tree: 39cc8939c0626676ff49121cb34594b10ab2b0cf [path history] [tgz]
  1. child-view/
  2. meta/
  3. parent-view/
  5. embedder_view.h
  7. flutter-embedder-test-ip.h
  9. flutter-embedder-test.h

Flutter Embedder Tests


The Flutter embedder tests embed a Flutter view (parent-view Flutter app) which, itself, embeds a Flutter view (child-view Flutter app). The tests asserts the pixel color output from a screenshot of the root view as a method of verifying the following:

  • State changes across clients behave as expected; and
  • Flutter's rendering code produces the correct output.

As a limitation, the embedder tests do not test the layout of embedded views nor verify individual pixel colors. For more information, see Implementation Details.

Build and Run Instructions


Because the embedder tests use a fake display controller, they can be run on any product.

fx set <product>.<board> --with //src/ui/tests
fx build


# Run Flutter Embedder Test
ffx test run fuchsia-pkg://

# Run Flutter Embedder Input Pipeline Test
ffx test run fuchsia-pkg://

Implementation Details

Realm Construction

The Flutter embedder tests use the Realm Builder library to construct the hermetic test realm for each test at runtime. The constructed realm has the following topology:

     <test component>
       <realm root>
            |                <-Test realm
     /      |     \          <-Scenic realm
  Scenic  Hdcp  InputPipeline*

* For flutter-embedder-test-ip only.

Test Pattern Overview

Each test consists of the following pattern:

  • Construct the test realm.

    • flutter-embedder-test uses ScenicTestRealm whilst flutter-embedder-test-ip uses InputPipelineTestRealm. All other services remain the same.
  • Launch and embed the parent-view component with any specified arguments.

    • This component uses flutter runner.

    • See Launch Arguments for further details about arguments.

  • The parent-view, in turn, launches and embeds the child-view component.

  • Optionally register input:

    • For flutter-embedder-test, use Scenic to inject and register input to the root view.

    • For flutter-embedder-test-ip, register a fake touch input device into the input pipeline registry and create a fake input event.

  • Use Scenic to take a screenshot until a specified color is found or a failure timeout is reached.

    • Because the apps may take a non-deterministic time to launch to the expected state, we must continuously take a screenshot.
  • Use the matching screenshot to assert state against expectations.

Color Test

The test cases render different elements to the screen, some of which react to touch:

  • The parent-view app consists of an embedded child-view and an optional overlay box.

  • The parent-view background color is blue when no touch has been registered.

  • The parent-view background color is black when a touch has been registered.

  • The child-view app is centered and overlaps some of the parent-view background color.

  • The child-view background color is yellow when no touch has been registered.

  • The child-view background color is pink when a touch has been registered.

  • The optional overlay box, when rendered, sits in the top-right corner and overlaps some of both the parent-view and child-view background colors.

  • The overlay box's color is green.

Each test case renders a different configuration of these elements and takes a screenshot to verify correct rendering. Some test cases also inject a touch event, then take another screenshot to verify the corresponding color change.

When a screenshot is taken, a histogram of the RGB color values within the screenshot is generated (i.e. the total count of pixels for each RGB value present in the screenshot). The histogram is used to verify that the expected colors from those listed above are present or not present within the screenshot as well as the relative frequency of the colors. Note that the test does not test the color of individual pixels at an XY position in the screenshot or total count of pixels matching an expected color.

Launch Arguments

The parent-view can be launched with the following arguments:

  • focusable: Whether the child view should be allowed to receive focus (defaults true).
  • hitTestable: Whether the child view should be included during hit testing (defaults true).
  • showOverlay: Parent-view app contains a green box that overlaps some of both the parent-view and child-view.
  • useFlatland: Scenic API uses Flatland (2D API) instead of GFX (3D Scene Graph API).
    • This flag is not currently used as it has not been enabled yet in Flutter.

The launch arguments are currently specified as part of the component manifest.

Overlay Details

The Flutter renderer draws overlays as a single, large layer. Some parts of this layer are fully transparent, so we want the compositor to treat the layer as transparent and blend it with the contents below.

However, the gfx Scenic API only provides one way to mark this layer as transparent which is to set the opacity as < 1.0 for the entire layer. In practice, we use 0.9961 (254 / 255) as an opacity value to force transparency. Unfortunately this causes the overlay to blend very slightly with both the parent-view and child-view in the overlapped regions and current tests must account for these colors.

Flatland allows marking a layer as transparent while still using a 1.0 opacity value when blending, so migrating Flutter to Flatland will fix this issue. When running on gfx all tests continue to use hard-coded broken, blended values.

Be aware, when adding new tests for opacity, that opacity can cause slightly divergent pixel values on different GPUs.