tree: 810b006506646d7c6a32f21769c4bde07fa28ce3 [path history] [tgz]
  1. meta/
  2. src/

Component Manager for Session Framework

Reviewed on: 2020-02-04

This implementation of Component Manager allows command line tools to connect to services exposed by session_manager at runtime.

TODO(45361): Remove this work-around implementation entirely.

See below for details.

Building, Running, and Testing

Since this binary is exclusively run in the context of using session_manager, refer to the instructions there.

Source layout

The entrypoint is in src/


It is currently impossible for a command line tool to acquire a service directly from a v2 component. This workaround uses a custom implementation of Component Manager to bridge service brokerage between the world of v1 components and v2 components.

This implementation exposes services from its child's exec/expose/svc outgoing directory in its out/svc directory.

Used in combination with sysmgr‘s knowledge of components’ out/svc directories, this component can be used to allow command line tools to ask for specific services and have them provided by an instance of session_manager.

For example, it provides session_manager.config to sysmgr and allows session_control to connect to the fuchsia.session.Launcher service through session_control's environment.