blob: 9b4fbdd011377578f751ef257517261c7f4545fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import Ace = AceAjax;
export type Mode = Ace.TextMode;
export type Annotation = Ace.Annotation;
export type Options = {
[name: string]: string | number | boolean | null;
export interface Editor extends Ace.Editor {
commands: CommandManager;
interface CommandManager extends Ace.CommandManager {
// Missing in the latest @types/ace.
removeCommand(name: string): void;
export interface Session extends Ace.IEditSession {
// An extra property used to keep track of error status.
fidlboltErrorSession: boolean;
selection: Selection;
setMode(mode: Mode | string): void;
interface Selection extends Ace.Selection {
// Missing in the latest @types/ace.
toJSON(): object;
fromJSON(json: object): void;
export interface SavedSession {
value: string;
selection: object;
scrollTop: number;
scrollLeft: number;
undoStack: object;
const MAX_SAVED_UNDOS = 100;
export function edit(id: string): Editor {
return window.ace.edit(id) as Editor;
export function createEditSession(text: string, mode: Mode): Session {
return window.ace.createEditSession(text, mode) as Session;
export function sessionToJSON(session: Session): SavedSession {
const undos = (session.getUndoManager() as any).$undoStack;
return {
value: session.getValue(),
selection: session.selection.toJSON(),
scrollTop: session.getScrollTop(),
scrollLeft: session.getScrollLeft(),
undoStack: undos.slice(Math.max(undos.length - MAX_SAVED_UNDOS, 0)),
export function sessionFromJSON(json: SavedSession, mode: Mode): Session {
const session = ace.createEditSession(json.value, mode) as Session;
(session.getUndoManager() as any).$undoStack = json.undoStack;
session.fidlboltErrorSession = false;
return session;