blob: 7b14eb0e6688c3637731645d9e0eef37b1fef3d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// A library is a FIDL library represented by its name (as spelled in its
// "library" declaration, not necessarily matching directory or file names).
type library string
// The zx library describes Zircon syscalls.
const zxLibrary library = "zx"
// A libraryMap stores information derived about a group of libraries.
type libraryMap map[library]libraryInfo
type libraryInfo struct {
// Directory containing the library.
dir string
// FIDL files that make up the library (relative to dir, or absolute).
files []string
// Direct dependencies (imported by "using" declarations in files).
deps []library
// A libraryCache is a thread-safe, append-only libraryMap.
type libraryCache struct {
libs libraryMap
func (c *libraryCache) get(lib library) (libraryInfo, bool) {
defer c.RUnlock()
info, ok := c.libs[lib]
return info, ok
func (c *libraryCache) storeNew(libs libraryMap) {
// Avoid write contention by skipping the operation if all the libraries in
// libs are already in the cache.
if !c.hasNew(libs) {
defer c.Unlock()
for lib, info := range libs {
if _, ok := c.libs[lib]; !ok {
c.libs[lib] = info
func (c *libraryCache) hasNew(libs libraryMap) bool {
defer c.RUnlock()
for lib := range libs {
if _, ok := c.libs[lib]; !ok {
return true
return false
// libraryAnalyzer analyzes FIDL files to infer library dependencies. It caches
// information to speed up future analyses.
type libraryAnalyzer struct {
// Paths in which to search for FIDL library files. Given library,
// the analyzer will check if $P/ exists for each path $P in paths.
// If one of these exists, it reads all descendent .fidl files.
paths []string
// Global cache of library information.
cache libraryCache
func newLibraryAnalyzer(paths []string) *libraryAnalyzer {
return &libraryAnalyzer{
paths: paths,
cache: libraryCache{
libs: make(libraryMap),
const existingLibraryNotice = "" +
"NOTE: Your file will be compiled with the others in this library. " +
"If you don't want this behavior, choose a different library name."
// An analysis is the result of regex-parsing "library" and "using" declarations
// in a FIDL file and all its transitive dependencies that can be located.
type analysis struct {
// The library name from the input FIDL file, or "" if parsing failed.
root library
// Map containing the root library (even when it is "") and all transitive
// dependencies discovered during analysis.
libs libraryMap
// Annotations on the "library" and "using" declarations of the input FIDL
// file indicating their inferred location in the Fuchsia source tree.
annotations []annotation
// analyze analyzes content. It assumes that filename is a FIDL file containing
// content. If any library cannot be located in a.paths, it is silently ignored.
func (a *libraryAnalyzer) analyze(filename, content string) analysis {
result := analysis{libs: make(libraryMap)}
root, err := parseFidl(content)
if err != nil {
// If we can't parse the library name, there's no point in continuing.
// We could make this function return an error and report that to the
// user. However, we prefer to invoke fidlc anyway and show its error.
// So, we set the libraryMap such that fidlcFileArgs() will produce
// --files filename.
result.libs[""] = libraryInfo{files: []string{filename}}
return result
result.root = root.Decl.Library
// Start with a stack containing the root library (if it's a platform source
// library, meaning we can expect to find it in the tree) and its imports.
var stack []library
if result.root.isPlatform() {
stack = append(stack, result.root)
for _, using := range root.Using {
stack = append(stack, using.Library)
// Explore all dependencies via depth-first search.
for len(stack) != 0 {
// Pop a library and check if it needs processing.
var lib library
lib, stack = stack[len(stack)-1], stack[:len(stack)-1]
if _, ok := result.libs[lib]; ok {
// Check the analyzer's cache.
if info, ok := a.cache.get(lib); ok {
result.libs[lib] = info
stack = append(stack, info.deps...)
// Find the library's files and dependencies.
var info libraryInfo
for _, path := range a.paths {
for _, dir := range lib.possibleDirs() {
if !info.empty() {
info.dir = filepath.Join(path, dir)
// Keep track of already-seen imports to ensure that info.deps
// has no duplicates (there won't be duplicates in a valid FIDL
// file, but separate files might import the same library).
seen := map[library]struct{}{}
// Visit all .fidl files, including in subdirectories:
filepath.Walk(info.dir, func(file string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil || fi.IsDir() || filepath.Ext(file) != ".fidl" {
return err
rel, err := filepath.Rel(info.dir, file)
if err != nil {
return err
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
return err
parsed, err := parseFidl(string(b))
if err != nil || parsed.Decl.Library != lib {
return nil
info.files = append(info.files, rel)
for _, using := range parsed.Using {
dep := using.Library
if _, ok := seen[dep]; ok {
seen[dep] = struct{}{}
info.deps = append(info.deps, dep)
stack = append(stack, dep)
return nil
if !info.empty() {
result.libs[lib] = info
// Cache reusable results first, before adding request-specific information.
// The following handles two cases:
// 1. (More common) The user typed something like `library foo;`. This
// is a new library outside the source tree, consisting of one file.
// 2. The user typed something like `library;`. This behaves as
// if they were adding a new file to the library, alongside
// the other ones in the source tree.
rootInfo := libraryInfo{files: []string{filename}}
for _, using := range root.Using {
rootInfo.deps = append(rootInfo.deps, using.Library)
if info, ok := result.libs[using.Library]; ok {
text := fmt.Sprintf("Found %s in %s", using.Library, info.userVisibleDir())
result.annotations = append(result.annotations, using.annotation(Info, text))
if info, ok := result.libs[result.root]; ok {
rootInfo = mergeInfo(rootInfo, info)
text := fmt.Sprintf("Found %s in %s\n\n%s",
result.root, info.userVisibleDir(), existingLibraryNotice)
result.annotations = append(result.annotations, root.Decl.annotation(Info, text))
result.libs[result.root] = rootInfo
return result
// fidlcFileArgs returns a list of arguments to pass to fidlc to compile the
// libraries in m. This is a fairly expensive operation. It returns an error if
// there is an import cycle.
func (m libraryMap) fidlcFileArgs() ([]string, error) {
sorted, err := m.topologicalSort()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Iterate in reverse order so that dependencies come before dependents.
var args []string
for i := len(sorted) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
lib := sorted[i]
args = append(args, "--files")
info := m[lib]
for _, file := range info.files {
// When the user declares their file as belong to an existing
// library, their file will be an absolute path in a temp directory.
// Otherwise, all files are relative to info.dir.
if filepath.IsAbs(file) {
args = append(args, file)
} else {
args = append(args, filepath.Join(info.dir, file))
return args, nil
// dependencyGraph returns a map representing the the dependency graph of m.
// Each key is a library name, and each value is another map whose keys are its
// direct dependencies.
func (m libraryMap) dependencyGraph() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
// Make sure there are no cycles, otherwise this will never terminate.
if _, err := m.topologicalSort(); err != nil {
return nil, err
sources := map[library]struct{}{}
for lib := range m {
sources[lib] = struct{}{}
for _, info := range m {
for _, dep := range info.deps {
delete(sources, dep)
var start []library
for lib := range sources {
start = append(start, lib)
var gen func(libs []library) map[string]interface{}
gen = func(libs []library) map[string]interface{} {
g := map[string]interface{}{}
for _, lib := range libs {
g[string(lib)] = gen(m[library(lib)].deps)
return g
return gen(start), nil
// topologicalSort runs topological sort on m, whose deps fields define a
// directed graph in adjacency list form. In the resulting list, libraries only
// depend on other libraries later in the list, not on earlier ones. Returns
// an error if there is a cycle.
func (m libraryMap) topologicalSort() ([]library, error) {
var sorted []library
incoming := map[library]int{}
for u := range m {
incoming[u] = 0
for _, info := range m {
for _, v := range info.deps {
var src []library
for u, deg := range incoming {
if deg == 0 {
src = append(src, u)
for len(src) != 0 {
var u library
u, src = src[len(src)-1], src[:len(src)-1]
sorted = append(sorted, u)
for _, v := range m[u].deps {
if incoming[v] == 0 {
src = append(src, v)
for _, deg := range incoming {
if deg != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("detected an import cycle")
return sorted, nil
// possibleDirs returns directory names that lib's files might be found in.
func (lib library) possibleDirs() []string {
if lib == zxLibrary {
// The zx library is a special case: its .fidl files are in a
// directory named "vsdo" (fuchsia/zircon/vdso), not "zx".
return []string{"vdso"}
// Currently this function always returns one result. It used to also return
// strings.ReplaceAll(string(lib), ".", "-") back when zircon/system/fidl/
// had FIDL files under that scheme. We are keeping the []string return type
// in case this needs to return multiple results again in the future.
return []string{string(lib)}
// isPlatform returns true if lib adheres to the naming scheme for platform
// source libraries (enforced by the FIDL linter).
func (lib library) isPlatform() bool {
s := string(lib)
return strings.HasPrefix(s, "fidl.") ||
strings.HasPrefix(s, "fuchsia.") ||
strings.HasPrefix(s, "test.")
// empty returns true if i represents an empty library (has no files).
func (i *libraryInfo) empty() bool {
return len(i.files) == 0
// userVisibleDir returns a representation of i.dir to show to the user.
func (i *libraryInfo) userVisibleDir() string {
dir := filepath.ToSlash(i.dir)
if i := strings.Index(dir, "/fuchsia/"); i != -1 {
return dir[i+1:]
return dir
// mergeInfo returns a combination of the information in info and other. It
// assumes that only one of them has dir set.
func mergeInfo(info, other libraryInfo) libraryInfo {
if info.dir != "" && other.dir != "" {
panic("mergeInfo called with incompatible dirs")
if info.dir == "" {
info.dir = other.dir
info.files = append(info.files, other.files...)
deps := map[library]struct{}{}
for _, lib := range info.deps {
deps[lib] = struct{}{}
for _, lib := range other.deps {
if _, ok := deps[lib]; !ok {
info.deps = append(info.deps, lib)
return info