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Flatland Frame Scheduling Lib

This library contains a couple of example implementations of how to use Flatland‘s frame scheduling API (fuchsia.ui.composition.Flatland). They’re available to be copied as a basis for writing your own scheduler, or for use as-is.

For an example of usage, look at src/ui/examples/flatland-view-provider/


These are the example scheduler implementations included:

  • NaiveScheduler
    • A basic scheduler pushing out frames indiscriminately. Written to be as easy to read as possible. Not recommended for actual use.

The rest are slightly more complicated as they implement futures, but they use the same principles.

  • ThroughputScheduler

    • Tries to schedule frames as often as possible, with as much leeway as possible.
    • This is the recommended usage for most applications. It should provide the highest frame rate at the cost of some latency and occasional dropped frames.
  • UnsquashableScheduler

    • Similar to ThroughputScheduler, except frames are never dropped (but they may be delayed) at the cost of latency.
  • LowLatencyScheduler

    • This scheduler is for achieving the lowest possible latency, but it requires the client to manually set how much time it expects to need to prepare a frame.

Stats Collecting Wrappers

These are wrappers around the schedulers, used to collect performance stats. They provide the same interface as the schedulers, and can be used as-is, or as a demonstration for how to collect data using the same API.

  • FrameStatsCollector

    • Collects raw frame stats, such as how many were drawn and dropped, and average latencies and frame rates.
  • LatencyStatsCollector

    • This one only works with the LowLatencyScheduler.
    • Is itself a wrapper around FrameStatsCollector, but provides additional data for how successful the run was on a per-latency value used basis.


All the schedulers in the library expose the same interface and are expected to be used the same way. They're expected to be waited on in a select! loop, with OnFramePresented() and OnNextFrameBegin() being forwarded to the scheduler as soon as the events arrive (though not all events are actually used by all schedulers). As soon as the wait_to_update() future completes the client is expected to update their frame and call Present() with the values returned from wait_to_update(). Finally, in order not to create unnecessary updates when idle, wait_to_update() will not actually complete until a call has been made to request_present() (except for in the NaiveScheduler case).

The library takes no dependencies on the Flatland rust bindings themselves, so the types must be translated between the ones defined by the library and the ones used in fuchsia.ui.composition.Flatland.

Here‘s a slightly pared down version of how it’s used in the FlatlandViewProvider example.

let sched_lib = ThroughputScheduler::new();

loop {
  futures::select! {
    message = => {
      if let Some(message) = message {
        match message {
            MessageInternal::OnNextFrameBegin {
            } => {
              let infos = future_presentation_infos
                |x| PresentationInfo{
                  latch_point: zx::Time::from_nanos(x.latch_point.unwrap()),
                  presentation_time: zx::Time::from_nanos(x.presentation_time.unwrap())
              sched_lib.on_next_frame_begin(additional_present_credits, infos);
            MessageInternal::OnFramePresented { frame_presented_info } => {
              let presented_infos = frame_presented_info.presentation_infos
              .map(|info| PresentedInfo{

    present_parameters = sched_lib.wait_to_update().fuse() => {
          .present(fland::PresentArgs {
              requested_presentation_time: Some(present_parameters.requested_presentation_time.into_nanos()),
              acquire_fences: None,
              release_fences: None,
              unsquashable: Some(present_parameters.unsquashable),

      // Call request_to_present() immediately to create frame continuously.

LowLatencyScheduler Extras

The LowLatencyScheduler exposes one more property: the latch_offset. The latch_offset is the duration the scheduler should try to give between completing wait_to_update() and when the Present() call should be made. For the lowest possible latency this duration should be as short as possible while keeping the number of dropped frames at acceptable levels. Careful measurements must be used to use this fully.

The latch_offset can be updated at any time using:


Stats Collecting Wrapper Usage

FrameStatsCollector and LatencyStatsCollector are used in the same way as the other schedulers, with some minor differences.

First, initialization is slightly different, since they take a reference to a different scheduler:

let inner_sched_lib = LowLatencyScheduler::new(/*latch_offset*/zx::Duration::from_millis(8));
let sched_lib = LatencyStatsCollector::new(&inner_sched_lib);

During use, the wrapper must be the thing waited on. That means sched_lib and not inner_sched_lib in this example:

present_parameters = sched_lib.wait_to_update().fuse() => ...

Finally, the stats collectors exposes one more method returning the current stats as a string: stats_to_string().

Note: For LowLatencyScheduler, the latch_offset would still be set on inner_sched_lib.