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t buffer_index);
// This allocates a new buffer that is consistent with the most recent call
// to SetConstraints(), if possible. If not possible, this indicates the
// failure via OnNewBufferAllocated().
// Only a participant with write can do this. Coordination among multiple
// participants with write is outside the scope of this interface.
// The participant is (intentionally) never informed of other participant's
// constraints.
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::AllocateSingleBuffer AllocateSingleBuffer(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint64_t buffer_index);
// This allocates a new buffer that is consistent with the most recent call
// to SetConstraints(), if possible. If not possible, this indicates the
// failure via OnNewBufferAllocated().
// Only a participant with write can do this. Coordination among multiple
// participants with write is outside the scope of this interface.
// The participant is (intentionally) never informed of other participant's
// constraints.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::AllocateSingleBuffer AllocateSingleBuffer(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t buffer_index);
// Completes when AllocateBuffer is done. Callers who wish to avoid
// blocking a thread while waiting can use OnAllocateSingleBufferDone()
// instead.
// Allocates 328 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::WaitForSingleBufferAllocated WaitForSingleBufferAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint64_t buffer_index);
// Completes when AllocateBuffer is done. Callers who wish to avoid
// blocking a thread while waiting can use OnAllocateSingleBufferDone()
// instead.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::WaitForSingleBufferAllocated WaitForSingleBufferAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t buffer_index, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// A participant can use this message to have sysmem verify that this
// buffer_index exists. This message is intentionally ignored by the
// server if the buffer_index _does_ exist. In that case, the client will
// see OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() soon with status == `ZX_OK` (if the
// client hasn't already seen that message). If on the other hand the
// buffer_index does not exist, this message causes the server to send
// OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() with status == `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND`. A
// particpant will typically use this when the participant receives a new
// buffer_index that the participant doesn't yet know about, to ensure that
// the participant won't be waiting forever for the
// OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() message regarding this buffer_index.
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::CheckSingleBufferAllocated CheckSingleBufferAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint64_t buffer_index);
// A participant can use this message to have sysmem verify that this
// buffer_index exists. This message is intentionally ignored by the
// server if the buffer_index _does_ exist. In that case, the client will
// see OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() soon with status == `ZX_OK` (if the
// client hasn't already seen that message). If on the other hand the
// buffer_index does not exist, this message causes the server to send
// OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() with status == `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND`. A
// particpant will typically use this when the participant receives a new
// buffer_index that the participant doesn't yet know about, to ensure that
// the participant won't be waiting forever for the
// OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() message regarding this buffer_index.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::CheckSingleBufferAllocated CheckSingleBufferAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint64_t buffer_index);
// The server handles unexpected failure of a BufferCollection by failing
// the whole LogicalBufferCollection. Partly this is to expedite closing
// VMO handles. If a participant would like to cleanly close a
// BufferCollection view without causing LogicalBufferCollection failure,
// the participant can send Close() before closing the client end of the
// BufferCollection channel. If this is the last BufferCollection view, the
// LogicalBufferCollection will still go away.
// Allocates 16 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::Close Close(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
// At least for now, the only way to get events from a BufferCollection is
// to set a reverse BufferCollectionEvents channel. This can be sent up to
// once at any point during BufferCollection channel lifetime. All events
// are one-shot events, and will be sent immediately via `events` if the
// one-shot event's condition has already become true (once true will stay
// true; only goes from false to true once).
// `events` is the client end of a BufferCollectionEvents which will be sent
// one-way messages indicating events relevant to this BufferCollection
// channel (some may be specific to this BufferCollection channel and some
// may be relevant to the overall logical BufferCollection).
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError SetEventSink(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<SetEventSinkRequest> params);
// See comments on BufferCollectionToken::Sync().
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<SyncResponse> Sync(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Provide BufferCollectionConstraints to the logical BufferCollection.
// Participants with read but not write can only call SetConstraints() once.
// Participants with write can call SetConstraints() more than once. The
// initial buffer allocation will use the constraints in the first call to
// SetConstraints(). Among other things, this allows a decoder to attempt
// to allocate a new buffer that's larger to hold an output frame that's
// larger.
// Sometimes the initiator is a participant only in the sense of wanting to
// keep an eye on success/failure to populate with buffers, and zx.status on
// failure. In that case, `has_constraints` can be false, and `constraints`
// will be ignored.
// VMO handles will not be provided to the client that sends null
// constraints - that can be intentional for an initiator that doesn't need
// VMO handles. Not having VMO handles doesn't prevent the initator from
// adjusting which portion of a buffer is considered valid and similar, but
// the initiator can't hold a VMO handle open to prevent the logical
// BufferCollection from cleaning up if the logical BufferCollection needs
// to go away regardless of the initiator's degree of involvement for
// whatever reason.
// For population of buffers to be attempted, all holders of a
// BufferCollection client channel need to call SetConstraints() before
// sysmem will attempt to allocate buffers.
// `has_constraints` if false, the constraints are effectively null, and
// `constraints` are ignored. The sender of null constraints won't get any
// VMO handles in BufferCollectionInfo, but can still find out how many
// buffers were allocated and can still refer to buffers by their
// buffer_index.
// `constraints` are constraints on the buffer collection.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError SetConstraints(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<SetConstraintsRequest> params);
// This request completes when buffers have been allocated, responds with
// some failure detail if allocation has been attempted but failed.
// The following must occur before buffers will be allocated:
// * All BufferCollectionToken(s) of the logical BufferCollectionToken
// must be turned in via BindSharedCollection().
// * All BufferCollection(s) of the logical BufferCollection must have had
// SetConstraints() sent to them.
// A caller using C generated FIDL code who wishes not to block a thread in
// a zx_channel_call() for a potentially fairly long duration on this
// message/response can use SetEventSink() and
// BufferCollectionEvents.OnBuffersPopulated() instead.
// This method is still legal to call despite use of OnBuffersPopulated(),
// but in that case the additional BufferCollectionInfo returned here will
// include handles that are redundant with other handles in the
// BufferCollectionInfo delivered via OnBuffersPopulated() (separate handle
// but same underlying VMO objects), so most clients that bother calling
// SetEventSink() will prefer to receive BufferCollectionInfo via
// OnBuffersPopulated(). This method is mostly here for clients that don't
// call SetEventSink().
// Returns `ZX_OK` if successful.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY` if the request is valid but cannot be
// fulfilled due to resource exhaustion.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the caller is not permitted to
// obtain the buffers it requested.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the request is malformed.
// Returns `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if request is valid but cannot be
// satisfied, perhaps due to hardware limitations.
// `buffer_collection_info` has the VMO handles and other related info.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<WaitForBuffersAllocatedResponse> WaitForBuffersAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// This returns the same result code as WaitForBuffersAllocated if the
// buffer collection has been allocated or failed, or `ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE`
// if WaitForBuffersAllocated would block.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<CheckBuffersAllocatedResponse> CheckBuffersAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// The CloseBuffer() doesn't immediately force all VMO handles to that
// buffer to close, but it does close any handle held by sysmem, and does
// notify all participants of the desire to close the buffer at which point
// each participant that's listening may close their handle to the buffer.
// Only a particpant with write can do this. Coordination among multiple
// participants with write is outside of the scope of this interface.
// `buffer_index` indicates which buffer to close. If the buffer is already
// closed this has no effect (idempotent).
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError CloseSingleBuffer(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<CloseSingleBufferRequest> params);
// This allocates a new buffer that is consistent with the most recent call
// to SetConstraints(), if possible. If not possible, this indicates the
// failure via OnNewBufferAllocated().
// Only a participant with write can do this. Coordination among multiple
// participants with write is outside the scope of this interface.
// The participant is (intentionally) never informed of other participant's
// constraints.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError AllocateSingleBuffer(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<AllocateSingleBufferRequest> params);
// Completes when AllocateBuffer is done. Callers who wish to avoid
// blocking a thread while waiting can use OnAllocateSingleBufferDone()
// instead.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse> WaitForSingleBufferAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedRequest> params, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// A participant can use this message to have sysmem verify that this
// buffer_index exists. This message is intentionally ignored by the
// server if the buffer_index _does_ exist. In that case, the client will
// see OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() soon with status == `ZX_OK` (if the
// client hasn't already seen that message). If on the other hand the
// buffer_index does not exist, this message causes the server to send
// OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() with status == `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND`. A
// particpant will typically use this when the participant receives a new
// buffer_index that the participant doesn't yet know about, to ensure that
// the participant won't be waiting forever for the
// OnAllocateSingleBufferDone() message regarding this buffer_index.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError CheckSingleBufferAllocated(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<CheckSingleBufferAllocatedRequest> params);
// The server handles unexpected failure of a BufferCollection by failing
// the whole LogicalBufferCollection. Partly this is to expedite closing
// VMO handles. If a participant would like to cleanly close a
// BufferCollection view without causing LogicalBufferCollection failure,
// the participant can send Close() before closing the client end of the
// BufferCollection channel. If this is the last BufferCollection view, the
// LogicalBufferCollection will still go away.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError Close(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = BufferCollection;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
using SetEventSinkCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void SetEventSink(::zx::channel events, SetEventSinkCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class SyncCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply();
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using SyncCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<SyncCompleterBase>;
virtual void Sync(SyncCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using SetConstraintsCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void SetConstraints(bool has_constraints, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints, SetConstraintsCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class WaitForBuffersAllocatedCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<WaitForBuffersAllocatedResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using WaitForBuffersAllocatedCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<WaitForBuffersAllocatedCompleterBase>;
virtual void WaitForBuffersAllocated(WaitForBuffersAllocatedCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class CheckBuffersAllocatedCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(int32_t status);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int32_t status);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<CheckBuffersAllocatedResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using CheckBuffersAllocatedCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<CheckBuffersAllocatedCompleterBase>;
virtual void CheckBuffersAllocated(CheckBuffersAllocatedCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using CloseSingleBufferCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void CloseSingleBuffer(uint64_t buffer_index, CloseSingleBufferCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using AllocateSingleBufferCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void AllocateSingleBuffer(uint64_t buffer_index, AllocateSingleBufferCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo buffer_info);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int32_t status, ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo buffer_info);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedCompleterBase>;
virtual void WaitForSingleBufferAllocated(uint64_t buffer_index, WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using CheckSingleBufferAllocatedCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void CheckSingleBufferAllocated(uint64_t buffer_index, CheckSingleBufferAllocatedCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using CloseCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void Close(CloseCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the server implementation.
// If there is no matching handler, it returns false, leaving the message and transaction intact.
// In all other cases, it consumes the message and returns true.
// It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the interface.
// If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in |msg| and closes the channel with
// a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used with |fidl::Bind|
// to reduce template expansion.
// Do not call this method manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
// Helper functions to fill in the transaction header in a |DecodedMessage<TransactionalMessage>|.
class SetTransactionHeaderFor final {
SetTransactionHeaderFor() = delete;
static void SetEventSinkRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::SetEventSinkRequest>& _msg);
static void SyncRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::SyncRequest>& _msg);
static void SyncResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::SyncResponse>& _msg);
static void SetConstraintsRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::SetConstraintsRequest>& _msg);
static void WaitForBuffersAllocatedRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::WaitForBuffersAllocatedRequest>& _msg);
static void WaitForBuffersAllocatedResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::WaitForBuffersAllocatedResponse>& _msg);
static void CheckBuffersAllocatedRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::CheckBuffersAllocatedRequest>& _msg);
static void CheckBuffersAllocatedResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::CheckBuffersAllocatedResponse>& _msg);
static void CloseSingleBufferRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::CloseSingleBufferRequest>& _msg);
static void AllocateSingleBufferRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::AllocateSingleBufferRequest>& _msg);
static void WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedRequest>& _msg);
static void WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse>& _msg);
static void CheckSingleBufferAllocatedRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::CheckSingleBufferAllocatedRequest>& _msg);
static void CloseRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<BufferCollection::CloseRequest>& _msg);
} // namespace sysmem
} // namespace fuchsia
} // namespace llcpp
namespace fidl {
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::VmoBuffer> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::VmoBuffer, vmo) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::VmoBuffer, vmo_usable_start) == 8);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::VmoBuffer) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::VmoBuffer::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionToken::DuplicateRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionToken::DuplicateRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionToken::DuplicateRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionToken::DuplicateRequest, rights_attenuation_mask) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionToken::DuplicateRequest, token_request) == 20);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::AllocateVmoRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::AllocateVmoRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::AllocateVmoRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::AllocateVmoRequest, size) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::AllocateVmoResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::AllocateVmoResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::AllocateVmoResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::AllocateVmoResponse, s) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::AllocateVmoResponse, vmo) == 20);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::CreateResourceRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::CreateResourceRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::CreateResourceRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::CreateResourceRequest, vmo) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::CreateResourceResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::CreateResourceResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::CreateResourceResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::CreateResourceResponse, s) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::CreateResourceResponse, id) == 24);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::DestroyResourceRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::DestroyResourceRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::DestroyResourceRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Heap::DestroyResourceRequest, id) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::DriverConnector::ConnectRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::DriverConnector::ConnectRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::DriverConnector::ConnectRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::DriverConnector::ConnectRequest, allocator_request) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::AllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::AllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::AllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::AllocateNonSharedCollectionRequest, collection) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::AllocateSharedCollectionRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::AllocateSharedCollectionRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::AllocateSharedCollectionRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::AllocateSharedCollectionRequest, token_request) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::BindSharedCollectionRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::BindSharedCollectionRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::BindSharedCollectionRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::BindSharedCollectionRequest, token) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator::BindSharedCollectionRequest, buffer_collection_request) == 20);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response, __reserved) == 0);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_SetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImagePlane> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImagePlane, byte_offset) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImagePlane, bytes_per_row) == 4);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImagePlane) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImagePlane::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeap> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeap, heap) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeap, physical_address) == 8);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeap, size_bytes) == 16);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeap) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeap::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps, heaps_count) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps, heaps) == 8);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PhysicalSecureHeaps::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response, heaps) == 0);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Response::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem_GetPhysicalSecureHeaps_Result> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem::GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem::GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem::GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem::GetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse, result) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem::SetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem::SetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem::SetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem::SetPhysicalSecureHeapsRequest, heaps) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem::SetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem::SetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem::SetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SecureMem::SetPhysicalSecureHeapsResponse, result) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints, min_size_bytes) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints, max_size_bytes) == 4);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints, physically_contiguous_required) == 8);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints, secure_required) == 9);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints, ram_domain_supported) == 10);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints, cpu_domain_supported) == 11);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints, inaccessible_domain_supported) == 12);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints, heap_permitted_count) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints, heap_permitted) == 24);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::FormatModifier> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::FormatModifier, value) == 0);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::FormatModifier) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::FormatModifier::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormat> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormat, type) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormat, has_format_modifier) == 4);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormat, format_modifier) == 8);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormat) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormat::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpace> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpace, type) == 0);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpace) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpace::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageSpec> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageSpec, min_width) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageSpec, min_height) == 4);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageSpec, layers) == 8);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageSpec, pixel_format) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageSpec, color_space) == 32);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageSpec) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageSpec::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2, pixel_format) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2, coded_width) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2, coded_height) == 20);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2, bytes_per_row) == 24);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2, display_width) == 28);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2, display_height) == 32);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2, layers) == 36);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2, color_space) == 40);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2, has_pixel_aspect_ratio) == 44);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2, pixel_aspect_ratio_width) == 48);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2, pixel_aspect_ratio_height) == 52);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat_2::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, pixel_format) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, color_spaces_count) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, color_space) == 20);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, min_coded_width) == 148);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, max_coded_width) == 152);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, min_coded_height) == 156);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, max_coded_height) == 160);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, min_bytes_per_row) == 164);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, max_bytes_per_row) == 168);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, max_coded_width_times_coded_height) == 172);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, layers) == 176);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, coded_width_divisor) == 180);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, coded_height_divisor) == 184);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, bytes_per_row_divisor) == 188);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, start_offset_divisor) == 192);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, display_width_divisor) == 196);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, display_height_divisor) == 200);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, required_min_coded_width) == 204);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, required_max_coded_width) == 208);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, required_min_coded_height) == 212);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, required_max_coded_height) == 216);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, required_min_bytes_per_row) == 220);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints, required_max_bytes_per_row) == 224);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat, width) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat, height) == 4);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat, layers) == 8);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat, pixel_format) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat, color_space) == 32);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat, planes) == 36);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormat::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferFormat> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferFormat, tag) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferFormat, image) == 8);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferFormat) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferFormat::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo, buffer_count) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo, format) == 8);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo, vmos) == 88);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo, vmo_size) == 344);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemorySettings> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemorySettings, size_bytes) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemorySettings, is_physically_contiguous) == 4);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemorySettings, is_secure) == 5);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemorySettings, coherency_domain) == 8);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemorySettings, heap) == 16);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemorySettings) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemorySettings::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferSettings> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferSettings, buffer_settings) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferSettings, has_image_format_constraints) == 24);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferSettings, image_format_constraints) == 32);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferSettings) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferSettings::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo, settings) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo, buffer) == 264);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferInfo::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2, buffer_count) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2, settings) == 8);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2, buffers) == 272);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionEvents::OnBuffersAllocatedRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionEvents::OnBuffersAllocatedRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionEvents::OnBuffersAllocatedRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionEvents::OnBuffersAllocatedRequest, status) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionEvents::OnBuffersAllocatedRequest, buffer_collection_info) == 24);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionEvents::OnAllocateSingleBufferDoneRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionEvents::OnAllocateSingleBufferDoneRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionEvents::OnAllocateSingleBufferDoneRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionEvents::OnAllocateSingleBufferDoneRequest, status) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionEvents::OnAllocateSingleBufferDoneRequest, buffer_info) == 24);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferUsage> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferUsage, none) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferUsage, cpu) == 4);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferUsage, vulkan) == 8);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferUsage, display) == 12);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferUsage, video) == 16);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferUsage) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferUsage::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints, usage) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints, min_buffer_count_for_camping) == 20);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints, min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack) == 24);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints, min_buffer_count_for_shared_slack) == 28);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints, min_buffer_count) == 32);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints, max_buffer_count) == 36);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints, has_buffer_memory_constraints) == 40);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints, buffer_memory_constraints) == 48);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints, image_format_constraints_count) == 328);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints, image_format_constraints) == 336);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::SetEventSinkRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::SetEventSinkRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::SetEventSinkRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::SetEventSinkRequest, events) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::SetConstraintsRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::SetConstraintsRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::SetConstraintsRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::SetConstraintsRequest, has_constraints) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::SetConstraintsRequest, constraints) == 24);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForBuffersAllocatedResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForBuffersAllocatedResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForBuffersAllocatedResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForBuffersAllocatedResponse, status) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForBuffersAllocatedResponse, buffer_collection_info) == 24);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::CheckBuffersAllocatedResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::CheckBuffersAllocatedResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::CheckBuffersAllocatedResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::CheckBuffersAllocatedResponse, status) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::CloseSingleBufferRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::CloseSingleBufferRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::CloseSingleBufferRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::CloseSingleBufferRequest, buffer_index) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::AllocateSingleBufferRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::AllocateSingleBufferRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::AllocateSingleBufferRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::AllocateSingleBufferRequest, buffer_index) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedRequest, buffer_index) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse, status) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::WaitForSingleBufferAllocatedResponse, buffer_info) == 24);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::CheckSingleBufferAllocatedRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::CheckSingleBufferAllocatedRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::CheckSingleBufferAllocatedRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollection::CheckSingleBufferAllocatedRequest, buffer_index) == 16);
} // namespace fidl