blob: 527b01f030688c02d0a47382aa527a697f3759b8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# TODO(b/301136767): Don't assume these shared shac checks are always located here.
# Generate this file.
tools_dir = "third_party/fuchsia-infra-bazel-rules/shac/tools/"
vendor_dir = tools_dir + "vendor/"
load("cpp/", "clang_format")
load("bazel/", "buildifier")
load("python/", "black")
def register_checks():
shac.register_check(clang_format.with_args(tool = vendor_dir + "clang_format"))
shac.register_check(buildifier.with_args(tool = vendor_dir + "buildifier"))
shac.register_check(black.with_args(tool = vendor_dir + "black"))
# TODO: needs python.
# Setup a python CIPD dependency, or find a different json formatting tool.
#shac.register_check(json_formatter.with_args(tool = tools_dir + ""))