tree: baac4376a9144bb7094fd3362c9399a772bd9dfb [path history] [tgz]
  1. meta/
  2. testing/
  4. apply_mutations.h
  8. ledger_story_model_storage.h
  11. noop_story_model_storage.h
  14. story_model_owner.h
  17. story_model_storage.h
  19. story_mutator.h
  20. story_observer.h


The StoryModel FIDL table is used to represent the state of a story. sessionmgr keeps a separate StoryModel in memory for each running story, and also persists changes to it onto storage. Mutations to StoryModel are done using the StoryMutator interface and changes from these mutations are notified to registered observers (using the StoryObserver interface).

This directory defines classes that define the control flow for mutating a StoryModel FIDL table.

The following interfaces are defined:

  • StoryMutator: Allows clients to issue a series of StoryModelMutation structs that describe mutations to a StoryModel.
  • StoryObserver: Used to ready StoryModel and observe changes to it. Changes to StoryModel may happen through StoryMutator or, in the case of a distributed storage implementation such as Ledger, from sync'ing with peers. interface. Allows clients to read the current StoryModel state, and register for updates when the StoryModel changes.

Both of the above are abstract base classes to aid in testing: clients that wish to mutate and/or observe a StoryModel will accept a StoryMutator or StoryObserver as a constructor argument. Making them abstract allows injection of test implementations that do not require the full machinery introduced by StoryModelOwner.

StoryModelOwner class

StoryModelOwner is has its own implementations of StoryMutator and StoryObserver, and coordinates the flow of data from StoryMutators through a StoryModelStorage, applies those changes to a StoryModel and flows this new model to StoryObserver instances. It acts as a factory for its own implementations of StoryMutators and StoryObservers.

StoryModelStorage interface

Supplied to StoryModelOwner at the time of its creation, a StoryModelStorage is responsible for consuming mutation commands and updating its persistent storage layer by applying a set of mutation commands, as well as notifying of mutations that have been applied. A request to mutate does not necessary result in those exact mutations being observed (in the case of conflict resolution), nor do observed mutations imply a request was made (in the case of a StoryModel backed by distributed storage).

A “no-op” StoryModelStorage (one that does not result in any disk-backed or other durable storage) would immediately notify of any incoming mutations without applying them anywhere. In this case the StoryModel would be resident in memory only.

Flow of Control

Mutation commands flow from anything that has a StoryMutator through a StoryModelOwner, StoryModelStorage and are translated into new StoryModels. From that point forward, observers see the new StoryModel values.

[some system] -> StoryMutator   ->  StoryModelOwner         |  commands
                                                  |              |  "
                                       StoryModelStorage    |  "
                                                  |              |  "
[other system] <- StoryObserver <-  StoryModelOwner         $  model


The constructor for your average System that both mutates and observes a StoryModel would look like:

class Foo : public System {
  Foo(std::unique_ptr<StoryMutator> mutator,
      std::unique_ptr<StoryObserver> observer, ...);

In production, we will create this by leveraging the StoryModelOwner to create those dependencies:

// assume StoryModelOwner has already been defined.
auto foo_system = std::make_unique<Foo>(owner->NewMutator(), owner->NewObserver(), ...);

For testing, we leverage test versions of both:

auto test_mutator = std::make_unique<TestStoryMutator>();
auto test_observer = std::make_unique<TestStoryObserver>();

// Retain pointers to both |test_mutator| and |test_observer| so we can trigger
// behavior and validate side-effects.
auto mutator_ptr = test_mutator.get();
auto observer_ptr = test_observer.get();
auto foo_system = std::make_unique<Foo>(std::move(test_mutator), std::move(test_observer));

observer_ptr->NotifyOfModel(new_model);  // Push a new model to observers!
// |foo_system| should have generated new mutations as a side-effect.
EXPECT_TRUE(3, mutator_ptr->GetNumCommandsIssued());