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Bluetooth Protocol: RFCOMM

This component implements the RFCOMM Protocol version 1.2 as specified by the Bluetooth SIG in the official specification.

The RFCOMM component provides the BR/EDR Profile Service. Local clients should use the Profile service to search, advertise, and connect to any RFCOMM services.

  • When advertising an RFCOMM service using the Profile.Advertise FIDL method, no Server Channel number is required in the service definition. The RFCOMM component will reserve and assign a Server Channel for the service. Any Server Channel number provided in the protocol_descriptor_list or additional_protocol_descriptor_lists of the service definition will be overwritten.
  • When attempting to establish an outbound RFCOMM connection using the Profile.Connect FIDL method, the client should include the RfcommChannel number in the ConnectParameters. This number is synonymous with the Server Channel number found in the Protocol Descriptor Lists of the service definition.
  • There are no special considerations when searching for an RFCOMM service using the Profile.Search FIDL method.

Build Configuration

Add the following to your Fuchsia set configuration to include the component:

--with //src/connectivity/bluetooth/profiles/bt-rfcomm

To run the component:

  1. fx shell
  2. run bt-rfcomm.cmx


RFCOMM relies on unit tests to validate behavior. Add the following to your Fuchsia set configuration to include the component unit tests:

--with //src/connectivity/bluetooth/profiles/bt-rfcomm:bt-rfcomm-tests

To run the tests:

fx test bt-rfcomm-tests


The bt-rfcomm component includes support for component inspection. To view the current state of the RFCOMM server, use fx iquery show bt-rfcomm_*/bt-rfcomm.cmx.


          connected = (Connected / Disconnected)
            flow_control = (Credit-Based / None)
            role = (Unassigned / Negotiating / Initiator / Responder)
                controller_type = (simple / credit_flow)

One peer child exists in the hierarchy for each RFCOMM Session between the local endpoint and remote peer, whether or not it is currently active.

Code Layout

The layout provides an abstraction between the logic for managing active Profile service requests and the core RFCOMM functionality. Important modules and their recommended entry points are listed below.

profile_registrar mod

The profile_registrar module manages all the active service advertisements, searches, and connection requests from any local clients that require the aforementioned BR/EDR Profile service. Any Profile request that does not require RFCOMM will be forwarded directly to the upstream Profile Server. The main entry point to this module is the ProfileRegistrar which directly manages the RFCOMM services.

rfcomm mod

The rfcomm module contains the relevant handlers, datatypes, and functionality needed to support creating and receiving RFCOMM connections. The ProfileRegistrar will route any inbound/outbound requests to the RfcommServer, which manages the active RFCOMM Sessions between the local endpoint and any remote peers. The main entry point to this module is the RfcommServer.

frame mod

The frame module contains the packet definitions for all of the supported RFCOMM commands. It includes encoding and decoding definitions to convert to & from byte buffers containing RFCOMM data. The module defines the data types used to store RFCOMM commands and responses - these types are used throughout the rfcomm mod. The main entry point to this module is the Frame object.

session mod

The session module contains the business logic for managing an RFCOMM Session between the local endpoint and a remote peer. It contains a handler for reading incoming data from the remote peer, parsing into a valid RFCOMM frame, and doing the necessary RFCOMM work. The main entry point to this module is the Session object.