blob: 348228b0c046aec85ebf92dc3e30fb1ad91074f0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Defines the fuchsia_cipd_releases rule."""
load(":fuchsia_artifact_cipd_release.bzl", "fuchsia_artifact_cipd_release")
load(":fuchsia_debug_symbol_cipd_release.bzl", "fuchsia_debug_symbol_cipd_release")
load("//infra/private:providers.bzl", "FuchsiaCIPDManifestInfo", "FuchsiaCIPDReleaseInfo")
def fuchsia_cipd_releases(
cipd_prefix = None,
cipd_pkg_name_base = None, # Deprecated
extra_content = {},
include_asan_variant = False,
tags = ["manual"],
"""Creates a CIPD upload manifest for a single package.
Creates a CIPD upload manifest for a single package, and optionally for its
asan variant.
Example usage:
load("@fuchsia_infra//:infra.bzl", "fuchsia_cipd_releases")
name = "hello_driver_cipd",
pkg = "//src/hello_driver:pkg",
cipd_pkg_name_base = "fuchsia/drivers/hello_driver",
extra_content = {
"//src/hello_driver:hello_driver_licenses.spdx.json": "licenses.spdx.json",
"//src/hello_driver:README.fuchsia": "README.fuchsia",
name: The label's name.
pkg: The package to upload.
cipd_prefix: The CIPD upload destination prefix.
The following CIPD buckets will be written to:
- ${cipd_prefix}/${cpu}
- ${cipd_prefix}/debug-symbols-${cpu}
- ${cipd_prefix}/${cpu}-asan
- ${cipd_prefix}/debug-symbols-${cpu}-asan
cipd_pkg_name_base: Deprecated. Please use `cipd_prefix`.
extra_content: A mapping of label to dest directory/file paths.
Dest paths are included in the ${cipd_prefix}/${cpu}[-asan] uploads.
include_asan_variant: Whether to also upload an asan variant of `pkg`.
tags: Typical meaning in Bazel. Defaults to ["manual"].
**kwargs: extra attributes to pass along to the build rule.
cipd_prefix = (cipd_prefix or cipd_pkg_name_base).strip("/")
deps = []
deps.append(name + "_artifact")
name = name + "_artifact",
pkg_name = "%s/{cpu}" % cipd_prefix,
deps = [pkg],
extra_content = extra_content,
tags = tags + ["manual"],
deps.append(name + "_debug_symbol")
name = name + "_debug_symbol",
pkg_name = "%s/debug-symbols-{cpu}" % cipd_prefix,
deps = [pkg],
tags = tags + ["manual"],
if include_asan_variant:
deps.append(name + "_asan_artifact")
name = name + "_asan_artifact",
pkg_name = "%s/{cpu}-asan" % cipd_prefix,
deps = [pkg],
extra_content = extra_content,
asan_enabled = True,
tags = tags + ["manual"],
deps.append(name + "_asan_debug_symbol")
name = name + "_asan_debug_symbol",
pkg_name = "%s/debug-symbols-{cpu}-asan" % cipd_prefix,
deps = [pkg],
asan_enabled = True,
tags = tags + ["manual"],
name = name,
deps = deps,
tags = tags,
def _fuchsia_cipd_releases_impl(ctx):
cipd_manifests = [c[FuchsiaCIPDManifestInfo].manifest.path for c in ctx.attr.deps]
return [
files = depset(ctx.files.deps),
FuchsiaCIPDReleaseInfo(manifests = cipd_manifests),
_fuchsia_cipd_releases = rule(
implementation = _fuchsia_cipd_releases_impl,
provides = [FuchsiaCIPDReleaseInfo],
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_list(
providers = [FuchsiaCIPDManifestInfo],