tree: 5adc89ff051734c4bb151e915923bd8e437ee5cd [path history] [tgz]
  1. meta/
  2. src/
  3. test/
  5. deprecated_network_sync.fidl
  8. service.config
  9. utc.fidl


timekeeper implements the fuchsia.time.Utc protocol.

Because timekeeper is implemented in Rust, we recommend that you have consulted the Fuchsia docs on developing with Rust.

Getting Started

Generate a Cargo.toml for your editor to use:

fx gen-cargo //src/sys/timekeeper:bin


fx rustdoc src/sys/timekeeper:bin --open


timekeeper itself is included in the core product configuration, no specific fx set is needed to ensure it is included in an image. You may wish to build only a small image like core‘s while working on this service. Our tests must be included explicitly in your device’s package universe:

fx set PRODUCT.ARCH --with //src/sys/timekeeper:tests

After this, fx build will include the test package as well.

Running tests

Once you have your build working:

fx shell killall timekeeper_bin_test.cmx ; fx run-test timekeeper_bin_test

This command ensures that any previous instances of the test have been exited before running again. Because deadlocks (and the need to exit them with ctrl+c) are common when writing event notification tests, dead test instances can stack up quickly during a development session.


Minimum before submitting a CL: fx rustfmt //src/sys/timekeeper:bin. Prefer fx format-code.


Minimum UTC (“backstop” time)

Devices store a minimum UTC value at /config/build-info/minimum-utc-stamp, which is generated at build time and included in the system image. It is stored as a Unix epoch (seconds since 1970, excluding leap seconds) and can be quickly observed on your current device. An example from the time of writing:

$ [fx shell --] cat /config/build-info/minimum-utc-stamp | date
Wed 17 Jul 2019 03:56:35 PM PDT

All reads of the UTC clock on a device must return a value at or after the time stored in the file.