blob: 133e2ccd1590efbfb6741e88174ac3e46fa0a1dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_intl/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_settings/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_ui_remotewidgets/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_services/services.dart' show StartupContext;
import 'package:internationalization/strings.dart';
import 'package:quickui/quickui.dart';
/// Defines a [UiSpec] for displaying and changing timezone.
class TimeZone extends UiSpec {
// Localized strings.
static String get _title => Strings.timezone;
// Action to change timezone.
static int changeAction = QuickAction.details.$value;
_TimeZoneModel model;
Future<List<TimeZoneInfo>> Function() timeZonesProvider;
TimeZone({IntlProxy intlSettingsService, this.timeZonesProvider}) {
model = _TimeZoneModel(
intlSettingsService: intlSettingsService,
onChange: _onChange,
factory TimeZone.fromStartupContext(StartupContext startupContext) {
final intlSettingsService = IntlProxy();
final timeZonesLoader = _TimeZonesLoader();
final timezone = TimeZone(
intlSettingsService: intlSettingsService,
timeZonesProvider: timeZonesLoader.getList);
return timezone;
void _onChange() async {
spec = await _specForTimeZone(model);
void update(Value value) async {
if (value.$tag == ValueTag.button &&
value.button.action == QuickAction.cancel.$value) {
spec = await _specForTimeZone(model);
} else if (value.$tag == ValueTag.text && value.text.action > 0) {
if (value.text.action == changeAction) {
spec = await _specForTimeZone(model, changeAction);
} else {
final index = value.text.action ^ QuickAction.submit.$value;
model.timeZoneId = (await timeZonesProvider())[index].zoneId;
spec = await _specForTimeZone(model);
void dispose() {
Future<Spec> _specForTimeZone(_TimeZoneModel model, [int action = 0]) async {
if (action == 0 || action & QuickAction.cancel.$value > 0) {
return Spec(title: _title, groups: [
Group(title: _title, values: [
text: model.timeZoneId,
action: changeAction,
} else if (action == changeAction) {
var timeZones = await timeZonesProvider();
final values = List<TextValue>.generate(
(index) => TextValue(
text: timeZones[index].zoneId,
action: QuickAction.submit.$value | index,
return Spec(title: _title, groups: [
Group(title: 'Select Timezone', values: [
columns: 1,
values: values,
label: 'close',
action: QuickAction.cancel.$value,
} else {
return null;
class _TimeZoneModel {
IntlProxy intlSettingsService;
final VoidCallback onChange;
IntlSettings _intlSettings;
_TimeZoneModel({this.intlSettingsService, this.onChange}) {
// Get current timezone and watch it for changes.;
Future<void> _onIntlSettingsChange(IntlSettings intlSettings) async {
bool timeZoneChanged = (_intlSettings == null) ||
( !=;
_intlSettings = intlSettings;
if (timeZoneChanged) {
// Use the FIDL "hanging get" pattern to request the next update.
if (intlSettingsService != null) {
void dispose() {
intlSettingsService = null;
String get timeZoneId =>
_intlSettings == null ? null :;
set timeZoneId(String value) {
final IntlSettings newIntlSettings = IntlSettings(
locales: _intlSettings.locales,
temperatureUnit: _intlSettings.temperatureUnit,
timeZoneId: TimeZoneId(id: value));
// Information needed to render a time zone list entry.
class TimeZoneInfo {
/// The ICU standard zone ID.
final String zoneId;
const TimeZoneInfo({this.zoneId});
// Loads and caches a list of time zones from the Ermine package.
class _TimeZonesLoader {
final _memoizer = AsyncMemoizer<List<TimeZoneInfo>>();
Future<List<TimeZoneInfo>> getList() async => _memoizer.runOnce(_loadList);
Future<List<TimeZoneInfo>> _loadList() async {
var file = File('/pkg/data/tz_ids.txt');
List<TimeZoneInfo> timeZones = (await file.readAsLines())
.map((id) => TimeZoneInfo(zoneId: id))
return timeZones;