blob: 9cc93c1277014a80a9a583372c5cb2195982b6f1 [file] [log] [blame]
### run e2e tests for ermine shell
## Usage: ./topaz/shell/ermine/test/run-e2e-ermine
## Runs the End to End tests from the current build, against the current
## hardware target.
## Hint:
## Use fx --dir and/or fx -d flags to modulate the selected build directory or
## target device.
source "$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"/../../../../ && pwd)"/tools/devshell/lib/
fx-command-run serve-updates &
# To ensure any children of the above get the signal, we kill our whole process
# group.
trap "trap - EXIT; kill 0" EXIT
sleep 3
export FUCHSIA_IPV4_ADDR=$(fx-command-run shell ifconfig eth | perl -n -e 'print $1 if /inet addr:(\S*)/')
if [[ -z "$FUCHSIA_IPV4_ADDR" ]]; then
fx-error "Can not determine IPV4 address of Fuchsia target"
exit 1
export FUCHSIA_SSH_KEY="${FUCHSIA_DIR}/.ssh/pkey"
export FUCHSIA_TEST_OUTDIR="${FUCHSIA_OUT_DIR}/test_out/$(date +'%F-%H:%M:%S')"
"${FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR}/host_x64/ermine_session_shell_test" "$@"