tree: f0dd4bf9fbc3351310a0fb21b3f1524394e152b2 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/

json5format: Rust library and command line tool to format JSON5 with comments

Reviewed on: 2020-04-03

json5format is a general purpose Rust library that formats JSON5 (a.k.a., “JSON for Humans”) documents according to a configurable style, preserving comments.

The library is accompanied by a formatjson5 command line tool.

The json5format library is available to fuchsia and non-fuchsia Rust programs; however, formatjson5 is a host-only tool, currently built and installed as a fuchsia host-side developer tool only.

Fuchsia use cases

The cmc format command uses this json5format library to format component manifest files (*.cml) in accordance with a style specific to the CML schema, for improved readability and consistency.

cmc format is also the default operation for *.cml files when running the fuchsia multi-schema file formatter script fx format-code. This script will automatically format known file types among the files in your most recent commit to the fuchsia source tree.

API Documentation

Documentation for both the library and command line tool can be viewed at:


To add this project to your build, append --with //src/sys/lib/json5format to the fx set invocation.


formatjson5 is available at host-tools/formatjson5 in the build output path after an fx build invocation. This executable can also be launched via fx formatjson5.

For example, use the following command to review the command line options:

$ fx formatjson5 --help


Make sure the tests are added to your build by adding --with //src/sys/lib/json5format:tests to your fx set invocation.

Unit tests for the json5format library run as a fuchsia test package, defined by the json5format-tests build target. To invoke the library unit tests manually, run: invoked with the fx run-host-tests command:

$ fx test -o -v json5format-tests

Host-side tests for the formatjson5 command can be manually launched by running:

$ fx test -o formatjson5