blob: 140d0f5d18fed980f9d543ecc6e31c3f092b15db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build !build_with_native_toolchain
// +build !build_with_native_toolchain
package ramdisk
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lramdevice-client -lfdio -lzircon
// #include <ramdevice-client/ramdisk.h>
// #include <lib/fdio/directory.h>
// #include <lib/fdio/fd.h>
// #include <lib/fdio/fdio.h>
// #include <lib/fdio/spawn.h>
// #include <lib/fdio/vfs.h>
// #include <string.h>
// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
// zx_status_t ramdisk_blobfs_mkfs(const ramdisk_client_t* client, zx_handle_t* process_out) {
// zx_status_t status = ZX_OK;
// fdio_spawn_action_t actions[1] = {
// {
// .h = {
// .handle = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID,
// }
// },
// };
// status = fdio_fd_clone(ramdisk_get_block_fd(client), &actions[0].h.handle);
// if (status != ZX_OK) {
// fprintf(stderr, "failed to get service handle! %d\n", status);
// return status;
// }
// if (actions[0].h.handle == ZX_HANDLE_INVALID) {
// fprintf(stderr, "handle invalid after clone\n");
// return ZX_ERR_INTERNAL;
// }
// char* argv[4] = {"/pkg/bin/blobfs", "mkfs", 0};
// return fdio_spawn_etc(ZX_HANDLE_INVALID, FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_ALL, argv[0], (const char* const *)argv, NULL, 1, actions, process_out, NULL);
// }
// zx_status_t ramdisk_blobfs_mount(const ramdisk_client_t* client, zx_handle_t dir_request, uint32_t flags, zx_handle_t* process_out) {
// zx_status_t status = ZX_OK;
// zx_handle_t export_root_client, export_root_server;
// status = zx_channel_create(0, &export_root_client, &export_root_server);
// if (status != ZX_OK) {
// fprintf(stderr, "unable to create channel\n");
// return status;
// }
// fdio_spawn_action_t actions[2] = {
// {
// .h = {
// .handle = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID,
// }
// },
// {
// .h = {
// .handle = export_root_server,
// }
// }
// };
// status = fdio_fd_clone(ramdisk_get_block_fd(client), &actions[0].h.handle);
// if (status != ZX_OK) {
// fprintf(stderr, "failed to get service handle! %d\n", status);
// zx_handle_close(export_root_client);
// zx_handle_close(export_root_server);
// return status;
// }
// if (actions[0].h.handle == ZX_HANDLE_INVALID) {
// fprintf(stderr, "handle invalid after clone\n");
// zx_handle_close(export_root_client);
// zx_handle_close(export_root_server);
// return ZX_ERR_INTERNAL;
// }
// char* argv[4] = {"/pkg/bin/blobfs", "mount", 0};
// status = fdio_spawn_etc(ZX_HANDLE_INVALID, FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_ALL, argv[0], (const char* const *)argv, NULL, 2, actions, process_out, NULL);
// if (status != ZX_OK) {
// zx_handle_close(export_root_client);
// return status;
// }
// status = fdio_open_at(export_root_client, "root", flags, dir_request);
// zx_handle_close(export_root_client);
// return status;
// }
import "C"
import (
zxio "syscall/zx/io"
type Ramdisk struct {
ramdisk_client *C.struct_ramdisk_client
proc zx.Handle
dir *fdio.Directory
// New constructs and creates a ramdisk of size bytes at the given path.
func New(size int) (*Ramdisk, error) {
r := &Ramdisk{}
return r, r.create(512, uint64(size)/512)
func (r *Ramdisk) create(blkSz uint64, blkCnt uint64) error {
n := C.ramdisk_create(C.uint64_t(blkSz), C.uint64_t(blkCnt), &r.ramdisk_client)
if n == 0 {
runtime.SetFinalizer(r, finalizeRamdisk)
return nil
return &zx.Error{Status: zx.Status(n), Text: "ramdisk_create"}
func (r *Ramdisk) Destroy() error {
if r.proc != zx.HandleInvalid {
n := C.ramdisk_destroy(r.ramdisk_client)
if n == 0 {
return nil
return &zx.Error{Status: zx.Status(n), Text: "ramdisk_destroy"}
func (r *Ramdisk) StartBlobfs() error {
status := C.ramdisk_blobfs_mkfs(r.ramdisk_client, (*C.uint)(&r.proc))
if zx.Status(status) != zx.ErrOk {
return &zx.Error{Status: zx.Status(status), Text: "ramdisk_blobfs_mkfs"}
if _, err := zxwait.WaitContext(context.Background(), r.proc, zx.SignalTaskTerminated); err != nil {
return err
pxy, req, err := zx.NewChannel(0)
if err != nil {
return err
status = C.ramdisk_blobfs_mount(
if zx.Status(status) != zx.ErrOk {
return &zx.Error{Status: zx.Status(status), Text: "ramdisk_blobfs_mount"}
r.dir = fdio.NewDirectoryWithCtx(&zxio.DirectoryWithCtxInterface{Channel: pxy})
return nil
func (r *Ramdisk) Open(path string, flags int, mode uint32) (*os.File, error) {
return iou.OpenFrom(r.dir, path, flags, mode)
func finalizeRamdisk(r *Ramdisk) {