tree: 849c06d145b5ae5c220bd78555e03ea97e33b5c4 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cpp/
  2. dart/
  3. example/
  4. golang/
  5. ir/
  6. mixer/
  7. parser/
  9. main.go
  10. OWNERS


GIDL is a code generation tool to create Golden FIDL Tests. It generates code that tests whether FIDL bindings correctly encode and decode FIDL to/from the wire format. Standard .fidl files define the FIDL data structures, and .gidl files use those data structures and define the expected bytes for the wire-format. The gidl tool reads theses .gidl files, and outputs conformance tests that verifies the FIDL definitions match their expected wire-format bytes.

GIDL supports multiple languages, and will generate a conformance test for each supported language.

Using GIDL

The input files for GIDL are at <//tools/fidl/gidl-conformance-suite/>. That directory contains a .gidl file and multiple .fidl files.

To re-generate all of GIDL's conformance tests:

fx build tools/gidl
fx exec $FUCHSIA_DIR/tools/fidl/gidl-conformance-suite/

After generating the conformance tests, you must run them to validate that the conformance test passes. This is dependent on the language:

  • Go: outputs the Go language bindings for the .fidl files to <third_party/go/src/syscall/zx/fidl/conformance/impl.go>, and outputs the conformance test to <third_party/go/src/syscall/zx/fidl/fidl_test/conformance_test.go>. To run the Go conformance test:

    fx run-test go_fidl_tests -- -test.v ‘TestAllSuccessCases’

  • C++: outputs the C++ bindings to <sdk/lib/fidl/cpp/conformance.fidl.h> & .cc, and outputs the C++ conformance test to <sdk/lib/fidl/cpp/>. To run this:

    host tests (good for a fast edit-compile-test iteration)

    fx build host_x64/fidl_cpp_host_conformance_test fx run-host-tests fidl_cpp_host_conformance_test

    on-device test

    fx build sdk/lib/fidl/cpp:conformance_test fx serve fx run-test fidl_tests # includes //sdk/lib/fidl/cpp:conformance_test

Writing Conformance Tests

There are three kinds of tests which can be expressed. We describe them below.


A success test case captures a value (optionally with handles), and its wire format representation.

Here is an example:

// Assuming the following FIDL definition:
// struct OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
//     string:5 the_string;
// };

success("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-empty") {
    value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
        the_string: "",
    bytes = {
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
        255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present

From this description, the following must be verified:

  • Encoding of the value into bytes
  • Decoding of the bytes into the value
  • Round-trips from value to bytes, back to value, back to bytes

Fails to Encode

GIDL does not currently output conformance tests for fails_to_encode cases.

A fails_to_encode test case captures a value (optionally with handles), which fails to encode (e.g. constraints not met).

Here is an example:

fails_to_encode("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-too-long") {
    value = OneStringOfMaxLengthFive {
        the_string: "bonjour", // 6 characters

From this description, the following must be verified:

  • Encoding of the value fails
  • Failure triggers exactly the expected error

Fails to Decode

GIDL does not currently output conformance tests for fails_to_decode cases.

A fails_to_decode test case captures bytes encoding (optionally with handles), which fails to decode (e.g. incorrect wire encoding).

Here is an example:

fails_to_decode("OneStringOfMaxLengthFive-wrong-length") {
    bytes = {
        1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // length
        255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
        // one character missing

From this description, the following must be verified:

  • Decoding of the bytes encoding fails
  • Failure triggers exactly the expected error