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  2. src/

A test helper that manages memory-backed blobfs instances.


As this test helper is intended to be included within a test package, all tests utilizing this helper will need a few extra blobs included in their test package, access to some non-standard sandbox features, and an injected isolated devmgr component.

Include the following template in all files containing test packages that utilize this crate.

# Include blobfs in the build, which comes from Zircon
generate_manifest("blobfs.manifest") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]
  args = []
  foreach(pattern, [ "bin/blobfs" ]) {
    args += [ "--binary=" + pattern ]
blobfs_manifest_outputs = get_target_outputs(":blobfs.manifest")
blobfs_manifest = blobfs_manifest_outputs[0]

In each test_package that utilizes this crate, add a dependency on the manifest and add it to the extra set of manifests to include in the package. Add the blobfs-corrupt binary if tests will want to corrupt blobs.

test_package("example-test-package") {
  extra = [ blobfs_manifest ]
  deps = [
  binaries = [
      name = "blobfs-corrupt"

For the tests group, ensure the isolated devmgr package is included in the build:

group("tests") {
  testonly = true
  public_deps = [

Component Manifest

In the component manifest tests that utilize this crate, add the isolated devmgr service and access to the “fuchsia.process.Launcher” service:

    "facets": {
        "fuchsia.test": {
            "injected-services": {
                "fuchsia.test.IsolatedDevmgr": "fuchsia-pkg://"
    "sandbox": {
        "services": [