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  5. signal_generator.h

Signal Generator tool

This directory contains a developer tool that generates and outputs audio signals, via the Audio, AudioRenderer, GainControl and AudioOutputRoutingPolicy FIDL protocols.


  [--int16 | --int24]
  [--sine[=<FREQ>] | --square[=<FREQ>] | --saw[=<FREQ>] | --noise]
  [--last | --all]
  [--help | --?]

These optional parameters are interpreted as follows:

  By default, set stream format to 2-channel float32 at 48000 Hz
--chans=<NUM_CHANS>     Specify number of channels
--rate=<FRAME_RATE>     Set frame rate in Hz
--int16                 Use 16-bit integer samples
--int24                 Use 24-in-32-bit integer samples (left-justified 'padded-24')

  By default, signal is a 440.0 Hz sine wave
--sine[=<FREQ>]         Play sine wave at given frequency (Hz)
--square[=<FREQ>]       Play square wave at given frequency
--saw[=<FREQ>]          Play rising sawtooth wave at given frequency
--noise                 Play pseudo-random 'white' noise
  If no frequency is provided (e.g. '--square'), 440.0 Hz is used

  By default, signal plays for 2.0 seconds, at amplitude 0.25
--dur=<DURATION_SEC>    Set playback length in seconds
--amp=<AMPL>            Set amplitude (full-scale=1.0, silence=0.0)

--wav[=<FILEPATH>]      Save to .wav file ('/tmp/signal_generator.wav' if only '--wav' is provided)
  Subsequent settings (e.g. gain) do not affect file contents

  By default, submit data to the renderer using buffers of 480 frames
--frames=<FRAMES>       Set data buffer size in frames

  By default, AudioRenderer gain and mute are not set (unity 0 dB, unmuted, no ramping)
--gain[=<GAIN_DB>]      Set stream gain (dB in [-160.0, 24.0]; 0.0 if only '--gain' is provided)
--mute[=<0|1>]          Set stream mute (0=Unmute or 1=Mute; Mute if only '--mute' is provided)
--ramp                  Smoothly ramp gain from initial value to a target -75.0 dB by end-of-signal
                        If '--gain' is not provided, ramping starts from unity gain
--endgain=<GAIN_DB>     Set a different ramp target gain (dB). Implies '--ramp'
--rampdur=<DURATION_MS> Set a specific ramp duration in milliseconds. Implies '--ramp'

  By default, System Gain and Mute are unchanged
--sgain[=<GAIN_DB>]     Set System Gain (dB in [-160.0, 0.0]; -12.0 if only '--sgain' is provided)
--smute[=<0|1>]         Set System Mute (0=Unmute or 1=Mute; Mute if only '--smute' is provided)
                        Note: changes to System Gain/Mute persist after playback

  By default, system audio output routing policy is unchanged
--last                  Set 'Play to Most-Recently-Plugged' routing policy
--all                   Set 'Play to All' routing policy
                        Note: changes to routing policy persist after playback

--help, --?             Show this message


Developers can use this tool to manipulate two important systemwide audio settings: system (“master”) gain/mute and audio output routing. Changes to these settings affect all audio output on the system and continue to have effect even after the signal_generator tool runs and exits. Only use the ‘--sgain’, ‘--smute’, ‘--last’ or ‘--all’ flags if you intend to change the system state in a persistent, “sticky” way.