blob: b02517a95f7cef4ec077ef13cddf00197e6c00f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::str;
use sdk::fuchsia_root;
use utils::is_mac;
foreign_links {
links {
SDK(::sdk::Error, ::sdk::ErrorKind);
pub fn netaddr(verbose: bool) -> Result<String> {
let fuchsia_root = fuchsia_root()?;
let netaddr_binary = fuchsia_root.join("out/build-magenta/tools/netaddr");
let netaddr_result = Command::new(netaddr_binary).arg("--fuchsia")
let result = str::from_utf8(&netaddr_result.stdout).unwrap().trim().to_string();
if verbose {
println!("netaddr result = {}", result);
pub fn scp_to_device(verbose: bool,
netaddr: &String,
source_path: &PathBuf,
destination_path: &String)
-> Result<()> {
let destination_with_address = format!("[{}]:{}", netaddr, destination_path);
let fuchsia_root = fuchsia_root()?;
let ssh_config = fuchsia_root.join("out/debug-x86-64/ssh-keys/ssh_config");
let ssh_result = Command::new("scp").arg(if verbose { "-v" } else { "-q" })
.chain_err(|| "unable to run scp")?;
if !ssh_result.success() {
bail!("scp failed with error {:?}", ssh_result);
pub fn ssh(verbose: bool, command: &str) -> Result<()> {
let netaddr = netaddr(verbose)?;
let fuchsia_root = fuchsia_root()?;
let ssh_config = fuchsia_root.join("out/debug-x86-64/ssh-keys/ssh_config");
let ssh_result = Command::new("ssh").arg("-q")
.chain_err(|| "unable to run ssh")?;
if !ssh_result.success() {
bail!("ssh failed: {}", ssh_result);
pub fn start_emulator(with_graphics: bool) -> Result<()> {
let fuchsia_root = fuchsia_root()?;
let run_magenta_script = fuchsia_root.join("scripts/run-magenta-x86-64");
let user_bootfs = fuchsia_root.join("out/debug-x86-64/user.bootfs");
let user_bootfs_str = user_bootfs.to_str().unwrap();
let mut args = vec!["-N", "-x", user_bootfs_str];
if with_graphics {
let child = Command::new(run_magenta_script).args(&args)
.chain_err(|| "unable to run magenta")?;
println!("emulator started with process ID {}",;
if is_mac() {
let user = env::var("USER").unwrap();
// TODO; Poll for /dev/tap0 as it can take a while for the emulator
// to create it.
println!("Calling sudo ifconfig to bring up tap0 interface; password may be required.");
let chown_status = Command::new("sudo").arg("chown")
.chain_err(|| "couldn't run chown")?;
if !chown_status.success() {
bail!("chown failed: {}", chown_status);
let ifconfig_status = Command::new("sudo").arg("ifconfig")
.chain_err(|| "couldn't run ifconfig")?;
if !ifconfig_status.success() {
bail!("ifconfig failed: {}", chown_status);
println!("tap0 enabled");
.chain_err(|| "couldn't run stty")?;
pub fn stop_emulator() -> Result<()> {