blob: b3103540b42d0dfb9410186860bb1c7084e3144f [file] [log] [blame]
use forma::Color;
use forma::GeomPresTransform;
use forma::Layer;
use forma::PathBuilder;
use forma::{Composition, Fill, FillRule, Func, Order, Path, Point, Props, Style};
use nalgebra::Vector2;
use rand::{prelude::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng};
use std::mem;
use std::time::Duration;
use winit::event::VirtualKeyCode;
use crate::App;
use crate::Keyboard;
// Default size of the squared game area.
const GAME_SIZE: f32 = 1000.0;
/// Restricts the specified point position to the specified box.
fn clamp2d(point: Vector2<f32>, min: f32, max: f32) -> Vector2<f32> {
Vector2::new(point.x.clamp(min, max), point.y.clamp(min, max))
enum ActorType {
/// Element displayed on screen and interacting.
pub struct Actor {
kind: ActorType,
acc: Vector2<f32>,
speed: Vector2<f32>,
pos: Vector2<f32>,
angle: f32,
angle_speed: f32,
max_speed: f32,
friction: f32,
layer: Result<Order, Layer>,
radius: f32,
alive: bool,
impl Actor {
fn create_ennemy(rng: &mut StdRng, composition: &mut Composition) -> Actor {
let radius = rng.gen_range(5.0f32..10.0).powf(2.0);
let x = rng.gen_range(0.0..GAME_SIZE);
let angle = rng.gen_range(-0.2..0.2f32);
let speed = rng.gen_range(8.0..16.0f32).powf(2.0);
let color = Color {
r: rng.gen_range(0.1..0.3f32),
g: rng.gen_range(0.1..0.3f32),
b: rng.gen_range(0.1..0.3f32),
a: 1.0,
let mut layer = composition.create_layer();
layer.insert(&potatoe_path(0.0, 0.0, radius, rng)).set_props(Props {
fill_rule: FillRule::NonZero,
func: Func::Draw(Style { fill: Fill::Solid(color), ..Default::default() }),
Actor {
kind: ActorType::Ennemy,
pos: Vector2::new(x, -0.25 * GAME_SIZE),
friction: 0.0,
max_speed: f32::INFINITY,
speed: Vector2::new(angle.sin(), angle.cos()) * speed,
acc: Vector2::new(0.0, 0.0),
angle: 0.0,
angle_speed: rng.gen_range(-0.8..0.8f32),
layer: Err(layer),
alive: true,
fn create_player(composition: &mut Composition) -> Actor {
let color = Color { r: 0.1, g: 0.1, b: 0.1, a: 1.0 };
let mut layer = composition.create_layer();
layer.insert(&ship_path()).set_props(Props {
fill_rule: FillRule::NonZero,
func: Func::Draw(Style { fill: Fill::Solid(color), ..Default::default() }),
Actor {
kind: ActorType::Player,
pos: Vector2::new(0.5 * GAME_SIZE, 0.9 * GAME_SIZE),
friction: -1.0,
max_speed: 10.0 * GAME_SIZE,
speed: Vector2::new(0.0, 0.0),
acc: Vector2::new(0.0, 0.0),
angle: 0.0,
angle_speed: 0.0,
radius: 60.0,
layer: Err(layer),
alive: true,
/// Applies the interaction logic to a pair of actors.
fn interact(&mut self, b: &mut Actor) {
let a = self;
if !a.alive || !b.alive {
if a.overlaps_with(b) {
// Eslatic bounce between the two objects.
// Unit vector of the axis between the two centers.
let r_pos_u = (b.pos - a.pos).normalize();
// Speed of each actor projected on the collision axis.
let u1 =;
let u2 =;
// Do not collide objects moving away.
if u2 > u1 {
// Masses are proportinal to the cube of the radius.
let (m1, m2) = (a.radius.powf(3.0), b.radius.powf(3.0));
// Speeds after collision on the collision axis.
let v1 = ((m1 - m2) * u1 + 2.0 * m2 * u2) / (m1 + m2);
let v2 = ((m2 - m1) * u2 + 2.0 * m1 * u1) / (m1 + m2);
// Update speeds.
a.speed += r_pos_u * (-u1 + v1);
b.speed += r_pos_u * (-u2 + v2);
/// Executed once per frame to update internal state of the actor.
fn update(&mut self, keyboard: &Keyboard, delta_t: f32) {
if !self.alive {
if let ActorType::Player = self.kind {
// Capture keyboard inputs and set avatars acceleration.
let keyboard_cmd = Vector2::new(
if keyboard.is_key_down(VirtualKeyCode::Left) { -1.0 } else { 0.0 }
+ if keyboard.is_key_down(VirtualKeyCode::Right) { 1.0 } else { 0.0 },
if keyboard.is_key_down(VirtualKeyCode::Up) { -1.0 } else { 0.0 }
+ if keyboard.is_key_down(VirtualKeyCode::Down) { 1.0 } else { 0.0 },
const THRUST_POWER: f32 = 2000.0;
self.acc = THRUST_POWER * keyboard_cmd;
self.pos = clamp2d(self.pos, 0.0, GAME_SIZE);
self.angle = (-2.0 * self.speed.x / self.max_speed).asin().clamp(-0.2, 0.2);
// Integrate acceleration, speed and compute position.
self.acc += self.speed * self.friction;
let max_speed = self.max_speed;
self.speed = clamp2d(self.speed + self.acc * delta_t, -max_speed, max_speed);
self.pos += self.speed * delta_t;
self.angle += self.angle_speed * delta_t;
// Kill actors out of the game boundaries.
self.alive &= self.pos.x > -0.5 * GAME_SIZE
&& self.pos.x < 1.5 * GAME_SIZE
&& self.pos.y > -0.5 * GAME_SIZE
&& self.pos.y < 1.5 * GAME_SIZE;
/// Returns a transformation the moves and turn the path to the
/// actor place.
fn transform(&self) -> GeomPresTransform {
let (c, s) = (self.angle.cos(), self.angle.sin());
GeomPresTransform::try_from([c, s, -s, c, self.pos.x, self.pos.y]).unwrap()
/// Returns true when this actor overlaps with the specified one.
/// Collision shape is a disc.
fn overlaps_with(&self, other: &Actor) -> bool {
let d = self.radius + other.radius;
let u = self.pos - other.pos; < d * d
/// Monotonic function counting ennemies created since the start of the game.
fn ennemy_count(game_time: std::time::Duration) -> i32 {
let t = game_time.as_secs_f32();
(0.0005 * t * t + 2.0 * t) as i32
pub struct Spaceship {
height: usize,
width: usize,
actors: Vec<Actor>,
time: Duration,
rng: StdRng,
impl Spaceship {
pub fn new() -> Spaceship {
Spaceship {
height: GAME_SIZE as usize,
width: GAME_SIZE as usize,
actors: vec![],
time: Duration::ZERO,
rng: StdRng::seed_from_u64(43),
impl Spaceship {
fn update_actors(
&mut self,
delta_t: Duration,
keyboard: &Keyboard,
composition: &mut Composition,
) {
// Create ennemies that poped since the last frame.
let new_ennemies = ennemy_count(self.time + delta_t) - ennemy_count(self.time);
for _ in 0..new_ennemies {
let actor = Actor::create_ennemy(&mut self.rng, composition);
// Iterate over all mutable pairs of actors, and apply interactions.
for a_idx in 0..self.actors.len() {
let mut b_iter = self.actors[a_idx..].iter_mut();
let a =;
b_iter.for_each(|b| a.interact(b));
// Update the position of each actor.
self.actors.iter_mut().for_each(|a| a.update(keyboard, delta_t.as_secs_f32()));
fn update_composition_and_cleanup_actors(&mut self, composition: &mut Composition) {
// Update the compoisition.
for (order, a) in self.actors.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if a.alive {
let order = Order::new(order as u32).unwrap();
a.layer = match mem::replace(&mut a.layer, Ok(Order::new(0).unwrap())) {
Ok(cached_order) => {
if cached_order != order {
let layer = composition.remove(cached_order).unwrap();
composition.insert(order, layer);
Err(layer) => {
composition.insert(order, layer);
} else if let Ok(order) = a.layer {
// Remove actors that are no longer in use.
self.actors.retain(|a| a.alive);
impl Default for Spaceship {
fn default() -> Self {
impl App for Spaceship {
fn width(&self) -> usize {
fn height(&self) -> usize {
fn set_width(&mut self, width: usize) {
self.width = width;
fn set_height(&mut self, height: usize) {
self.height = height;
fn compose(&mut self, composition: &mut Composition, elapsed: Duration, keyboard: &Keyboard) {
// Initialize game : create the player actor on the very first frame.
if self.actors.is_empty() {
// Run game simulation.
self.update_actors(elapsed, keyboard, composition);
self.time += elapsed;
// Update display.
/// Returns a dented circle path.
fn potatoe_path(x: f32, y: f32, radius: f32, rng: &mut StdRng) -> Path {
let range = 0.07..1.4;
.move_to(Point::new(x + radius, y))
Point::new(x + radius, y - radius),
Point::new(x, y - radius),
Point::new(x - radius, y - radius),
Point::new(x - radius, y),
Point::new(x - radius, y + radius),
Point::new(x, y + radius),
Point::new(x + radius, y + radius),
Point::new(x + radius, y),
/// Return a spaceship path.
fn ship_path() -> Path {
.move_to(Point::new(0.0, 50.0))
.line_to(Point::new(40.0, 50.0))
.line_to(Point::new(40.0, 60.0))
.cubic_to(Point::new(47.0, 56.0), Point::new(54.0, 57.0), Point::new(60.0, 60.0))
.line_to(Point::new(60.0, 50.0))
.line_to(Point::new(80.0, 50.0))
.line_to(Point::new(80.0, 10.0))
.cubic_to(Point::new(67.0, -3.0), Point::new(50.0, -13.0), Point::new(30.0, -20.0))
.line_to(Point::new(25.0, -51.0))
.line_to(Point::new(30.0, -52.0))
.line_to(Point::new(30.0, -70.0))
.line_to(Point::new(21.0, -74.0))
.cubic_to(Point::new(17.0, -90.0), Point::new(9.0, -102.0), Point::new(0.0, -107.0))
.cubic_to(Point::new(-9.0, -102.0), Point::new(-17.0, -90.0), Point::new(-21.0, -74.0))
.line_to(Point::new(-30.0, -70.0))
.line_to(Point::new(-30.0, -52.0))
.line_to(Point::new(-25.0, -51.0))
.line_to(Point::new(-30.0, -20.0))
.cubic_to(Point::new(-50.0, -13.0), Point::new(-67.0, -3.0), Point::new(-80.0, 10.0))
.line_to(Point::new(-80.0, 50.0))
.line_to(Point::new(-60.0, 50.0))
.line_to(Point::new(-60.0, 60.0))
.cubic_to(Point::new(-54.0, 57.0), Point::new(-47.0, 56.0), Point::new(-40.0, 60.0))
.line_to(Point::new(-40.0, 50.0))
.line_to(Point::new(0.0, 50.0))