blob: 498672ac3a59e6d3b4683cb15f05fd7661837169 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// This file is based on the official FIDL grammar:
// It uses the participle parser library:
// A quick primer on participle:
// - It has separate lexing and parsing stages.
// - Lexer tokens are defined by regexes.
// - Productions are defined by structs with tags on each field.
// - The tags get concatenated (e.g. parens can be unbalanced within a tag).
// - Tags have the format `<exp1> <exp2> ... <expN>`.
// - Expression `"foo"` matches the literal "foo".
// - Expression `Foo` matches a Foo token.
// - Expression `@<exp>` captures <exp> into the field.
// - Expression `@@` recursively captures based on the field's type.
// - Tags for slice types can have multiple captures.
// - Boolean fields become true if a capture occurred.
// - Parentheses, `?`, `+`, `*`, `|` behave as expected.
var (
fidlLexer = lexer.MustSimple([]lexer.Rule{
{Name: "Whitespace", Pattern: `[ \n\r\t]`},
{Name: "Comment", Pattern: `//[^\n]*`},
{Name: "Punctuation", Pattern: "[.,;@=()]"},
{Name: "String", Pattern: `"(\\.|[^"\\])*"`},
// This pattern matches the FIDL lexer, which defers more precise
// numeric parsing to the flat AST stage.
{Name: "Number", Pattern: `[0-9][0-9a-fA-FxX._\-]*`},
{Name: "Identifier", Pattern: `[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?`},
// Define a fallback token so that the lexer never fails and we can
// ignore the rest of the file (see the Rest field in fidlTopLevel).
{Name: "Other", Pattern: `.*`},
fidlParser = participle.MustBuild(
participle.Elide("Whitespace", "Comment"),
type fidlTopLevel struct {
Header fidlLibraryHeader `@@`
Using []fidlUsing `@@*`
// Ignore the rest of the file by matching 0+ tokens of any kind. Rather
// than list every token type, we say ~"" (anything not equal to "").
Rest bool `(@~"")*`
type fidlLibraryHeader struct {
Attributes []fidlAttribute `@@*`
Library fidlCompoundIdentifier `"library" @@ ";"`
type fidlUsing struct {
Library fidlCompoundIdentifier `"using" @@`
Alias bool `("as" @Identifier)? ";"`
type fidlAttribute struct {
Name bool `"@" @Identifier`
Args []fidlAttributeArg `("(" @@ ("," @@)* ")")?`
type fidlAttributeArg struct {
Name bool `(@Identifier "=")?`
Value fidlConstant `@@`
type fidlConstant struct {
Identifier *fidlCompoundIdentifier `@@`
Literal bool `| @String | @Number | "true" | "false"`
type fidlCompoundIdentifier struct {
// Note: The field must be named "Pos" for participle to recognize it.
Pos lexer.Position
Parts []string `@Identifier ("." @Identifier)*`
// Note: fields exported for cmp.Diff.
type parsedFidl struct {
Decl parsedLibrary
Using []parsedLibrary
// Note: fields exported for cmp.Diff.
type parsedLibrary struct {
Library library
Line, Column int
func parseFidl(input string) (parsedFidl, error) {
var (
top fidlTopLevel
parsed parsedFidl
filename = ""
err := fidlParser.ParseString(filename, input, &top)
if err != nil {
return parsed, err
parsed.Decl = toParsedLibrary(top.Header.Library)
for _, using := range top.Using {
parsed.Using = append(parsed.Using, toParsedLibrary(using.Library))
return parsed, nil
func toParsedLibrary(ident fidlCompoundIdentifier) parsedLibrary {
return parsedLibrary{
Library: library(strings.Join(ident.Parts, ".")),
Line: ident.Pos.Line,
Column: ident.Pos.Column,
func (m *parsedLibrary) annotation(kind annotationKind, text string) annotation {
return annotation{
Line: m.Line,
Column: m.Column,
Kind: kind,
Text: text,
var fidlAnnotationRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`` +
// Multi-line mode: ^ and $ match begin/end of line OR text.
`(?m)` +
`^/.*/fidlbolt\.fidl:(\d+):(\d+).*?` +
`(` +
string(Info) + `|` +
string(Warning) + `|` +
string(Error) + `)` +
// parseFidlAnnotations parses a list of annotations from error output. It
// assumes that the output refers to a file called "fidlbolt.fidl".
// TODO: Use fidlc --format=json instead of regex parsing.
func parseFidlAnnotations(output string) []annotation {
matches := fidlAnnotationRegexp.FindAllStringSubmatch(output, -1)
var anns []annotation
for _, m := range matches {
line, err := strconv.Atoi(m[1])
if err != nil {
column, err := strconv.Atoi(m[2])
if err != nil {
anns = append(anns, annotation{
Line: line,
Column: column,
Kind: annotationKind(m[3]),
Text: m[4],
return anns