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  2. meta/
  3. src/

Bluetooth Profile: Hands-Free Profile Audio Gateway (AG)

This component implements the Audio Gateway role of Hands-Free Profile (HFP) version 1.8 as specified by the Bluetooth SIG in the official specification.

This means that you can use your Fuchsia device to connect with Bluetooth to a headset with speakers and microphone that supports the Hands-Free role. Audio data is streamed between the two devices in real-time to support interactive voice calls.

HFP includes support for user-initated actions on the Hands-Free device, such as answering calls, hanging up calls, and volume control. See the specification for a complete list of functionality.

Build Configuration

Add the following to your Fuchsia set configuration to include the profile component:

--with //src/connectivity/bluetooth/profiles/bt-hfp-audio-gateway

To run the component:

  1. fx shell
  2. run bt-hfp-audio-gateway.cmx

Running tests

HFP relies on unit tests to validate behavior. Add the following to your Fuchsia set configuration to include the profile unit tests:

--with //src/connectivity/bluetooth/profiles/bt-hfp-audio-gateway:bt-hfp-audio-gateway-tests

To run the tests:

fx test bt-hfp-audio-gateway-tests