Changes for nonzero_ext

[Unreleased] - ReleaseDate

[0.3.0] - 2021-08-21


  • The nonzero! macro now enforces that its arguments are integer literals. Any other non-zeroable types (even if they implement nonzero_ext::NonZeroAble) can not be accepted. This fixes #17.


[0.2.0] - 2019-12-23


  • Support for NonZeroI* types - now nonzero_ext should include support for all non-zero integer types that the standard library exports.
  • Support for using nonzero! in a const context.
  • This CHANGELOG file. I have tried to backfill the major changes since initial release, but there are bound to be gaps.


  • The as_nonzero and as_nonzero_unchecked methods on the NonZeroAble trait are now named into_nonzero and into_nonzero_unchecked, respectively. The old methods still exist, but are deprecated.

[v0.1.3] - 2019-03-10


  • Ability to use the nonzero_ext crate in no_std mode; to use it without the std library, disable default features when pulling this crate into your project.