tree: 213fdb120ffc492ebb47046cf1e92bc9c6b755f1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. bindings.h
  4. cbindgen.toml

Generate C bindings

Install cbindgen

We are using cbindgen 0.8.0 to auto generate our C bindings. Install the tool via:

cargo install cbindgen

Generate Cargo.toml file

Generate a Cargo.toml for wlan-mlme-c by running the following command:

cd $FUCHSIA_DIR/garnet/lib/rust/wlan-mlme-c
rm Cargo.lock Cargo.toml
fx gen-cargo .

Command line

cbindgen $FUCHSIA_DIR/garnet/lib/rust/wlan-mlme-c/ -o $FUCHSIA_DIR/garnet/lib/rust/wlan-mlme-c/bindings.h

After re-generating the bindings also run fx format-code to format the generated bindings.


  • cbindgen fails when running cargo metadata: Remove the Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock files from wlan-mlme-c folder and re-run fx gen-cargo ..

  • ERROR: Parsing crate wlan_mlme_c: can't find dependency version for xyz: Rebuild Fuchsia and re-run fx gen-cargo .

  • A binding is not generated: Run cbindgen with -v argument to get a better understand what types and functions were found and if they've been rejected.

  • Error message

cbindgen: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Make sure rustc is the latest version by checking rustc --version. rustc 1.34.0-nightly (00aae71f5 2019-02-25) is known to work with cbindgen 0.8.0. If they become out of sync in some cases, try the latest version that is usually within the same day by running:

rustup update
rustup default nightly